
My System is to Kill

In a virtual reality game called "Tranquility Online," a young boy named Niles finds himself in a mysterious and unsettling situation. He's chosen as a Player Killer, a newly introduced class in the game. Armed with a medieval-looking knife, he embarks on a journey to understand his role and the reasons behind it. As Niles explores the game's eerie and blood-soaked cemetery setting, he grapples with questions about his own motivations and the ethics of killing other players. The game's creators promise monetary rewards for player kills, which both tempt and trouble Niles. Niles encounters Nova, a ruthless and experienced Player Killer, and becomes involved in a deadly confrontation with other players. In a desperate bid to survive, Niles taps into unexpected powers but ultimately falls victim to Nova's ruthlessness. The story explores the blurred lines between reality and virtual reality, as Niles wrestles with the moral implications of his actions in the game. With each kill, he earns rewards and climbs the leaderboard but also risks losing his humanity. As Niles contemplates his choices, he must decide whether to continue down a dark path or seek a different way to navigate the virtual world of "Tranquility Online."

SayofChains88 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

A Little Confusion

The air was charged with Niles' anger as [GodSlayer] took a stance . Niles took his stance ready to strike. Niles smirked as [GodSlayer] took a step forward. 

[Activated: Combination Drive.] 

"Blink Strike–Piercing Thrust!" Niles whispered. 


[MP 1000/1500] 

[Phantom Legion Summoning] A voice whispered. 

[GodSlayer] watched as his avatar vanished, he knew PK players had similar abilities against Niles. Niles slashed through the air as [GodSlayer] quickly sidestepped it. Niles was surprised as he saw [Alex_Striker] appear in front of him, blocking the blade as he swung down towards his torso. Niles jumped back out of the way. 

"So this is what you meant Niles!" [Alex_Striker] shouted. 

His voice finally pierced the air making all the players turn their gaze towards the small group. Niles ignored Alex and focused instead on the game. The next thing he knew he was surrounded by onyx swords. Niles ducked as several swords flew past him, narrowly avoiding getting decapitated. Niles grinned evilly and lunged towards Alex.

"Identify! Evasive Dance!Piercing Thrust!" Niles cried. 

[MP -200] 

[MP Remaining Niles- 800/1500]

[Alex_Striker- HP-200] 

[HP remaining 1577/1777]

Nimble footsteps as he brought his knife out against Alex's long thin sword tinted light blue .

The blade flashed with blue light as it collided with the weapon. It cut into Alex's armor, revealing a dark chest plate. Niles snarled as he struck Alex's chest. Alex's body was blown back.

"Damn! That hurt!!" Alex cursed.

Alex was in shock realizing there was true pain inflicted upon him. He wasn't prepared for such a harsh attack. Niles smirked as he approached Alex. With one swift swing of the knife he sliced Alex's neck. Alex slumped to the floor dropping his sword and holding his throat tightly. Alex clutched the wound as blood dripped between his fingers.

"Niles, please stop," Galena begged. 

"If Niles wants to play I plan to give that to the idiot!" He shouted. 

The swordsman charged at Niles as he rammed his head into his stomach with all his strength. Alex was stunned when he was sent flying against the wall. Niles was taken aback by how powerful his attack really was and was knocked down to the floor. Niles rolled around as he was hit multiple times by the swordsman.

[Release allowed: test terminated.] 

Niles gawked up at Alex as though he was coming out of a foggy nightmare. The moment Niles looked up at the swordsman Alex dropped his weapon. He held both his arms defensively, looking terrified as his breathing became heavier. Niles stared at the other player for an instant. Something inside him told him to approach Alex but he couldn't move. His vision became blurry and his limbs were paralyzed with fear. There was so much dread filling the room that it felt suffocating.

"I will be back," Niles noted. 


Never had Niles felt such a rush. Never did he ever feel as alive. His senses were heightened. There was something new about the world around him. A cool breeze blew over his skin. Every breath felt like he had been inhaling water for years. This was the first real moment of relaxation.

Looking at the VR helmet in the dark Taking a deep breath he smiled lightly closing his eyes. Closing them fully, his body felt relaxed. Niles didn't realize how exhausted he had become until he opened his eyes again. Opening his eyes completely, he glanced at the ceiling.

He tossed the VR and rubbed his sore arms. After getting rid of the last of his fatigue, he grabbed the VR helmet again. Taking a deep breath, he couldn't bear to put the headset on again and placed it down beside him.

"I feel like I've been dreaming that whole time…" He thought. 

Thinking back to how well he worked with Galena he didn't know what to make of it as though the attacks themselves bound him to the game. He wondered why the system would choose him to play.

[(3) New messages] 

He ignored it. Staring up at the ceiling, his smile grew wider. He knew exactly what to do and who to play against. Glancing at the door he heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Looking up he found Alex standing in the doorway staring at him with a frown.

Noticing quickly that it was his imagination realizing no one was there , he shrugged it off and got up. Grabbing his VR helmet he threw it onto the bed before putting his clothes back on. Walking out of the door, he looked into the corridor and was relieved to see nobody was there. Walking further down the hall. 

Niles stared at the door, the only thing keeping him from the outside and a bat that stood nearby. He didn't even want to leave the room, the door felt safe and warm, the darkness was comfortable and comforting. Even if he hated that damn machine and all the people playing in it.

Opening the door he stepped outside feeling more refreshed and alive than ever. Smiling, he made his way downstairs.

"Something is wrong with that stupid game…" Niles thought to himself. 

Everything felt off to him, surfacing as he gawked over at Alex's house not too far from him would help him feel better but everything seemed normal. As he gazed up at the sky, he felt the urge to go back inside and rest. He felt his eyes becoming heavy as he rested his hands on his knees

while leaning against a wall before taking a step forward.

"But why would I want the bat?" He whispered. 

The confused notion rose deep inside his heart making him question if he was going crazy

or something else. As he stood there looking around the surroundings he could sense a presence. Feeling curious about where this feeling was coming from, he continued walking

around his neighborhood. Eventually he ended up walking to a park.

He watched as the sunset and children left with their parents. Suddenly he felt a pull. A strong tugging force. Niles looked around confused before he felt it again. He walked towards the forest. Once entering he began looking for whoever or whatever was pulling him toward something. 

The echoing sound of a dog yelping could be heard and children's laughter ringing off in the distance. Niles kept walking. As he neared the place where the voices sounded the pull intensified. As he reached a clearing the tug suddenly disappeared as he watched the kids kick the harmless dog on the ground. The dog whined in pain as kids laughed at it. The sound of children's laughter made Niles smile slightly before disappearing. 

Quickly realizing what he had done he snapped out of it before chasing the kids away. Laughing as he chased the kids away. When he finally caught up, Niles watched as the children ran away giggling loudly. Niles sighed as he walked closer to the puppy. The puppies tongue hung out while panting in exhaustion as it lay in the grass licking its paw.

"Stupid kids…but at the same time…funny." He said as he bent down next to the dog.

"Hey little guy," he commented.

Laughing slightly Niles crouched down, petting the dog gently. The dog seemed happy to have someone else's attention. As he moved his hand up to his face the dog growled slightly before lapping at Niles's fingers. The touch made Niles freeze before laughing slightly and patting the dog's head once again.

"Why am I so weak against cute things?" Niles asked himself.

As he sat there petting the dog, he noticed a small piece of paper sticking out of the dog's mouth. Curious, he picked up the paper and unfolded it.

'Be Careful Niles,' 

Niles froze as he pressed tightly enough to hurt the dog.

"What is this? How can this be?" He muttered.

Niles stared dumbfounded at the note.

"Did I…fall asleep while sitting in front of the computer during my gaming session?" He wondered.

The dog whined before barking loudly. "What is this? How can this be?" He muttered.

Niles stared dumbfounded at the note.

"Is it Owl?" He wondered.

The dog whined before barking loudly. It jumped up and tried to jump out of Niles's hold causing Niles to stumble backward. As soon as Niles landed the dog was gone.

"Where the hell did he go?" He asked himself.

Looking around the woods, Niles noticed that he was alone. The light was dimming. The moon slowly rising to the top of the night sky. All of a sudden, Niles spotted the dog running away in the other direction.

He wondered if he was just going mad in a world of coincidences and wanted to think how far it went. It seemed to stretch endlessly and for some reason, he felt like someone was watching him. Niles scanned around but no one was near. 

Just then he saw movement in the corner of his eye. Turning around he was met with the sight of a boy around 7 years old. His hair was long and messy, but he had large black wings growing out of his back. On his head was a pair of round glasses. He wasn't smiling.