
Naruko Uzumaki's family in the multiverse.

Naruko and her new family venture into the infinite multiverse. A/N First Fanfic written on Webnovel and second fanfic ever written by me. The first is on Wattpad(tarikari_). Please do enjoy the story and make comments on where I could improve. P.S. The cover is not mine.

Tari_Soala · Tranh châm biếm
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Shinobu Oshino Bio currently. Will change as story progresses

Name: Shinobu Oshino

Gender: Female

Race: 1/2 Vampire, 1/2 Endless

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality(Types 1,3,7) Non-Corporeal, Reality Warping, Abstract Existence (Type 1), Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Abstract Existence (Type 1. Being the daughter of Endless Death who is a wave function--idea, pattern, repeating motif. She is the daughter of Death in the most literal sense) Soul Manipulation, Life & Death Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Regeneration (High-Godly), Flight(via wings), Teleportation, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Mind Manipulation, Incorporeality, Immortality Nullification (Can great death to immortals from heritage and weapons), Cloth Manipulation (Can alter clothes to suit her needs), Dimensional Storage (Body act as separate dimension that contains a universal sized realm)

Attack Potency: At least Continental Class+ (The recoil of her jump nearly destroyed the continent of Antarctica), At least Multiversal. As a vampire as she was capable of destroying the Earth at her best. Is far stronger than before and has Endless physiology.

Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Traveled from Antarctica to Japan with a single jump, which would be Mach 682, assuming the jump took an entire minute), Speed of Light (Was able to circle the globe seven and a half times in a second as only a vampire at her best) MFTL+ as she is massively faster than her previous maximum.

Lifting Strength: At least Class G (Brought rain clouds inland with her bare hands), likely higher (That feat is casual and the true extent of her strength when serious is unknown.)

Durability: Varies (Able to be killed by anyone if she wishes, when trying to die was able to be damaged by Dramaturgy, Episode, Guillotine Cutter, and Koyomi, yet is able to survive far stronger attacks without a scratch when she wants to), Atleast Multiversal level+ currently via regeneration and having Endless physiology.

Stamina: Nigh-Infinite thanks to regeneration.

Control Art Restriction: A form of seal to limit power.

Standard Equipment: Demon sword Kokorowatari and Demon sword Yumewatari.