
Run, Run, Run

In a way, nearly everything was going wrong, and this was because they had to think on their feet. Decisions had to be made that affected the lives of thousands, and when put in a tense situation with a lot on one's mind, it made them make mistakes.

'We should have just broken Sil out, we should have just taken him with us as soon as we found him.' Layla thought, her hand shaking and already reaching out for the sword by her side.

Memories of what had happened in the simulation had appeared. The being in front of her was someone that was a match for Sil and Quinn, she was not on their level.

"I've broken him out!" Shiro shouted, as he placed Sil on his back and jumped down. He went to join the others that had huddled together and were staring at the enemy in front of them.