
Silvie was Missing

After the morning breakfast, Silvie proceeds to the bathing session. Saria's Mansion has a huge bath for them to bath together, of course, Arthur was forbidden.

Saria and Selena were already half-naked and only covered by the white towels. Silvie doesn't feel like wants to enter now. She already said she wants to bathe herself but they force it saying it's their first time bathing together after forever and they want to make it special. But it doesn't have to be together right? give me a gold bath and I'll feel it's special already.


I never understand what does "Family" means. Even in my last life, I was an orphan, I was taken care of by my grandfather but he was always busy working so I was always alone. I also didn't bother with looking for a friend since it felt troublesome. After that, my grandfather passed away, but I didn't feel anything, people say I'm emotionless but what emotion should I use?.

Now I have this family but I still understand about it. I just felt that they cry a lot, showing too much emotion, and... what do I want to say again?.


"Silvie, come on!", Looking Silvie that dozed off, Saria called her. The shout wakes Silvie from her thought and starts undressing, anyway if you close your eyes it would be fine, she thought. When walking toward the huge bathtub she passed through a mirror that gives her a full view of her body and she should say that it's really a fine piece of art. But for some reason, she doesn't feel excited, maybe because it's her own body or she's already a woman or some other reasons...

After entering the bath she immediately smells the flower fragrance of the water, it smells good and not suffocating at all. After she dips her body only leaving her neck and head, she felt relaxed. It's been a long time she enjoys baths like this. She didn't even remember the last time she felt relaxed since coming to this world, she's too busy surviving that she doesn't have time to enjoy this kind of little thing. Maybe... do this often...

"Silvie, are you okay dear?", Selena noticed Silvie closing her eyes after dipping herself. Hearing that Silvie opened her eyes and met with Selena's worried face. Silvie just smiled, "I'm okay, I just like this warm bath". With that, Silvie starts looking down from her face and saw beautiful art, if she's not mistaken it's 3 points bigger than herself. Well, it's normal, after all this body was still young... wait what am I thing about?.

Selena seems to be still worried and came to her, "Really? if you have any problem you can say it...", Silvie just nodded and smiled, "I will, but I truly don't have any problem". She wonders... if they know that she's not the original owner of this body, what would they think? but looking at her mother again... never mind, anyway, she doesn't have to do something so troublesome, and with that, she starts dozing off again.

"Silvie let me wash your back", Saria said on the side, which Silvie respond is a nod. Being rubbed in the back with a soft towel felt soft and a little good, Silvie thought.

After a while, they finally got off the bath and start dressing. Silvie felt it was pretty useful to have maids, she doesn't have to get dressed and she just needs to be quiet and got dressed by the maids.

This time she wears a black and white dress with some soft silk tied around her hand, she asked what is this for and her mother said it was the dress design. They also tied her hair to the side and let her use a small black hat, she also wears white heels that felt really uncomfortable to walk in.

"Well aren't you a beautiful little angel", her mother clapped her hand in delight after looking at the finished product of her daughter. Looking at herself in the mirror, Silvie felt that praise is not exaggerated, after all even she felt that way. Looking at her mother's appearance, she can't help but compare with herself and still felt losing by a margin. Selena wears an elegant white dress, with little accessories and white high heels even so she looked gorgeously ten points higher than all of the women she met her previous life.

"Ah, did you guys finished?", Saria also came in wearing a black and white dress just like her, the difference is that Silvie's dress has dominant white color while black is the most dominant on Saria's dress, she also uses black heels opposite of hers.

"We just finished", Selena nodded and pulled Silvie to stand beside Saria, "Ahaha, you guys are really in sync looking like this". Saria also nodded and patted her on the head, "She's my sister after all". When Silvia heard her voice, it just seems to have a little... guilty feeling. Selena took out a silver bracelet with a green, yellow, and red gem on them and put it on Silvie's right hand, "Silvie, never let go of this bracelet okay? this bracelet will always protect you while I'm not with you". Silvie nodded and she didn't ask anything since she had a feeling that she won't get any answer, "Okay". Looking at the mirror again, her wings were gone and her tails were hidden under the dress, but she can still feel them, probably one of the uses of the bracelet, but she doubts its use was only just for this.

*Knock* *Knock* "Are you guys done?", they heard a knock from the door and Arthur's voice from the other side. "Coming~", Selena answered while holding both of their hands and walked to the door.

After they got out they were greeted by the figure of Arthur, wearing a Tuxedo. Selena walked in front of him and hug both Saria and Silvie on her side, "How is it?". Looking at them his eyes brightened and he gave a thumbs-up, "Beautiful! absolutely gorgeous! you guys are like three sisters!". Hearing that Selena felt a little shy and hit him softly, "What do you mean by three sisters...". Hee... I should say, this father of mine really knows how to flirt, Silvie thought. But her mother really does look younger than her age, wait... what's her age again? do you want to ask? actually never mind, never ask a woman of her age, yeah let's just forget about it.

"I already prepared us the carriage", Arthur said and Selena nodded,

"Then, let's depart".



In the carriage, The four of them sat facing each other, Selena and Arthur on one seat while Saria and Silvie sat on the other. As to not be noticed, they use illusion magic to not get noticed, but their looks are still preserved.

Selena and Saria, talked a lot about... let's just say woman's thingy. Silvie is not interested, so she used her hand to support her chin and looked outside, marveling at the bustling street. Saria's mansion was on the other side of the city while the marketplace was on the other side so they need to take a horse carriage to go there in time.

The center city was divided into two areas, the inner rings, and the outer rings. The outer rings were where the peasants live, while the inner rings are where all the nobles live. Even if there's a peasant inside the inner rings, if they are caught then they will become slaves. Poor people, but not my problem, she just wants to live normally, after all, she doesn't want to be a wannabe hero or things like that.

Even so, low-level nobles are not that good either, they need to please the high-level noble to gain a foothold on this kind of society, even as far as selling their daughters. Hmm, you're asking why I know all of this? that's because I have a mission here once, a low-level noble married his daughter to the son of a noble higher than him, but in the end the noble's son divorce and killed his daughter, worse yet, he didn't get any punishment. Finally, the father went crazy and put a bounty on their families, at that time the bounty is too alluring for her so she went and murder everyone in their family, after all, she also found they have too much crime so she doesn't feel sorry.

But who would've thought that the guy that put the bounty will also trap her, he set up a trap and wait for her to kill the bounty family, after that he was going to catch her and give her to higher up so that he can promote, one of her life ended miserably in prison because of them. Truly at that time, she feels disgusted, everything in this kingdom feels rotten, the nobles, the authorities, even the so-called "Knights", everything felt rotten. If she can she want to go as far away from here.

The nobles are rotten because of power, the Authorities are rotten because they turn a blind eye, and the Knights are rotten because they fight for a blind "Justice", she felt sick if she remembers her past life.


Arthur has been watching this daughter of his for a while now, her change of expression, from calm to a little anger, he can felt it all. He's worried, he's been thinking that from the first time after a long time they met, it feels like this daughter of him never treats them all as family. Does amnesia can change people this much?. When she was small she was cheerful and all happy, but now she felt calm and emotionless as if everything that will happen to the world won't be her problem.

He took a deep breath and called to her, "Silvie, are you okay?". Silvie, still looking at the window, thought about it, should she said it? will they understand? or should I say it the usual? like I'm fine? "...no, not really". Hearing her daughter finally decided to open herself Selena felt a little happy, "Go on dear, what is your problem?".

Silvie, still looking out of the window asked, "...Say... I heard there's a lot of nobles that kill people, but still got out freely without any punishment, is that what all nobles about?". Hearing that, Selena froze, she never thought her question would be something like that, she has difficulty answering it, "Not all nobles are like that sweetie, there's also a lot of nobles that is good", she can only say as such.

Silvie, still looking out of the window asked again, "Then what about the authorities? aren't their job to punish such wretched behavior, or are they so blind as to not see anything like that?". This time Arthur answered, "Dear, this kingdom is so big, even the authorities have hard times managing everything, it bound to have a little mishap here and there...".

Silvie was silent for a while... and asked again, "Then... what about the knight? I heard about their so-called "justice" but isn't there many reports of knights accepting bribes from the nobles, and those so-called Knights many times oppressed the weak and the poor, is that what their "Justice" is? There are also many cases of the proven innocent people died because the so-called Knight chooses to obey the word from those high-level nobles, I wonder which "Justice" did they serve, not only that they-".

"That's ENOUGH!", hearing the shout from the back Silvie widened her eyes, feeling surprised at the person. Saria eyes reddened and she said with tears almost falling from the corner of her eyes, "Knight... it's not like that...", She then turned around and covered her face while Silvie looks at her awkwardly, "I see, I'm sorry", She forgot that this girl is a Knight in the future. Looking at both her mother and father again and the gloomy emotion in the carriage. Ah... now I've done it, Silvie thought and returned to look out of the window. Hah... I shouldn't have said anything, I should have said I'm okay... now I destroyed the good atmosphere...

Is this what family is? you only together if you have the same thought, if your thought started to linger far from others then your relationship started to crack?.

...Maybe... it's better to have no family at all...



After a while, they arrived at the marketplace. The four of them got down one by one.

After all of them got down, they immediately become the center of attention. How can they not? three angels and a god is walking together, how can they not take all of the people's attention?.

Silvie is not used to be stared at by people like this, she felt a little uncomfortable and frowned, but even her frown gave her plus points from all the boys on the streets. No one dared to approach them, because of Arthur's overlord temper, but of course, there are some unintelligent people in the crowd.

A young man approached them with a few guards, they first obstruct their way, and then the young man talked to them as if they are close, "ahem, this gentleman and beautiful ladies, may I know where are you going?".

Arthur raised his eyebrow, "Why should I tell you? are you the king here?", he remembers his daughter's word on the carriage just now and he was immediately in a bad mood. It's a noble like this that made her daughter have a vision like that, if not for this on the street how I wish to crush his head and found the bastards that bred him.

Hearing that, the young man didn't get shy at all, "No no, the king is busy, but I have the word of a king!". He then showed the crest on his chest proudly, "Behold, I'm the duke Livingwood son and the next heir of the Livingwood family! now you get it right?".

Arthur didn't felt surprised and immediately said, "Looks like there's no need for the Livingwood family to be "living" in this kingdom anymore". After saying that, the guard around the young man felt offended and said loudly, "You dare smear the duke's name, we as the knight of the Creztine Kingdom need to detain all of you for smearing your highness name!".

After that, Silvie asked, "Is that something you knight called "Justice"? ". Hearing the soft voice the knight that obstructs them saw that it's a beautiful girl that asked and proudly raised his head, "Of course! the high-level noble are gods here! and we only follow gods orders!". Hearing the knight say it, Saria clenched her fist, "Knight... it's not like this...". Silvie noticed it but didn't say anything.

Arthur was already irritated, now this piece of shit doesn't let him any more choice, He pulled a crest from his pocket and showed it, showed his golden wings, let out enormous pressure, and asked, "Then what am I? gods creator?". Looking at the crest, at first, the knight didn't recognize it, but the more he sees it, the colder he felt, a second later, his back was already wet from cold sweat.

Silvie felt something from the side and runs after it immediately. This didn't get noticed by anyone at all since they were focused by the crest on Arthur's hand. "Now then tell me, Mr. Knight, what am I?". The knight didn't answer, the was a proud knight was now as silent as a dumb person.

"Still not letting us pass?", Arthur asked coldly, The knights also didn't dare to do anything and opened the way, "Gods fart", Arthur hummed coldly and walked past all the knights. After they pass far away, the crowd immediately gossiped,

"Omg, is that the SilverFeather Family?".

"Yeah, there is only one crest with silver color with feather embodied like that, so definitely".

"Haha, looks like someone just kick an iron... no, a diamond plate ahaha!'.

"Pfft, gods they said ahaha,".

The people around don't care at all and louden their voice, letting the half-scared young man heard it. What can he do? can they fight all of their family themself? not only that, the Livingwood family needs to escape the kings' wrath first.

The SilverFeather family, a family of royal dragons that ruled the lands for a few decades. After the rise of the new king, they immediately sign a friendship contract with the dragons and give the Dragon King the same right as the King in this kingdom. They heard that their King and the Dragon King was a close friend, that's why they can sign the treaty in the first place. Now, because of their useless son, the Livingwood family not only have to hold against one but two! Kings. And from the looks of it, the Knights won't be spared either.



Arthur and the others have already arrived at the clothing store, but when they looked back they noticed that Silvie was gone.

"Where is Silvie?", Arthur frowned. Selena also felt worried she shouted, "Silvie! where are you!".

"Silvie was Missing?!".

Hello, Author's here. Nothing actually, just want to say hi.

Anyway like usual, like and subscri- NOT! that's a wrong one.

Anyway I hope you like it, and if you do, consider giving power stones so this novel can reach more people. Thank you~

TreasurerOfDreamscreators' thoughts
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