


they stop for a moment and adam stare Thrax fiercely.

"why do you like that? adam ask.

Thrax then confused of why adam ask that.

"what? That's all you could say? you believe that? Thrax also ask.

"we'll even if you lie, I will just trust your words. I don't have a evidence that you're not his son either." adam said then smile.

"Then, why are you like that. Look wimpy and dont have a confidence in your self."

"It's just I'm not talented you know." thrax said and tell adam why he is like that.

well I'm what you call a demigod, a half-blood you could say. they treat you almost a higher being because you have a blood of a god. But my half-brother and half-sister loathe me. Mostly they hate me because I'm half human. My mother is a full human, I don't know anything more than that. Later after I given birth, my mother pass away. I live my life in some orphan for 12 years. well it was normal life and I like it a lot till that day. Seems like a fate cannot be avoided.I'm 12 years old that day and someone wants to adopt me, of course I'm happy and have a parent who is willing to accept me heartfully. I live their house only a week because a monsters appeared and fighting out of nowhere, my parents didn't saw them and ignore my warning. Then one of the monster

thrown and land into our house. I don't know what happen after that, I woke up and saw the principal carrying me. He said I was the only survivor and Ares claimed me. I don't know who he is at that time.

"what is that mean?, claimed?"

"I'm also don't know that much, I only know that once you graduate you can join the certain God's cabin and consider it you're home. Eventually you can see who own that cabin." Thrax replied.

" ehemm secure future."

" yes, because of that they my half-brothers and half-sister despise me."

"HAHAHAHAAH I bet they do!" Adam suddenly laugh.

"and yet I'm pathetic, I couldn't even graduate even more couldn't go to the second year....."

"Guess you dont know what you're capable of..." adam said.

"No! I'm just wimpy talentless pathethic idiot"

"huh? then why are you here?"

"to see my father and ask why he claimed me."

"then you have a goal, just don't give up" adam said


"you know it doesn't change the fact I'm pathetic Even if you said bever give up." Thrax said.


later that time, the class of the afternoon starting soon. Every Wednesday they have a joint practice of the other uear student so that they cooperate and teach their junior student. The first joint is first year and third year. This day is the first practicum lesson of the first year, Because of that they first lesson is they let them chose what they most confident in. After some moment, adam think what is the most efficient and easiest to learn so that he can leave early and fix his dorm. Adam max out his ideas and choose sword. adam wants to hold a gun but not on the weapon set they give. sword is the most common thing he thought that is why he chose sword. Thrax want to use bow and arrow because that's what he train for three years. Adam saw that thrax pick bow and arrow, adam seems disappointed and approach Thrax.

"wait, why bow?" Adam ask

"I don't like how to fight closer and I've chosen bow seen I've been here in the academy." Thrax replied.

"dont you think you're suited using a sword?"

"what do you mean by that?"

"I mean, you know I'm new in this world but, a red boy who is taller and huge than me using a bow?.... no no it's okay, just forget what I said. I don't have a right. do your own thing. "

"Okay" thrax replied confused why adam said that.

Even it's called joint lesson, they're separate to the third year because the instructor gave a lesson and observe and study the weapon they holding. Its like a shadow boxing in the human world. practicing their own and learning how to fight and stances that they learn in their childhood.

Then the three third year again in front of them, mocking and bully again.

"Look who's here, A talentless prick just want to be funny."

"hmmm training for what? looks like a whole circus"

"you really have no shame?"

three keep laughing and smack on his head.

while adam saw it and cant take anymore, he then walk towards to them and talk.

"what seems to be the problem?" adam ask

"don't butt in freshman"

"yah don't get in the way"

"you ruining the mood" he then spit at Adam's uniform.

Adam then snapped and clench his fist, Thrax stop and make him calm down.

"Wait,dont they're also son of ares they are more powerful than you thought."

adam look closely to their physical appearance. red hair, red eye and huge body just like Thrax. adam then smile.

"why is he laughing?"

"what's wrong with him?"

"yeah what the hell?" the three idiots ask

"HAHAHAHAH I GET IT" adam said.

"you beat him up because he's talentless? no..no..no.... you didn't do that just for fun either..... hmmmm I get it you're just jealous" adam said.

"wha-" the idiot simultaneously said it.

"AHAHAHAH you think we didn't notice but I did"

"Thrax have been claimed, a so called talentless and pathetic kid claimed while you didn't??? hmmm I wonder how." adam continue to provoke them.

" shut the hell up freshman or you face the death!" one of the idiot said.

" what? I hit the mark?hmmmm... from what I heard it is hard to be claimed, it's so hard that a few student only has been claimed since the academy started and yet you're brother....ahahahah I love to say that he is lucky to be claimed by YOUR FATHER!" adam said to the three idiot.

A moment of silent in the practicum room and everyone including the instructor heard that. the instructor wants to stop the mess but dan suddenly appear and stop the instructor.

"let's just see what's if worse, we interfere" then the instructors nod.

back to the adam.

"what? say something?"

Thre three then angrily said to adam:

we challenge you to a team fight freshman.

"hah, now you want to fight to mere freshman? come on are all of ares sons and daughters like these? a pathetic losers, sorry no offense Thrax." adam look to thrax to sorry.

"what you scared?" one of the idiots ask and smirk.

"of course I'm scared, what the heck ! it's my first day today, why would I Acc-"

"if you win we give you 5,000 each of us"


everyone is excited what is going to happen.

A freshman first year vs a three third year senior.