
I'm different

Hearing the mysterious woman speak, they were wondering just what student would be so brave to say these words. Perhaps behind ones back, but not right in their face.

Although, a lot of students there had the same thoughts. They carried the same resentment deep down against the direct descendants. Of course, not all descendents were like this. But in every group there would be those that led the way. Pushing others to have similar thoughts to their own, influencing them. This had caused a fraction between the regular vampires and those that live in the castles.

Vampires were meant to be able to speak up and tell their leaders the concerns they had. The family leaders were there not only to protect them, but to better their lives, but lately, the young vampires had been treating them more like slaves, rather than as fellow people they were responsible for. Yet, not a single one of them would dare complain for fear.