

Early in the morning, adam wake up in the tent that he brought to sleep behind his new home. Looking to the abandon building, smiling like summer lemon while thinking the expenses.

"I don't have to pay the lesson, the practicum and the books, I don't need to pay house, and most of all there is free lunch in the canteen. whoo what could be the worse in this life." adan shout talking to his self.

"Gonna be ready to go to school " he followed.

8:00 am in the morning adam going early to the staff to file some additional paper for his student and go to the guidance office. Then he follow a certain teacher looking straight without question. He follow the teacher until inside of a classroom. The atmosphere is unusual. Adam then notice something odd to his new classmate, they are all younger to him. As he expected he can't shortcut the lesson based on the age only. adam fluster and sad at the same time.

"Good morning everyone my name is Adam Beckon and starting for today I'm your classmate in this class, pleasure to meet you all" adam greet to the class.

the students are happy to see the new student while it is awkward when a 15 year old kid goes to the 12 year old kids.

" no worry adam this is also their third day in this Academy. Just relax and learn some fun." the teacher said.

Adam smile to them awkwardly then find a sit in the last row. while looking to every side and corner of the room. He then look up and look again in the front, thinking how the classroom so majestic and amazing. He also see some weird symbols and looks like word but not entirely , yet it is organize and matches to the design of the room.

The bell ring and the teacher decided to stop the lesson for the day. Adam make a smoke around on his head while his eyes is tired enough to nap.

"what's next?" adam unconsciously said it loud due to the dizziness he feel.

"it's practicum in the afternoon, wait are you alright,mate?" a student said to adam.

"yea-, yeah I'm okay yes. Thanks for the heads up." adam said and smile.

"you're welcome, I'm Thrax, Thrax code" the student said.

"Adam, sorry I'm Adam, Adam Beckon." adam replied.

"So Where you headed?" Thrax ask.

"I think, I'm gonna grab some lunch, uhmm wanna come?" adam replied

"yes, yes absolutely"

while eating, Thrax explain the rules and regulations of the academy.

Every uniform collar have different color:

first year is green

second is yellow

third is red

fourth is blue

and fifth is white.

The rule is academy are very similar to a normal school but this Academy have a Monarchy. Where you can be the leader like king and queen. well it also called the students council in the public view. The student council is the power in the academy.

The student president as you know is dianna

waller. One the most beautiful student in the academy and she is also the most powerful student here in this Academy. she clear many mission and one World-risk mission.

Many of the students respect her and praise her.

"hmmm I See" adam piss and almost mess his food.

while talking , three third year student approach them and smack thrax in the back of his head. Adam surprised and stand up, want to stop them but Thrax throw a hand on Adam's face make a symbol of stop and look to adam with desperate. Adam calm down and sit again.

"What's wrong with them, Clearly the students president have only power and not discipline." adam said to Thrax.

"don't say that, you know why she is good at combat and very influencial person? Because she is daughter of god of heaven and sky you know,Daughter of zeus. It's in their blood of the god that they are excels in fight, especially the daughter of the leader of the olympian." Thrax tried to warn adam to watch his mouth.

"hmmp! dont care, she's just a spoiled brat to me." adam replied.

"hmmm a spoiled brat,I see" Dianna interfere to the conversation of the two of them.

"Why, wh- why are you here Ms. Pres" Thrax back to his sit and ask.

"just walking around, you could say I'm patrolling." Dianna replied.

"And rude enough to butt in another conversation I see." adam said it.

many student stop and watch them in far. no one dared to stop the conversation and try to silence as much.

" I'm done Thrax, I'm gonna leave you here with her, seems like you are the only one who can talk to her right now" adam said."


"wait mr. Beckon, I have something say to you" Dianna said, adam stop and look her in the eye.

"watch your back." Dianna said.

Adam walk continue, making distance to table. Thrax then apologize to the student president and running towards adam.

Dianna still look adam until he vanish in her sight.

"what the hell! why are you angry at her, adam"

"I'm just piss off. she didn't stop the three idiots who smack you earlier." adam replied

"Why do you say that, what if she didn't see those three? maybe she arrived when you say those words?" Thrax ask.

"I, I just know!" adam said

"you just know huh, anyway what will be your future now?"

Adam then remember earlier

why did I know she is near adam thought.

I feel the zap in my skin like electrify or something. Maybe Thrax told that she is son of Zeus that's why I knew , what I felt came to her.

"Thanks by the way, for what you think about me."thrax said.

Adam knows that there is consequences of what he did, but he felt in that moment what he did, did the right thing.

" ahh no problem, friend" adam friend

"yes friend"

"by the way why are they bullying you?" adam ask

"well, I study here in this Academy for 3 years and I'm still first year."

"What!!!? you're the same age as me?"

"my father wouldn't let me graduate me let alone go up in the second year."

" I made my choice to come here and leave my status behind and save what my precious is, but my family wouldn't help me."

"Wait hold on, family, who is that father of yours why he wouldn't help you??" adam ask

"it's it's hahhhh it's Ares."

"Ares huh hmmm so his name ares who is he?" adam question again.

"honestly you don't know, Ares the god of war" Thrax said and also surprised why is adam don't know about that name.

"THE GOD OF-!!!"