
Never forget the task

Peter was trapped in a giant white hardened shell, while Russ had been hurt relatively badly, but he managed to use his powers to start to change his body slightly. He was also using a form of healing on himself. His hand pressed against his chest with a soft glow, and he soon stood up next to Hikel. 

"So do you have any ideas on how to beat this guy?" Russ asked. There was a new determined look on his face, and he was full of focus after being hit. 

"I have to admit that my attacks don't seem to hurt him." Hikel replied. "The best I can do is cause a distraction. So it will be up to you in the end."

"Very well." Russ said, as he looked down at his arm, the god slayer bracelet that had been created for him was still present. He wanted to test out its effects in a situation that wasn't so important, but if they were going to die anyway, then he might as well gamble.