
My Three Obsessive Magnate Husbands Are Infatuated With My Beauty

Mei Xing navigates the treacherous waters of marriage, she discovers hidden depths within herself and her husbands. Each of them has their own secrets, their own desires, and their own reasons for being drawn to her. But as time goes on, Mei Xing finds herself torn between her past and her present. Rex, her childhood love, resurfaces, begging for a second chance. Will Mei Xing give in to the allure of a familiar love, or will she stay true to her three doting husbands? In a world where power, wealth, and desire collide, Mei Xing must make choices that will shape her future. With each decision, the stakes get higher, and the consequences become more dire. Can Mei Xing navigate the dangerous game of love and power, or will she be consumed by the very passion that once ignited her? This is my very first book, Please don't expect perfection but it will be better if you watch as the book develops so rapidly with your nice support.

Purple_Fantasies74 · Thành thị
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77 Chs

Contracted Wife--

After the couples had signed their contract, Mother Mei Ling departed and agreed to pack all of Mei Xing's belongings at the Yan mansion the next day. Mei Xing had grown weary of the incessant and foolish questions posed by the two younger Yan brothers; it made her feel nauseous. "What on earth! Do these guys have the DNA of insects?" Mei Xing muttered silently.

"Did I hear you mention DNA, wifey?" Yan Xun asked, having caught wind of Mei Xing's words without quite grasping their meaning. Mei Xing paused and looked at Yan Xun. "What's the matter, wifey? Or should I lick your silky skin?" Yan Xun playfully stuck out his pink tongue and cast a seductive gaze at Mei Xing. "Stop looking at me like that!" Mei Xing exclaimed as she opened the door to the courtyard. She immediately noticed the smug smirk on Yan Feng's face, which instantly ignited anger within her.

"Mister Yan, why are you staring at me like that? After all, it was you who got me fired!" Mei Xing confronted him. In response, Yan Feng leaned in closer to her. Sensing his face inching nearer and nearer to hers, Mei Xing instinctively stepped back, avoiding his breath from touching her face. Yan Xun and Yan Bei immediately came to Mei Xing's defense. "Brother, do you want to startle her out of her wits?" Yan Bei asked irritably, while Yan Xun shot his elder brother a warning glare.

* * *

Soon later,

As Mei Xing settled into the car, a wave of shock and fear washed over her, preventing her from gauging their destination. The scenery outside the window grew progressively unfamiliar, prompting her to panic and inquire softly to Yan Feng, who sat behind the wheel. "Where are we going to?" she queried, her words tinged with obvious concern. "We're going home, Princess," he responded as a devilish smirk stretched across his face. The anxiety within Mei Xing intensified, causing her to ask with gentle insistence, "But this doesn't seem like the way to my home." Yan Feng remained silent, offering no response. "Wife, we are indeed going to my home," Yan Bei, his younger brother, chimed in, breaking the silence that had gripped the car.

The revelation from Yan Bei nearly caused Mei Xing's resolve to crumble. She cast a wary and accusing gaze at the trio, her voice erupting into a frenzy. "Eldest husband! You and your two brothers are taking me to your house! I demand that you turn this car around and head to my mother's restaurant now,!" Mei Xing's screams reverberated through the confines of the vehicle. Yan Feng, unfazed by her outburst, discerned the underlying anger in her tone. He locked eyes with hers and calmly retorted, "If we do not live together, could this truly be called a marriage?" Mei Xing swallowed hard, battling the difficulty that arose from the earlier commotion. She found it challenging to formulate a response. "Do you have any further questions?" he inquired, leaving Mei Xing to maintain a stony silence, she turned, her gaze fixated upon the passing scenery outside the car window.

For a moment, Mei Xing was rendered speechless, feeling as though she had descended into an abyss without end. Yan Feng skillfully guided the car into the mansion's grounds, bringing it to a stop within the expansive garden. As Mei Xing emerged from the vehicle, she instantly found herself enamored by the lushness of the garden. Its sheer size could comfortably house four comfortable rooms. Yet, underneath her admiration, a knot of worry tightened in her stomach. She vividly remembered her parents sharing a room, and a bed, but now that she was married, would she be expected to share a bed with three men? No, that was something she simply couldn't agree on...

Yan Xun tightly held her hand as they walked in, with the others following closely behind. A wide smile graced his thin lips as he glanced at her, taking in her exquisite beauty, her lovely dark hair framing her pretty face.

Upon entering the house, a familiar maid warmly welcomed them and greeted them respectfully. Yan Xun turned around and introduced the maid to his new wife. "This is your new maid, her name is Solange," he said. To her husbands' surprise, Mei Xing embraced the maid and exclaimed with joy, "Solange, it's me, Mei Xing, your friend!" Solange's eyes widened in shock.

"Mei Xing! you've become even more attractive," Solange remarked. The Yan brothers' jaws dropped. Oh, lucky me, am I enchanting? Oh, is the impolite dog about to speak? Mei Xing thought as her gaze landed on Yan Feng.

"You both can catch up later! For now, let go, wife!" Yan Feng spoke coldly. "Husband, don't be too harsh. She's my childhood friend," Mei Xing smiled wryly and planted a kiss on his forehead. 'Now the two brothers are feeling jealous? I merely gave him a peck on the forehead as a small sign of affection. Why are these two rascals looking at me like hungry wolves?' Mei Xing pondered. Solange smiled and gently chuckled, observing her childhood friend pecking the young master's forehead.

"Young wife, you have the entire day to chat. You can't expect us to stand here while you two discuss," Yan Bei said with seriousness. The Yan brothers agreed with him, and Mei Xing nodded, swiftly saying, "We'll continue later, then!" Solange left, amused. Two other individuals then entered the room, bowing slightly and respectfully greeting the young masters and their new wife. Yan Xun turned around and pointed to the two young men. "This is Quan Li and his brother Quan Yu. They have been hired specifically for you, and they will be in charge of the kitchen." Mei Xing's ears rang with insult. Are these three idiots alright? I should have silenced them back at the restaurant! What the hell?

"What are your thoughts, Mei Xing?" Yan Xun posed the question as he leaned against the wall, breathing a soft sigh.

"Are the three of you implying that I am a bad cook?" Mei Xing questioned sincerely, as the brothers exchanged stunned glances. "Big brother Feng, you hired them, didn't you?" Yan Bei asked, seeking confirmation. Yan Feng muttered quietly, "Yesss--"

"In that case, dismiss both of them!" Yan Bei demanded. Mei Xing observed the gentle servant, noticing the sadness in his expression. She thought, "You should have thought twice before stepping foot in this place. Now you're being dismissed on your very first day of work?!" Then, Mei Xing continued, "I will keep one as my assistant in the kitchen, while the other should take on the role of gardener. The garden is in dire need of attention." Mei Xing realized that her arrogance was beginning to take hold and added. "Husbands, What do you think?" She sought their opinions to maintain her air of superiority. Their unanimous response was, "Yeah, you are right, wife." Mei Xing smiled in response.

"Quan Yu, how do you feel about being my assistant in the kitchen?" Mei Xing asked, her words injecting a flicker of amusement onto Quan Yu's face.