
My SSS-Rank Class Is Blood Monarch!

'Divinity Online'. The new breakthrough in the Full-Immersion Virtual Reality technology. After decades of work, Divinity Corp had achieved the impossible. Creating a massive video game world that people can enter and live in as if it were Earth. Their goal was clear, to create a world other than Earth that we can call home. A place where the laws of reality vanish, and the true ceiling of power shifts completely. Naturally, the shockwave Divinity Online created across the entire globe was unlike anything else. Every single person has heard of it, even those who have had no interest in video games before. Giant corporations and even governments immediately rushed to start planning to invest in this new world and just like that, billions of people had their eyes on one single date: the 19th of July. *** Arthur, like everyone else, had heard of the game and was as excited as everyone else to try it, if not even more. With how much he grew bored of his life on earth, this fantasy world was like the divine call he had been searching for. However, there was a very small problem. He had no money to buy the machine required to access Divinity Online. His wretched life had turned him into a broke teenager with no parents, and no relatives. But, by some kind of luck, he got his hands on one of those machines. Not knowing what was awaiting him in that world, Arthur was simply seeking one thing... A new opportunity in life and to find a purpose he could work for when he had none so far. [Welcome to 'Divinity Online'.] [Assimilation Started...]

Frost_Bite8 · Kỳ huyễn
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70 Chs

Chapter 55- Fateful Meeting (Part 2)

Silence immediately took over the entire place. It became so quiet that the sound of someone's breathing could be heard throughout the entire place. Everyone immediately looked at the person who said those words.

Arthur's eyes moved to the side too when he heard that sentence. That was when he realized what kind of person he was standing next to. The player was clad in a completely red veil that covered all their body. It was baggy enough not to show whether they were a male or a female.

On their head, they wore an ominous red mask that had no eyes and no facial expression. But, by far, their most interesting detail was their aura. While the others didn't notice it, Arthur did notice it.

'They're strong.' His eyes grew colder. 'They're probably very high up the ranks.'

While his assumption might've been really shocking, his guts told him that he was indeed facing a very special player. If their request wasn't proof of that, in the first place.