
A vampire Hero

It was safe to say after the events of what had happened, everyone was exhausted, both physically and mentally. This time it wasn't just one family that had suffered losses, but nearly every single one had been hit.

It was tough to say how this would affect the vampire settlement and was too early to tell, but the one that would have to lead them out of all of this was their King, Bryce.

Trying to regather and create order for all of what happened, even though he was still recovering himself. Mainly, he used the Royal Guards to keep control of things, as they were used to help rebuild what was lost, make a count of all those who had perished, and keep guard in case there were any more nasty surprises for them.

This whole event was quite a shock to the vampires, and it would take time before they really understood what had happened and why. Especially the few that had remained from the eighth family, as nearly the whole of the eighth family had been wiped out.