
My Sweet Battle Maids

After saving an old man from a monster attack, the old man blesses the protagonist with a fortune beyond belief. That fortune is a massive massion with eight maids at his command that will serve him. The protagonist is grateful for this fortune, but before he can become their master he has to prove himself to the maids. How must he prove himself? By defeating all eight maids. Only then will they recognize him as their master. The eight maids may look cute but they are insanely powerful, only having one previous master in their history of being maids...the old man. The protagonist seems to want to take on this challenge as he's never backed away from a challenge before in his lifetime. This will be the start of a new chapter in his life.

ShiningZero · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

The Battle Maidens (4)

Yoko and her illusions ran directly at me and I dodged her attacks then began to strike her illusions and they disappeared one by one. I dodged the actual Yoko then she threw knives at me, but I deflected them. I evaded her fox fireball then fired a fireball of my own at her. She avoided it and looked at me then her eyes shined.

She ran to me and fired bolts of lightning at me. I avoided them and vanished then appeared behind her. I went for a roundhouse kick, but she avoided it then kicked me away. I landed on my feet and slid backwards. She appeared in front of me and multiple illusions appeared around me. They began to rush me with a barrage of attacks. I used my aura as armor and endured her attacks.

"You can't defend forever!" Yoko bellowed and struck my chest.

I groaned as my aura armor shattered then I slid backwards. "She's way stronger than Camille...faster than her dragon...I can't really get a hit in, but I can't let that push me too far.."

"He's having a hard time. He can't really keep up with her and she even has the power to surpass any form of protection." Ingrid said.

"Yoko can win this!" Florence smiled.

I ran to Yoko and dragged the blade of my sword along the ground and slashed in a circle and powerful winds blew. Yoko grunted and covered her face. I slashed down at the ground and broke the floor and caused dirt particles to be picked up by the winds. I stabbed my sword into the ground and flames surrounded it then a pillar of flames crashed down and caused dust and more dust to appear. I conjured water to cause the ball room to be filled with smoke.

"This isn't going to work. I can see through the smoke." Yoko said.

"I know." I said and walked around in the smoke.

"You're right there!" She said and summoned a knife then threw it. Knife it a speed clone and it disappeared. "What the...He's just walking...how is he moving that fast?"

"This is the power of the Zero Step Technique. With this technique, I can move in multiple directions at once. You can't possibly outspeed me." I said.

"Even so...I can outsmart you." Yoko said and her ear twitched then she threw her knife to her right.

I dodged it and smirked. "Found me.."

Yoko smirked then grunted as she was punched from an invisible force. She slid backwards and looked in the direction I was last. "He's gone..?!"

"Except you didn't..." I chuckled.

Yoko looked around then began getting hit with a barrage of attacks from all directions. She groaned and grunted as she was hit. Her eyes shined and she bellowed then her aura cleared the smoke. She looked around and noticed I was in the air. I came down with a powerful kick and she dodged then she gasped as I appeared behind her. She groaned as she was kicked away into a pillar.

Yoko fell onto one knee and stood up. "No...you will not beat me so easily!"

Yoko bellowed and channelled her energy and a second tail appeared on her. She looked at me and her pupils became vertical. She leaned forward and vanished, leaving behind a circle of dust then the floor cracked a few seconds after. I blocked her strike and grunted. She kicked me away then appeared behind me and kicked me away again. She began to strike me from all directions then kicked me upward and trapped me into her aura. She bellowed and caused her aura to explode.

"Yes! A direct hit he couldn't avoid! That's gotta do some real damage!" Florence said.

"Y-Yeah..!" Camille said.

The smoke cloud cleared and I was gone. Yoko looked surprised then grunted as I kicked her upwards the trapped her in my aura.

"No way! He copied her move!" Ingrid exclaimed.

I held my hand out at her then balled my fist and an explosion happened. She groaned as she was blown away through a pillar. She recovered and landed on her feet. A third tail appeared on herself and she became more powerful and aggressive. She rushed toward me and slashed her claws at me. I dodged her attack then spun around her then punched her stomach then stomped on the ground and a rock pillar struck her stomach, knocking her into the air. I ran to her and jumped up hitting her with four kicks then flipped forward and kicked her to the ground.

"She can't get a hit in! Why?!" Scarlet bellowed.

"His Intelligence is infinitely increasing like Yoko's so she can't grow smarter than him. She has to rely on her trickery to outplay him." The maid said to herself as she watched.

I landed on the ground then grunted as her aura began to surge powerfully. She stood up and her eyes shined red. She roared and unleashed a massive ball of fire at me. I dodged it and an explosion happened as the fireball hit the wall. I looked back and noticed the wall destroyed. I looked back at Yoko and grunted as she was in front of me then she punched my face. I groaned and crashed through the window then landed outside. She appeared in front of me then rushed me with attacks then her aura formed into tails then began to strike me then knocked me away.

"The more tails Yoko has, the stronger be becomes. At four tails she's already unbeatable." The maid said and crossed her arms. "He's done."

I slowly stood up and grunted softly. "I bet you think you've won huh...Well let me tell you that you're wrong!"

My aura spiralled around me and I dashed to her then she dashed to me and we both went for an attack. Our fists collided and caused a shockwave around the area. She roared and used her tails and wrap around my body. Her tails threw me into the air then she unleashed a beam from her mouth. The beam hit me and an explosion happened in the sky.

"That attack severely damaged him. He couldn't avoid it." Ingrid said.

The smoke cleared and my wings unguarded my body. My eyes shined silver and my aura sparkled. "Hmph...It seems that you're able to draw out more of my power than I expected.."

Yoko looked at me and looked surprised when I teleported and appeared behind her. She went for a hit, but she hit an afterimage. She looked ahead then groaned as I struck her stomach.

"But that's you're worst mistake!" I bellowed and knocked her into the air.

I flew after her then she roared and a fifth tail appeared. She flew down and punched my face then flinched back noticing it didn't affect me. I grabbed her leg then flew to the ground and slammed her onto the ground. She groaned loudly in pain. I raised her off the ground and tossed her into the air then kicked her away through a few trees. She landed in the lake and began to sink to the bottom slowly.

I walked towards the lake and white lightning crackled around my body. As I make it to the lake I felt a powerful aura from the lake and noticed her emerging from the lake with nine tails. She roared and her fur shined golden then her eyes was an orange color. She had nine orbs of energy floating around her: Three Fireballs, Three Lightning Orbs, and Three Orbs of Light.

She landed on the ground and ran to me at invisible speeds and I ran to her at invisible speeds as well. We clashed multiple times then I parried her next attack and knocked her away. I vanished and slashed through her then a barrage of hidden slashes hit her and she groaned. She growled and landed on the ground then bellowed and transformed into a giant nine tailed fox. She unleashed three beams at me and I avoided them then she shot three more at me. I avoided those as well then rushed her with attacks then kicked her nose.

She grunted and stumbled. She regained her balance then began sidestepping left and right. She jumped backwards and roared using the shockwaves to push me away. I grunted and slid backwards. She fired multiple beams in the air from her mouth then looked at me and ran to me. She swiped her claws at me. I dodged the physical attacks and noticed the beams starting to crash down. I dodged then and grunted as she hit me with her swiping attack. I groaned as I was knocked back into a barrage of beams.

I emerged from the smoke and my sword shined brightly. I began striking her with slashes from my sword and she groaned as I knocked her backwards. She fired all nine beams at me using her orbs. I bellowed and used my aura to form an exoskeleton around me to tank the beams. I used my aura to form a gigantic humanoid armor of aura around my body.

"It's like my Golem Armor.." Camille said.

"Yoko is truly making him draw out all that power..? She's truly a fearsome opponent in this form and he's keeping up with her. I can't believe I'm admitting it, but Asin is truly amazing.." Scarlet said in awe.

"Yeah...Yoko hasn't had to pull this out the woodworks in a long time and now Asin is able to push her beyond her limits. He seems to surpass Master Grats in terms of abilities.." Ingrid agreed.

My exoskeleton formed a sword out of the aura and dashed to Yoko then slashed at her. She used her tails to block and parry the attacks from my sword. She grabbed the exoskeleton's arms then charged up a giant ball of energy. I made the exoskeleton headbutt Yoko and she yelped and the ball of energy disappeared. The exoskeleton kicked her away. She rolled away. I bellowed and the blade of the giant sword shined brightly.

"Infinity Edge!" I bellowed and the exoskeleton slashed down then unleashed a massive cutting wave at Yoko.

Yoko's eyes widened when she noticed the cutting wave then groaned as the cutting wave hit her then exploded. The exoskeleton around me disappeared and I landed on the ground. Yoko reverted back to noticed and her aura slowly disappeared and she fell to her knees. I panted and held my arm.

"Yoko...lost..?" Florence asked in disbelief.

"No way he beat her. That's impossible.." Scarlet said.

I walked to Yoko and stopped in front of her. I made sure she was okay then she grabbed my arm and caught me off guard. She looked into my eyes and a symbol shined in her eyes.

"Perfect Hypnogia!" She chanted then trapped me into an Endless Dream.

"Yoko!" Camille said in shock.

"She did it...she actually pulled it off. The Endless Dream Technique...that's it. Asin lost." The maid said and stood up.

"It's over now. He's trapped in a dream he can not escape." Ingrid said then stood up and held her arms. "To think he'd get this far...alas he was destined to-"

The maid felt powerful energy and looked back at the mirror. "What the-"

I opened my eyes and bellowed then my aura surged around the area powerfully and sparkled.

"He woke up from the Perfect Hypnogia?!" Scarlet yelled.

Yoko's eyes widened and she stood up then stumbled backwards. She yelled and ran to me then went for a punch. I caught her fist and looked at her.

"Fall." I said and her body grew weak then she fell to her knees. She was scared.

Scarlet and the others watched in shock.

"She...she submitted to him.." Florence stammered and even Haji was surprised.

I let go of her hand. I looked down at her and my aura vanished. I heard someone behind me. I looked back and noticed two maids behind me. I turned around.

"What exactly are you? You've beated everyone of them and all in the same day! Who exactly are you?!" A maid asked.

"I am Asin Lasslow. I've said it at least three times already. Hero of the Infinite Frontier, bearer of the Infinity Edge, blessed with the power of Infinitum." I said then pointed my sword at them. "You two are Battle Maids as well? I don't have a problem taking you both on at the same time!"

One maid pointed her sword at me and glared. "My name is Alice and I happily accept your challenge!"

"I am Fellia and I have no problem fighting you also. You've gotten far enough. We've got a clear understanding of your abilities. We just have to beat you before you become strong enough to overpower us!" The other maid said.

"Well then...let's see if your theory is true." I said and smirked.