
Hydro Station

Sil's ship was heading to what looked like a relatively small island. The landmasses on this planet were mostly of island sizes, but this was one of the few with a city built on it.

The city was quite normal and similar to those on earth. It was filled with large skyscrapers, towers, streets and more. Only the architecture and colours differed from the cities on Earth. Most buildings seemed to be made of a light blue material, almost jade-looking, while they would also have hints of green and yellow.

Several round giant pearls were also used on certain parts of the building to join them together, or on the outside for decoration. It was hard to get used to, but it always was when they travelled to a new planet.

The most luxurious things were the long large white sandy beaches. There were several fishmen on them, enjoying food, drinks, and more. There were huts for people to live in with large legs for bases that stood in the sea and a giant oval floating object in the water.