
Myriad Adventure after 29 Death

After 29 Death, Nero decided to live his life as a normal person... but why is it so hard...

TreasurerOfDreams · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Family and Past Friends

"Silvie... Mom miss you so much...".

"Hm?", Nero/Silvie looked at the woman that hugs her without a warning in confusion, "I'm sorry but who are you?".

The woman heard her question and felt hurt, "Wuu... she didn't remember me, what do we do honey...", She turned toward the man and whimpered.

Saria also heard her question and couldn't help but explain, "Silvie, it's mother and father remember?".

Hearing that Nero/Silvie felt awkward, No wonder she looks a little hurt, but what can she do? this is not her body and she didn't have any memory of this body's past. So she can only awkwardly said, "Umm... I really don't remember anything...".

Hearing that the Woman cried even harder, "Wuu... Honey, I know we should have searched her ourselves, now look at her she didn't even remember us...".

"Okay, calm down... it's not that bad...", The man tried to calm the woman down but was met with the woman's deadly gaze, "Not that bad?! if not for you being busy and didn't protect our daughter well, can she be kidnapped? now you shut up for me!", hearing that, the man get a cold sweat and got silent.

"Err, it's okay mom... her memory will come back over time... and even if it didn't come back, can't we just make a new memory?", Saria tried to calm her down and control the situation, "If we said it like this, wouldn't she become uncomfortable?". Well, Nero/Silvie did feel a little bit uncomfortable, after all, being hugged and the other people called you their daughter without you knowing anything felt really weird.

"Ah, right right", The woman finally released her hug on Nero/Silvie, "I lost my composure a little...". She sat on Nero/Silvie's side and looked at the full table of food, "A-ah... so you're eating right now? go on continue, we'll talk after you're full". Hearing that, Nero/Silvie didn't really care much, she nodded and continue eating, for some reason she was always hungry, even in her last life. It's not that she was very malnourished, in fact, she ate a lot but was still so hungry and her money can't follow her rate of consumption. Now that there's free food in front of her, then eat and eat till full!.

Looking at Nero/Silvie eating so vigorously without any restrain as if she hadn't eaten for years made the woman's heart feels like it's being pierced by a hundred needles. What did her daughter experience for 10 years? thinking about it, her eyes turned watery again. Dragon has a physique 5 times stronger than humans, because of that, dragons eat a lot to fulfill their needs of energy, but even so, this consumption of her daughter far exceeded any dragon she met. Even her husband, being the strongest dragon doesn't eat so much. This shows how much her daughter has suffered these years... When she thought of this, some tears can't help but fall from her eyes.

Even so, the woman kept smiling as she asks, "Is it good?", Hearing that Nero/Silvie stopped eating for a second since it's her mother then she needs to answer right? so turn at the woman and smiled, "It's very good! I never eat food this delicious!". Hearing that and looking at her daughter's happy face, her heart feels even more painful, "Ahaha, it's good then, go on eating more", and with that Nero/Silvie continued eating.

After a few minutes, the empty plates in front of her have reached ten towers that almost reach the ceiling and Nero/Silvie rubbed her stomach in satisfaction, she had never been this full in all of her lives.

"Did you enjoy it?", Saria asked her which she answers, "Yeah, it's very good! umm... thank you for the food!", she wanted to stand up and bow but the woman stopped her, "What are you doing? it's all family, no need to be courteous", Saria also nodded on the side, "That's right Silvie, even if you want to eat all of the delicacies in the whole world you can just let me know".

"O-oh... okay then...", Well since they said it she won't be polite. The woman looked at her, "Silvie, can we talk now?". Oh right, what should she said in the first meeting like this?. "Well, this is not a good place to talk mother, let's go to the living room", Saria said after telling the maids and butlers to clean the table, "Right, let's go Silvie".



In the living room, the family all sat on the sofa. Nero/Silvie sat with the Woman and Saria, while the man sat by himself on the side, feeling left out. There's a lot of cookies and sweets on the table, for some reason Nero/Silvie really likes it after tasting it, so Saria told the maids to bring more.

Nero/Silvie didn't look at their appearance last time, now that she looked at it, her beauty is truly genes huh... Let's start with the woman first, If Nero and Saria can be said to be immature beauties, then this Woman is the queen of all beauty, her appearance didn't differ much from them except for the elegance of her every move, but that itself lifts her beauty level to a few more points, coupled with her white classy dress, she looked more holy and perfect.

As for the man, A strong energy can be felt by her but it was suppressed, probably because he didn't want everyone to feel pressured. His face was very handsome, with golden hair and little tan on his skin, from his body stature she knows that he trains a lot and from his few strands of golden hair that was slightly bend and his title, he probably wears crown a lot, but he didn't use it in this occasion was because of everyone is a family. His clothes were also golden, well now that she thought about it, I thought the royal dragons were all silver, then why is he all gold?.

The man probably notices her gaze and smiled, "Do you have any questions dear?". Thinking about it, it was probably rude to ask something like that in our first meeting right? so Nero/Silvie shook her head. "It's okay to ask if you have any questions dear, I'll hit him if he dares to be mad", the woman caressed her hair and said. Well, since she said so and to not have any slip of the tongue, Nero/Silvie decided to do things cleverly and pointed at Saria, herself, and the woman while saying, "Silver, Silver, Silver...", then she pointed at the man, "...gold?".

"Ah, I see your father is a rare occurrence, his grandfather is a human so his bloodline mutates and becomes the first-ever Golden dragon", The woman answered which Nero/Silvie nodded and she asked again, "Names?". Hearing that, Saria patted her head, "Ah right, we haven't introduced ourselves, welcome back Nero, I'm your sister, Saria SilverFeather!".

"Yes, welcome back Silvie, I'm your father, my name is Arthur SilverFeather", Arthur knows that his daughter lost her memory so he doesn't say anything at all from the past. Then the woman also said, "I'm your mother... and my name is Selena SilverFeather, and you... my daughter was named after the beautiful forest green forest where the elves stayed, Silvie SilverFeather".

Silvie... it's a beautiful name but... ah you know what, whatever, it's just a name anyway. Besides, she's already like this so no use denying it. Also, from the looks of it, this name was what keeps this family of the memory of this body so she won't be such a bad person and force them to change how they address her. So, from now on, let's just say her name is Silvie. As for the name that accompanied me from my first life, Nero... we'll keep that in mind. After all, everything from my past only left that name, if I even forget about it then I might forget my past. Although it's not all rainbow and fun, it's what I truly am.

Silvie thought and nodded, "My name is Silvie SilverFeather".

Selena looked at her daughter with a little downcast and happiness, "We cannot recover anything from the past 15 years, but we can make new memories from now on, and we won't lose you... again", Arthur nodded and said, "I already cancel all my appointment for a few days, we will stay here to accompany you, you okay with that right Saria dear", Saria also nodded, "There are only two rooms, Mom and Dad can sleep on the other while Silvie and I sleep on my room".

Hearing that, Silvie that ate a sweet almost choked, "What?!", Saria is not mad but explains, "We already separated for a long time, you also sleep in my room this morning so there won't be any problem", Hearing that, Silvie could feel her eyebrow twitching, Sister, do you really want me to commit a crime? I may look like this but my 29 lives all man, even though I never had any bad thought, but it's a no!.

"Or, you can sleep with me my dear, your father can sleep outside~", Selena also said, didn't care about what Arthur is feeling. "Err, for another thought, I want to sleep with Sister Saria", bruh, sleeping with another's wife isn't that even worse, Also, Arthur felt really pitiful just now. Hearing Silvie's preference Selena felt disappointed, "Okay...", Meanwhile, Arthur looked very happy, My daughter you still love me~.

"Oh right, Mother's wondering, how are you doing in these ten years?", Selena asked worriedly, Arthur also felt curious while Saria was silent. Silvie doesn't want to destroy this happy atmosphere of this family, but she also didn't want to lie so she just said, "I actually didn't remember anything until yesterday, I only remember walking aimlessly and Sister Saria found me", hearing that, Selena and Arthur looked at each other and sighed, maybe it's for the best that she didn't remember anything. Meanwhile, Saria felt a little weird, but she didn't say anything.

The happy moment for this reunited family lasts until night fell.

Arthur and Selena kissed both her cheek and said good night, Saria then brings her to her room, inside, the two women lay on the bed, facing each other. The bed was big so there are many rooms to move in. Silvie stayed on the corner of the bed, afraid of committing a crime unconsciously. Saria noticed but didn't say anything, she wanted to ask something, "Did you really didn't remember anything? like... in the... actually never mind, let's go to sleep", but she remembers this girl has gone through so much, "so maybe it's good that she didn't remember anything" she quietly murmured. Silvie was confused, but she was indeed feeling tired and sleepy, so she just closed her eyes and sleep.



Tomorrow Morning.

Silvie woke up, but she can't move. She found out that Saria hugged her to sleep the entire night, and she felt a little uncomfortable, but also a little comfortable. Because what she's facing is two soft mountain sizes of a ball.

At this time, Saria also woke up and greeted her with a grin, "Good morning, how is your sleep". Silvie struggled a little and finally got out of her embrace, "It's good, no nightmare", she answered, and also add another sentence just in case. Hearing that Saria smiled, "That's great", then she got up from the bed, "Let's go, breakfast will be ready soon".


At the dining table, the food was already served, a lot of them.

"How is your sleep sweetie?", Selena asked. Silvie nodded and repeat what she said to Saria, "It's good, no nightmare". Hearing that, Selena smiled, "That's good, go on, I told the cook to make a lot of extra this time, eat till you're full after this let's go shopping!", Silvie was just about to eat but when she hears the second sentence she paused, "Shopping?", Selena nodded, "Yeah, we need to buy you clothes and also have some fun outside, it's our first family outing after all".

"Dad also coming?", Silvie asked, "Of course, he dared not come, he can sleep outside tonight". Hearing that Silvie sighed in relief, at least you won't suffer by yourself.

Arthur seems to remember something, "That's right, we have a few letters this morning". "From who?" Selena asked, Arthur, waved his hand, "Nothing, just some congratulatory letters". Arthur also said, "There's also some letter from the king's daughter and some past friends of Silvie".

"Do you want to read it, Silvie?", Arthur asked her. Thinking for a second, Silvie nodded, "I want to read it", It's the letter for this body, maybe it's good friends, she still wants to learn about this body's past after all.

For some reason, this novel felt fun to write, maybe because it came from my own thinking and no other source? maybe so. After all, I have many novels but this is the first one I really enjoy writing.

Anyway, I hope you like it, and like usual if you do then consider giving power stones~

TreasurerOfDreamscreators' thoughts