

There was a brief moment when Quinn returned to his students, where he could celebrate the victory with them. Walking through the glass door, unlike the others who were stunned and didn't know what to say, his beast class immediately gave him a cheer seeing their teacher.

"Hardy, you were always so coy about your strength, why didn't you tell us how strong you were?"

"Yeah, you just went on with that lame speech at the opening ceremony. You could have just kicked a rock and smashed it to pieces or something."

"So what's your ability, or is that all to do with beast gear?"

For the military, these students had an odd relationship with their teacher. They felt like they could freely speak to him, cheer him on and ask personal questions without getting in trouble. If this was another head general, or a person with high power, none of them would have openly spoken to him like so; but Quinn made their relationship like this.