
Another White

Everyone there knew that Peter was strong. He always had been, but the reason why he had never seemed somewhat impressive to the others was perhaps because of Quinn, who would always outshine him.

There was always someone more powerful, faster and more skilful, which was why even Vorden was thinking about what to do when it was his turn.

Right now, on top of that, Sil had already thought about combining his abilities as well.

"You guys can stop thinking about your turns because you're not going to need it," Peter stated.

The first one to approach the Dalki from his lesser weights was the new addition to the group - the four spiked humanoid Dalki with the long claws. Of course, it wasn't as strong as a five spike, but it wasn't far off.

In a way, it looked like the Dalki was there to test the waters.

"It looks like you can raise the dead and have pitted a new-gen against me. I'll be quite happy to crush this fool!" the five spike said.