
A little help

When Vicky had shouted out the ability name Second chance, Raten, Vorden and Sil had no clue what she was talking about. In the first place, they were the youngest members of the main Blade family, so they had yet to learn all the secrets like the others.

The original plan had been for Sil to return after two years of military service. Once he had gotten 'fixed' Hilston would have proceeded with whatever his plan had been. However, the plan needed adjustment, since there had been no improvement in Sil and then the start of the Civil war had messed things up even further.

However, given the name of the ability itself and the worry he had heard coming from Vicky's voice gave him enough of an idea about what the ability would be able to do. The user of that ability would be granted a second chance at life. It was an incredibly powerful ability that they had discovered, even with the drawback that it could only be used once every twenty four hours.