
Moving on

When leaving the Parasites to their own devices, there was the chance that they could use this time to run away. To escape the planet, however, where would they even go? Who would they run off to? Wevil, had promised Quinn that he would follow him from now onwards, and to leave everything to him and Hana.

Even though Tony was the vice leader, the faction members actually had the most respect for these two. Whenever something had gone wrong, they would be the ones that tried to reason with Mantis, to give them part of the antidote earlier than needed. While Tony would be the one who was Mantis's yes men.

Saying Yes to every suggestion and everything he did.

"Alright everyone, it's time for you all to decide!" Wevil shouted from on top of the platform. The faction members were recovering and they had gained enough strength to move again. But they were unaware of the bombshell that Wevil was about to drop on them all. "You have a choice…."
