
My Sweet Battle Maids

After saving an old man from a monster attack, the old man blesses the protagonist with a fortune beyond belief. That fortune is a massive massion with eight maids at his command that will serve him. The protagonist is grateful for this fortune, but before he can become their master he has to prove himself to the maids. How must he prove himself? By defeating all eight maids. Only then will they recognize him as their master. The eight maids may look cute but they are insanely powerful, only having one previous master in their history of being maids...the old man. The protagonist seems to want to take on this challenge as he's never backed away from a challenge before in his lifetime. This will be the start of a new chapter in his life.

ShiningZero · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Battle Maidens (3)

Camille surrounded herself with water and formed a huge water golem. I looked at the golem and began running around the lake. I watched the golem as it began to throw water bombs at me. I dodged the bombs and knocked one back at it. The golem staggered and Camille grunted as the golem shook.

"Tch...it's not enough.." I said to myself then stopped. I surrounded myself with lightning and dashed around the lake in lightning speeds. I shot lightning bolts at the golem, but it knocked them away and shot water bullets at me. I dodged them and knocked one back at the golem.

"Camille is very powerful because of her perfect control over her abilities, but is it going to be enough to deal with Asin..?" A maid asked as she watched from the mirror.

I shot multiple lightning bolts at the golem and it deflected them all. "Why aren't my attacks working..?"

"Another thing about Camille that makes her much stronger than the other three is her abilities associated with the type of Nature she's in. Nature Control is one of the most powerful abilities. Since she's around the Earth Element, Lightning Attacks won't work against her in her Golem Form, but I think he's already figured it out." The maid said.

I stared at the golem and noticed chunks of dirt and metals in the golem. "Heh...clever woman. By trapping minerals with the Golem, she nullifies any form of super effective elemental damage. The only thing that can hurt her is her own projectiles and because of the wall, I have to play the patience game. She's been studying.."

Camille clapped her hands togerher and crossed her fingers. The golem's hands turned into gun barrels then fired earth bullets at me. I ran off and began to outrun the bullet. Two more arms formed on the golem then it began to throw water bombs at me. I deflected them and they hit the golem, staggering it again. Camille grunted loudly as the golem began shaking even more.

"It's growing weaker...but I know I can win!" Camille said and lowered her arms then the energy walls lowered.

The golem began throwing punches and I dodged the punches. The golem then slammed its fist against the ground. I jumped up and dodged the attack. I landed on the arm of the golem and ran along the arm then unsheathed my sword. I noticed the weak spot of the golem then vanished and appeared at the weak spot and struck it with my sword. Camille groaned loudly as she felt the same pain as the golem. The golem grabbed me and threw be back on the land.

I landed on my feet and chuckled softly. "Same effects as Florence I see.."

The golem shot water bombs into the air and turned it's arms into ice then slammed its arms on the ground then began rotating rapidly. I dodged the first arm and blocked the second arm then grunted as I slid backwards. I looked upward and noticed the water bombs crashing down and exploding. I was pushed away and my eyes shined as I noticed one of the bombs heading straight towards me. An explosion happened as the bomb crashed down.

"A direct hit!" Florence said as she watched from another window.

Camille looked at me and watched the smoke clear away. She groaned as a wave of energy swords struck the golem's core. I appeared in front of the golem's core and afterimages of me appeared behind me then I rapidly struck the core. Camille groaned in pain then the golem burst as the core was sliced in half. Camille fell into the water and I flew back to the land. I panted and chuckled softly. I stood up straight and began to walk off. I heard a roar and stopped walking then looked back then noticed a dragon emerge from the water with Camille on its back.

"The Nature Dragon, Anori!" Florence cheered.

"This is where Camille's true power comes in. Mastered Aura Connection with her one of her three legendary beasts, Mastered Nature Control, and the Dragon of the Nature. Anori controls Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. Anori can't be damaged by any elements and it's scales are tough enough to be unaffected by any blade. Truly a battle Asin can not win." A maid said as she watched via the mirror.

Anori flew in the air and I smirked then ran ahead and my aura spiralled around my body then formed wings and I flew to the skies as well. Anori looked at me and roared then multiple magic circles appeared behind her. She roared and fired multiple magic missiles at me. I dodged the missiles then knocked one back at her. Anori dodged the missiles and flew off. I flew after it and evaded the beams that were being fired at me. Anori turned around and flew directly at me and slashed her claws at me. I parried the attack and counter attacked. Anori roared as she was knocked off balance. I flew to her tail and grabbed her tail. I bellowed and changed my aura to a red color.

"Is he planning to throw Anori?!" Scarlet asked as she watched from the roof.

I bellowed and began to spin Anori around in a circle. I roared and spun her around so fast a strong wind picked up. A tornado formed and Camille squealed loudly as she hung onto Anori. I threw Anori at the ground and she roared. Anori crashed onto the ground and quickly flew to the skies again. I looked at Anori and her roar became louder and more enraged.

"Anori!" Camille yelled.

Anori began to shoot a barrage of fireballs from her mouth at me. I flew to Anori and dodged the fireballs then dodged the geyser water eruptions. Anori summoned large circular boulders then sent them all flying at me. I dodged those as well then grunted as one came flying directly at me. I caught it with my hands then tried to push it away. Anori unleashed a powerful wind beam at the boulder and continued to push it down.

"Go Camille!" Florence cheered.

I bellowed and my aura surged powerfully. I chuckled and my eyes shined. "You're actually making me try! I commend you for that, however...Its time I stop playing around!"

Camille felt my energy and grunted. "Anori! Go!"

The boulder cracked and shattered then Anori's beam was dispersed. I looked at Anori and slowly unsheathed my sword. "Final Edge!"

I appeared behind Anori and a powerful slash hit Anori then an explosion happened. I sheathed my sword and Anori slowly descended to the ground and fell to the ground then dispersed into magic particles. Camille landed on her knees gently and looked upset as she stared at the ground.

"Even Anori couldn't stop him...Is there anyone who can..?" Camille asked.

I landed in front of Camille and my wings dispersed into tiny feathers. "Out of everyone you gave me the most trouble so far. I can only imagine how the last four will be."

Camille looked up at me and noticed I held my hand out to her. She slowly took my hand then stood up with my help. Her cheeks began to become flustered. "W-Well...your next opponent...she will be inside the mansion. She's in the ball room."

I nodded and walked off. Florence, Ingrid, Scarlet, and now Camille have been taken down. I only have four left until my challenge is complete. I have proven myself this far without having to show off too much power. Camille was able to get more out of me and my opponents only get stronger from here.

I walked back into the mansion then made my way to the ball room. I walked inside and noticed the fifth maid standing in the middle of the ball room. Her kitsune ears flicked and she threw her throwing knives at me. I dodged them and knew we were going straight into combat. I dashed straight to her and unsheathed my sword then slashed multiple at her. She blocked them all and flipped backwards, landing on her feet. She fired a fireball at the ground then caused smoke to form around the area.

"My name is Yoko. I am the fifth maid and the end of your journey. Even if you do get past me...your challenge will end. The other three will stop you." The maid said.

I noticed multiple illusions of Yoko appear around me. "Is that so? Well let me tell you this...as the Hero of the Infinite Frontier and wielder of the Infinity Edge and blessed with the power of Infinitum, my power is limitless. Try what you will on me, I'm only going to blow past you. Let's hope you're able to draw more power from me as well."

"Allow me to show you why us Kitsune are a vastly superior species!" Yoko bellowed.

"Infinitum..? We know that Yoko has an infinite IQ as it is always growing...but is this how he wins all of his fights thus far? His condition is infinite? I wonder what he means by this...maybe I can get my answer now since no one can surpass Yoko's IQ. She was blessed from one of the Pillars of Potential, the Pillar of Intelligence." The maid said as she watched from her mirror.

"It's time...We will finally see if he's as good as Master Grats. Even he couldn't surpass her IQ but he still managed to beat her because of his battle experience. Asin and Yoko have just about the same battle experience but only one is smarter than the other." Scarlet said as she watched with Ingrid, Camille, and Florence from a magic screen.

"I know Yoko can win this." Florence said softly.

"She has to." Camille said and watched.