
You want something, get it yourself

The request that Quinn had been made was granted. He was somewhat expecting him to say no, but Mundus had agreed. An armour that had been made by the celestial, just how powerful would it be? Would it allow him to match up to Ray?

At the same time, since he was unable to use two armours at once, he could then let Stark borrow his armour as well. Although with the Shadow ability he also could quickly switch armours in battle as well.

The point was, there were a number of different possibilities and Quinn was excited.

"Daddy!" Minny shouted, as she jumped up into his other arm, one was already holding Galen so he had to be quick to bring her in. When she was safely held, he could see that Minny was crying.

"Daddy, I couldn't protect the family like you asked me to!" Minny said with a face full of tears. "Even though… even though… Da-da-daddy gave Minny such a good present, I couldn't beat him."