
Dragon vs vampire, the conclusion (Part 3)

Ray and Quinn both didn't know where the large amount of energy had come from. They were far too focused on their own match. What they did know was the energy was powerful, they had both felt something similar to it before, just never at this large of a scale.

It was quite possible that if they had seen it beforehand, then Quinn would have been able to suppress the attack with just his own energy, but it was so sudden he could only put so much energy into stopping the attack.

At the same time, he was unable to use the Shadow powers, due to how close he was with Ray, since he had been fighting hand to hand at a close quarter range, but with all three of their powers they were able to suppress the attack.

It dispersed into the air into small particles, shaping the air around it. It was a mystic mist like glitter filled with all sorts of colours. For a moment, it almost looked the same as the familiar world.