
Three strong teams

As Quinn walked off, there were many that were questioning his decision. At the same time, they couldn't really say, the one he had made was completely wrong either. There was a good chance that disputes would continue to happen based on their previous relationship, if Mantis wasn't truthful in working under the Cursed faction.

Based on his underhand methods to try and stall Quinn from coming back, Quinn felt like it was enough to not work with them. After all, soon they would be going to try and take over other planets, and it was a time when they didn't need internal fighting.

It was unlike when the Crows had joined the Cursed faction. They were willing and felt like they owed Quinn and the others. As for the Parasites, some wouldn't accept this fact.

It was a shame because of all the resources they had, but stripping the Parasites of everything was basically a death sentence to them in the way the current world was.

"A bold choice," Hector commented as Quinn walked past.