
My Wives are way too out of my league

Shen Zhang is your normal "Average" Cultivator, Everything about him is average, from looks to talent everything is average! But it's not entirely true as he is intentionally acting like an average cultivator with an "Average" talent in order to avoid trouble knocking on his doorstep and quite possibly endangering his loved ones. Not only is he average in every aspect of his entire being, he also has an absurd amount of bad luck when it comes to girls, as his incredible record of 30 consecutive rejection clearly says it all. But Shen Zhang won't give in to this fate that easily, he doesn't believe that his life will be a lonely one. Join Shen Zhang to his journey to become the best of the best and stand on the top of the world becoming a legend. And to also end his consecutive rejection record once and for all and get a lot of wives... *Spoiler alert:* 'The spoiler is the title' Enjoy reading and thank you for sparing some of your time reading the synopsis. (I will publish chapters three times a week so i can have time for my studies as i am only doing this for fun and entertain people amidst the pandemic, peace bros.)

Freix_Gren · Huyền huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 - Damsel in Distress

[MC's POV]

"Wang'er let's go to my house so we can sleep and i'll introduce you to my father tomorrow."

"Alright," Wang Xiu Ying replied

--*The next day*--

"Hey... Wang'er wake up..."

"Hmm? what is it...." Said Wang Xiu Ying while half asleep.

"Hehe, you can continue sleeping for a while and i'll also cultivate for some time since the sun just woke up."

I got to increase my strength now as i've got a wife to protect now, although i'm still at

Qi Gathering 4th Stage but i should be able to climb to the peak stage after i cultivate for a few hours.

--*3 Hours later*--


I finally broke through the peak stage of Qi Gathering although i could probably reach Qi Refining stage if i continue cultivating now but i promised Wang'er that i'll introduce her to father.

"Shen are you awake?!" Shen Zhang's father yelled.

"Yes, I am awake!"

"Come out now it's time for breakfast!" Shen Zhang's father said.


"Hey Wang'er are you awake?"

"Yes, since you started cultivating for the past 3 hours," Wang Xiu Ying replied.

"Oh really? well nevermind that let's go outside, i have yet to introduce you to father."

"Alright then," Wang Xiu Ying replied with a visible smile on her face.


"Okay Shen the food's on the table over there so you can e... who is that girl behind you?" Shen Zhang's father questioned Shen Zhang. "You didn't kidnap her out of desperation right?" Shen Zhang's father said while trying to imitate a scared voice.

"Are you seriously kidding me right now? even if i'm desperate i wouldn't go that far you know? do i really look like i'd commit that kind of crime?!"

"Well no but actually yes..." Shen Zhang's father replied to him.

"Hah.... This is Wang'er, i uh.... met her last night at the village center and i.... well you can probably guess what happened after father."

"So you did the deed?" Shen Zhang's father assumed.

"What? NO! I meant i asked her to be my lover as i fell in love with her at first sight."

"I see... well i won't question how fast you went ahead but instead i have a question for the lady over here, Wang'er right? you are clearly a lot more older than my son over here but i wonder why you have decided to be with him as there are clearly countless of young teenage boys better than my son over here by a thousand times, but Shen only has an average face so i can't help but wonder what's your intention with being my son's lover when it doesn't bring you any sort benefit, our family is not rich and my son is average in every aspect," Shen Zhang's father asked Wang Xiu Ying.

"Father are you really asking Wang'er a question or are you just insulting me and using a question as an excuse of doing so."

"Shut up Shen, It's true anyways so there's no reason being mad about it, anyways Wang'er, so your answer?" Shen Zhang's father stated.

God i want to contemplate my life purpose now... My self esteem is now slowly dissipating...

"Dear father, if looks were the only valid reason for someone to fall in love with a man then i would be all alone forever, all i just want to say is that i just feel happy whenever im with Shen and i'm sure he'll also make me happy," Wang Xiu Ying stated in response to Shen Zhang's father. "And other than your son, no one has ever made me felt loved from only a couple of hours we've spent together, he also saved me from myself and from others... he never though of me as a monster that i thought i am..."

Wang'er.... This is making me tear up right now, I swear i won't let anyone hurt you anymore...

And if anyone dares to try... I'll make them wish they were dead!

"I see... So someone finally saw my son's greatest appeal... Shen isn't gonna die all alone anymore... i didn't expect anyone to even accept my son." Shen Zhang's father said while rubbing his 'teary' eyes.


"Hehehe," Wang Xiu Ying giggled as she can feel Shen Zhang being irritated and embarrassed by what his father said about him.

God i'm probably the luckiest man of the world right now... i feel like crying and tempted to hug my Wang'er.

"Well we should eat now then, don't worry there is enough for all of us to eat so eat till you're full," Shen Zhang's father said.

"Well then i'll be digging in," Wang Xiu Ying said as she sat and started eating the food on the table.


"Father i'll be going outside for a bit, Wang'er you can stay with father here."

"Alright" Both Wang Xiu Ying and Shen Zhang's father said in unison.


It's nice to take a stroll outside at days like these hahaha.


Is that someone sobbing in the distance?

Well it wouldn't hurt to check it out since i have nothing to do.


[Third Person View]

Shen Zhang has arrived near the location of which the sobbing was coming from.

It was coming from a girl with a black ponytail

"Why is this happening to me..." Said the Girl.

"Um... Is there something wrong miss?" Shen Zhang asked the girl.

The girl only looked at Shen Zhang for a brief moment before hiding her face and continuing to sob.

'Hah... I guess she isn't in the mood to say anything right now, i guess it might've been insensitive of me to ask her while she's crying, i guess i'll sit here with her till she settles down,' Shen Zhang thought.

--*A couple of minutes later*--

"What do you want from me?" The girl asked Shen Zhang. "I have lost everything already so what do you hope to achieve by accompanying me here?"

"Well i can't just ignore a damsel in distress can i? and also don't worry i don't need anything, i just felt like accompanying you till you've calmed down," Shen Zhang responded with a bright smile visible on his face

"Heh... Yeah right... But since you're here already then do you mind if i talk about how i ended up in this predicament?" The girl said with a slight smile on her face upon hearing what Shen Zhang said.

"I'd be more than happy to," Shen Zhang said with a bright smile.

[MC's POV]

"I was betrayed and framed by the one i loved the most... The one who's supposed to love me more than anything..."

Ah i see, the classic debauchery of a man huh? even though it isn't my business however i'm already starting to get infuriated.

"I found out yesterday that my husband i mean my ex-husband was cheating on me with my sister... i always thought of my sister as a caring, kind, and thoughtful sister and not a two faced bitch! I found them yesterday engaging in an illicit act as i was strolling through our yard in our household's warehouse... and i also overheard their conversation while still having an intercourse, i found out that my beloved was using me all this time and my dearest sister was the mastermind all this time... They were planning to poison my father which was the owner of a business in Urjin City in order to take over our family business and they saw me as a thorn on their plans so they decided to throw me out of the picture once and for all, our business may be considered as a small one in the capital city however if it was established in this village it would be a very huge and successful business, so they planned to take over the family business and the fastest way to do it is for my father to die, they planned to poison my father and then proceed to frame me as the perpetrator."

"The moment i heard that i immediately rushed over to my father's quarters just hoping that it isn't too late to stop their plan from unfolding. However, i was a tad too late... As i arrived in my father's quarters i only found my father's lifeless body and i didn't even get to catch a glimpse of the real perpetrator, It was also the perfect timing of my ex-husband and sister at my father's quarters along with a servants.

Just in time to make it look like they just caught me commiting an atrocious crime upon seeing my father's lifeless body, only then have i realized i have accidentally made their plan easier as i saw my sister's grin, it was as if i have fallen on their plan or what they did was all intentional to bait me into going all according to their plan."

"The moment they saw me, the servants that accompanied my sister and beloved screamed on the top of their lungs and the my sister started crying or more like acting,

she was a deceitful and sly person all this time, all of the benevolence she showed me and the servants were all just an act for this moment. I was fooled, or more like i am a fool for not noticing it sooner..."

"They then accused me of killing my beloved father as they saw me in the crime scene, there was no use trying to reason out as it will only worsen the situation and it's pretty much just a waste of time. They planned to execute me for treason and murdering my father, however my personal maid trusted that it wasn't me and so she helped me escape the prison cell the day before the execution will take place but the guards saw us escaping and on the process of escaping my maid sacrificed herself in order for me to get away."

"I ran, and ran, and ran as far as possible. And now i ended up here... Sooner or later the guards will find me and my maid's sacrifice will all be for naught, i still want to take revenge for what the debauchery and atrocities they have done to tarnish my name and usurp the family business for the sake of their undying greed for wealth and power but i'm gonna die later anyways and i have lost my reason to escape as it will be just a useless struggle, if i only i can go to the next continent, the Moonlight Continent then i could start over again and build up my power so i can exact justice for my fallen father..." The girl explained the reason behind her current predicament to Shen Zhang while sobbing.

"Next time, If a boy doesn't express their love for you by their actions but instead express it by words then they don't really love you, don't believe them... After all they are just a boy, If they express their love for you by their actions and not by words even though it might seem like they are cold then he's a man and he really loves you. So be careful next time when it comes to loving someone dear miss. Anyways stay here for a couple of minutes and i'll be back, i'll just go and get something from my home, i'll be really quick so don't leave okay?"

"E-Eh? O-Okay," Said the girl.

[Third Person View]

Shen Zhang then quickly left to head back to his house to get something.

"So that's where you were you murderer! Get her boys!" Said a guard

Two guards then proceeded to capture the girl as the other guard commanded and left the spot.

The girl could only struggle to avoid being captured but to no avail.

Moments after, Shen Zhang came back to the area he saw the girl wasn't there anymore but he saw the braids that the girl used to tie her hair into a ponytail and reached to the conclusion that she must've been captured already but they might have not went that far yet so he used his Qi Sense to find out whether there was anyone in a 10 km radius and fortunately he saw the girl being held by the guards headed to a big mansion.

Shen Zhang immediately to chase them till he caught up to them, the guards saw Shen Zhang approach them and immediately went on guard as they still don't know the young boy's intention.

"Speak! What do you want?" Said the guard leader

"Oh nothing much just saving a damsel in distress," Shen Zhang responded to the guard leader's question.

"Are you aware that the girl you are saving isn't a damsel in distress but a murderer on chase?" Said Guard A.

"Are you aware that he's already gone and got the princess you dumb fuck?!" Said the guard leader in response to Guard A.

"B-But how?! We only blinked and then he's already gone with the damned murderer?!"

Said Guard A

"If we knew we wouldn't stand idle here like some extra character for the main character to take advantage on and gaining another heroine for the plot you know?" Said Guard B

'Hey don't just break the fourth wall like that!' Said the Author.



[MC's POV]

Hehehe, go ahead and chase us suckers. You are still a decades away from challenging me in terms of speed.


Mc's Profile

Name: Shen Zhang

Age: 16

Cultivation: Qi Gathering (4th Stage)

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Trait: {???}


• Qi Sense (Peak Qi Gathering natural skill)

Items: None-


• Wang Xiu Ying {???} (Trust: 89)

- Age: 21

- Hair Color: Red

- Eye Color: Honey Gold

- Cultivation {???}

- Trait: {Yandere, ???}

- Items: ???

Shen Zhang be faster than flash-

Freix_Grencreators' thoughts