

When Mark is left in a dungeon to act as a sacrifice,he was suddenly teleported out of the dungeon.He gains a new system with an overpowered stat. Can he become powerful or will he be killed before he can achieve anything

Apocalyptic_Writer · Võ hiệp
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5 Chs

Entering A F Rank Dungeon Alone Ch3

"Are you sure about this kid."A man asked.

"Yeah I'm sure."Max answered.

"Ok,but I dont want no one anyone to come hear saying I didn't warn you."the man said

"No one's is going to come hear even if I die.So you don't have to worry."Max said.

"Ok just head through that gate and just head in."the man said.

"Okay,so what's the cost for me to clear it?"Max asked.

"I'm going to need about a $1000 if you're actually going to go in."the man asked.

"That's a bit much...I will give it to you after I clear the dungeon."Max said.

"That's okay.Just be careful Ok."the man said slapping Max on his back.

Max went through the gate and came face to face with the green portal.

'Okay Max...You can do this...All you have to do is kill all the goblins.'Max thought trying.

After a minute of contemplating Max finally had the courage.

The man brought a chair outside and sat not far from the portal.

"He's the 12th person to come here to conquer the portal.There just too confident in there power."The man said.

He should have probably tried a little harder to convince Max to not go but his job isn't to care about over confident people.

"If he dies I should provably tell the R.A.A abiut the portal.I don't want the monsters to come out of it if it's not cleared."the man said.

As Mark went through the portal the scene infront of him became distorted and in a short while he was in a

[Entered F Rank Cave Goblin Dungeon.]

Mark summoned the water sheild in his left hand and summoned a fireball in his right as to proceed some light.

"Why the fuck does it have to be cave goblins"he complained.

There were basically there types of goblin dungeons.There are forest goblins,cave goblins and desert goblins.Cave was the most difficult as the dungeons dark and damp with no source of light.When typically dealing with a cave dungeon rankers will normally have to bring along a mage with light or the fire affinity or bring a convenient source of light.

The goblins located in the cave dungeons have can see in the dark very well and hate lights,because they never seen light before so it blinds them.This is another great reason why rankers with the light and fire affinities should be there if the dungeon is a cave dungeon.

He began to walk forward,ready to attack or defend himself.

The fireball produced a good source of light so he could see where he was going.

Kuuek!! Kuuek!

After a minute of walking he finally saw some goblins.

There were around 4 feet tall with green skin and big ears. They were really grotesque creatures.

They were 4 of them,each holding a stone sword.

Max walked a little closer,m to check the goblins stats.

[Dungeon Mob









Intelligence:6 ]

All of them were at level 5 with low stats.

Max could take on 2 goblins in the past when he was unrankable but now that he could use his skills,he could now take on at least 5 goblins at the same time.

Max moved a little too close and one of the goblins could see the light immiting from the fire ball.


The goblin screeched and gathered the attention of the other goblins.They all turned around and charged at Max.

Seeing this Max summoned a fire spear and launched it at one of the goblins.


As it came in contact with the goblin a small explosion could be heard.

A small hole could be seen in the goblins chest as it screeched in pain.

Ignoring the screeches of there companion the other goblins continued to charged at Max.

Three more fire spears appeared beside Max and launched at the three charging goblins.

They fell to the ground also screeching with pain.

They aren't dead because each spear does 50 hp with each attack and they each have 100 hp.

The screeching slowly died out as their hp hit rock bottom.

[You have gained 200 exp-(454/1,100)]

Walking closer Max took a kitchen knife out his inventory he started to carve a hole in the back of a goblins head.

He found what he was looking for, a small green orb.

This is the goblins mana core.It is located it there brains.It is basically their brain,so the higher monsters rank the more valuable the cores are.

The goblins body are also valuable, as their used for experiments or food for tamed monsters.

A F rank goblins core is worth around $200 and their bodies are worth around $500.

After taking out the cores of the four goblins,Max placed the cores and goblin corpses in his inventory.

He then continued walking on looking for more goblins.

After 5 minutes he encountered 6 groups of level 5 goblins.He noticed that with each new group the amount of goblins increased by 2.He made quick work of them gaining 300 exp and bringing his exp amount to (754/1,110).

After another 30 minutes of walking he encountered 5 more goblin groups with them still holding level 5 goblins.

With each group the number of goblins increased by two.

He was now had 70 goblin cores and corpses.

He even raised his level 2 times and his exp amount was now(1130/1250).He gained four sp to each stat and 8 dsp.

"Just two more levels and I will be able to get to E rank"Max said smiling behind his mask.

He was now facing a three meter tall door.

Behind this door was this dungeons boss and Max knew how dangerous it was to enter this by himself and there was no turning back if he entered.

But what did he have to lose? His life,as you already know he has no life so that's out of the question.

If he dies all that will do is to allow him to see his family again.

He could of killed himself long ago but that would have made him break his promise to his mother and father.

Pushing the huge door open,he could smell the huge stench of blood coming from inside and the huge amount of bloodlust.

As soon as he stepped in the door closed behind.

He ignored it and continued walking,still keeping the fireball active to see.

As he walked further the smell of blood became stronger.


A loud scraping could be heard,but that's not the important thing.

The important question is why the f×ck did it sound like it coming from above.

Max looked up and what greeted him was a 2 meter long,white skinned goblin that had its mouth wide open showing Max it long scattered teeth.

"F×ck ho...."but before Max could finish the monster launched himself at himself from the ceiling at him.

Max quickly summoned a spear and sent it flying into the goblin1s gaping mouth,and with a swift motion he moved out the way of the monster.

The goblin fell to the ground screeching anduilandu holding its throat.

This allowed John to check it's stats.

[Dungeon Boss.

Species:Slender Goblin









'What the f×ck"Max thought.

The goblin looked at the flustered max and started crawling at him.


Max summoned many fire balls and fire spears.


The loud explosion caused Max to cover his ears.

Although he summoned 25 fireballs and fire spears he only managed to do 2500.

He continued to fire countless attacks where he saw it last.


From the smoke the goblin came rushing at him again but this time his right arm was missing along and a piece of his jaw.

It pounced on Max but he successfully blocked it with the water but he still took some damage.


The goblin latched on the sheild using all the bite force it had.

While it bit the sheild it clawed at Max slowly bringing his hp down.

Max took his right hand still holding the fireball and sent it to its chest.The head would be quicker but he couldn't risk destroying the core.

He kept summoning fireballs and the b×cth was too dumb too let go.This turned to be who could kill each other the fastest.

But by the end of the day Max won.

[You have gained 1000exp(880/1300)

You have gained a level.You have gained 2 sp to each stat and 4 dsp.You have been completely healed.You have gained an E rank skill book. PLEASE EXIT THE DUNGEON WITHIN THIRTY MINUTES]

Max fell to the ground in exhaustion,his over use in his skills has put a mental strain on him.

He laid there closing his eyes for 10 minutes trying to recover his mental strength.

"Hahhahaha,Yes!!!"Max laughed in happiness.

He finally killed a boss,and by himself at that.

'Open status board.'

Name:Max Spade












Stat points:100

Skills:fireball(50)fire spear(50)water sheild(50)

water control(00)dark aura (00) hallucination(50)]

'Open inventory'

[95 F rank goblin cores,70 goblin corpses,5 D rank Dire wolf cores,D rank wolf sword,E rank skill book.]

That means he gets $19,000 if he sell sells the goblin cores,$35,000 if he sells the goblin corpes,2,000 sells the direwolf cores and not to mention the slender goblins core and corpse.

He looked at the timer that was slowly going down,it represented the time he had before the portal close trapping him here forever.

"I better search this place and leave"Max thought.

It was an important thing to know that if a group or guild of people enter a dungeon and don't make it out and your group conquers that dungeon you should define looked for their equipment and the dropped items from their inventory.

As when a person dies the things from their inventory are dropped.

The guy from outside said some delinquents from the neighborhood went in but never came out so they must have had a couple items on them and goblins are known for hording items.