

I had no more self confidence. I only had 3 friends. When I was 10 years old, I had a friend who could understand my feelings. We were best friends. One day I fell in love with someone. I forgot who I was. Why would anyone like me, with that ugly stain on my face. But my best friend told me that I was pretty. I believed her. But the truth was no one would like me with that stain on my face.My friends went one day to that boy and said:'My friend likes you'. He began to laugh and said:' Tell your friend that she's ugly. How dare she like me. Tell her that if I see her looking at me, I will pull her eyes out'. Well, my friend didn't say that to me but she said that he needs a little time to think. I was happy but I could see on my best friend's face that she was lying. I asked her if she was lying and she said that why would she lie. Someone in my class asked me whom I liked. I told that girl the truth. That girl told the whole school. When I came back to school after lunch, the whole school was around him. So I went to my friends and they told me that the girl who asked me whom I like, she told the whole school. I was scared that everybody will laugh at me. And yes, everybody was looking at me. They were laughing at me, gossiping about me. It was hel for me. I was dying of embarrassment. I wish someone could take me away from here. Like in the movies when a girl dies of embarrassment a guy stands up for her or takes her away. But who was I, I was that ugly girl with a stain on her face. Why would anyone want to help me. It was a year of hel. Well I faced it. My best friend left me. I asked around and one day I saw her brother and he said that she moved to Macedonia. I was shocked and upset. I wanted to see her for the last time, but I couldn't. I was in 6st grade and there was a boy in our class that I hated. A friend told me something funny and I began to laugh and he said:' why are you laughing?' I was shocked and said:' Can't I laugh. am I not entitled to laugh?' He laughed and said:' Even if you cry or laugh you look ugly, so don't laugh.'