
(14) Questions and Trust

Sorry I missed the Schedule yesterday I had an immediate doctors appointment for family, everything is fine it was thankfully just a minor thing, everything is good, remember to go to the doctors regularly so you can be in good health!

Anyway onto the chapter!



Katerina sat down in a chair facing the members of the Justice League, she assumed Batman would be the first to speak but to her surprise it was John Constantine, "What in the bloody hell are you? You seem to have a bit of a devilish side but you aren't a full blown demon, so what are ya mate?"

Katerina wasn't entirely suprised Constantine could see or feel the demonic energy as she wasn't trying to hide it, but this did catch the other members attention and they quickly went on the defensive

Katerina raised an eyebrow as she looked around, then she cleared her throat and adjusted herself while trying to move Wonder Woman a bit off her lap or to the side, "Ahem, well I can't say I'm not entirely surprised you noticed John, but to be fair I'm not a demon like you suspect, if you want to you can do some of you're exorcism techniques or splash some holy water on my face, whatever makes you more comfortable, as for what I am...I guess you could consider me something like Superman, although I'm not an alien I do come from a different planet, hmm no wrong term, world would be the best case, as for why I'm telling you this...trust...that's what it boils down to, I want trust and the best way for that to happen is to at least give some truth. As for why I have demonic energy, you could say I earned it, survived hell and came back and got a little gift out of it, I can use it to heal, attack, change parts of my body, pretty much anything"

As Katerina finished she raised her hand up and changed it into the Demonic Form, that way she can prove to them she isn't spouting nonsense and they see she has it under control.

John nodded and walked over, he held his hand up at Katerina and spoke in latin, Katerina assumed it was an exorcism thing. When John finished he noticed that her arm was still it's the Demonic Form so he just nodded and walked back to his seat, next to speak was actually batman.

"So if you're not an alien and you're not a demon, what exactly are you?"

Katerina narrowed her eyes and thought, until finally she just decided, "I'm not entirely sure anymore. What I mean is I died in my first life and was reincarnated into a new one with some crazy abilities, but as I get stronger I seem to unlock more, I don't know what I might unlock or not so it's always random. I could unlock the power to destroy a building or to be the number one chef in the universe, anyway I randomly came her when a portal thing swept me into it, and now I'm here talking to you all"

Batman nodded, probably thinking of contingency plan, Superman spoke up next, "So if you are not human and not alien, what are you?"

Katerina smiled mysteriously, "When I was reincarnated I was without abilites like I have now, I was human but also stronger, when I was born I heard a voice in my mind and he called me the last ever Neutral, the way it was explained was it was a race born to fight alien threats, some Neutrals could touch other species and gain their abilities and strength but no weakness, I was sadly born without this, but in its place I was gifted with the ability I mentioned earlier"

Everyone was wide-eyed at the aspect of what Katerina mention, soon enough the League meeting room was erupted into questions, thoughts, and plans on what would happen if Neutrals came back, Katerina sat back hugging the waist of Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman, with her head on her shoulder.

Soon enough the loud arguing and planning hurt Katerina's ears, "Alright! My ears are hurting from the loudness of everyone, I can promise one thing and that's the fact that I fight for the safety of the Universe, I am no ones enemy unless they make me one, now as for introductions if you don't mind, I am Starscreech, nice to meet everyone"

Everyone started introducing themselves, albeit a little awkwardly, but nonetheless everyone still gave their codename, Superman was the one to ask a question, "So...Starscreech? How'd you come up with that name?"

Katerina thought about her response and then looked at everyone, "I'll explain but two things need to happen, one everyone needs to remain calm no matter what, and two you must remember that I'm from another world and this is a normal thing there"

Everyone nodded and took a relaxed breath, except for batman of course, and Katerina stood up, "Remember, it's still me ok? No reason to go on freak out attack mode"

They all nodded again and Katerina went [Full Convergence] with the Symbiote, everyone immediately went wide-eyed and tensed up but most of them immediately calmed down remembering it's still her, of course Batman, Superman, and Suprisingly John Constantine stayed in a tensed form almost in a battle ready stance

Katerina spoke in a reverberating and weird voice, "Remember it's still me, and the reason for the codename is because this Symbiote came from space in my world, at first I wasn't sure about being host to an alien like this but it and I have been through a lot and kept each other safe, that's where Star comes from, as for the screech part, it's because when I scream in this form it can knockout people and make them possibly loose hearing, hence the full name, Starscreech"

Everyone nodded in understanding and the 3 who were in a tense almost battle like stance finally calmed down albeit Batman was still tensed up but he's Batman so yea.

Katerina looked at Batman and a mysterious smile crossed her lips, "Hey Batman, wanna spar? I would fight Super over there but I assume he could kill with a single hit, so I'm asking you as you're arming seems as if it can take a hit"

Batman narrowed his eyes and thought before nodding and leading her to the Sparring Hall.

(2 Hours Later)

Katerina laid in the bed in a guest room the League members gave her, she was under "Watch" until she was cleared to leave the Watch Tower, she was fine with as she knew it'd take time for them to at least have some trust, what she didn't understand though, 'Why does Diana have to be in my bed with me? Not that I mind but I feel like it's a bit quick compared to how I figured it would go'

Yep Diana was asleep next to Katerina, she had her head in Katerina's neck while she sighed happily in a deep sleep, 'System, do two spins please'

[Affirmative, Congratulations you have earned the following:

• Blood of Nine-Tailed Fox

• Blood of a Four-Winged Angel]

[Blood of Nine-Tailed Fox gives the following:

Bewitching: The nine-tailed fox can bewitch people.

Possession: The nine-tailed fox can possess and bewilder people, causing them to lose their memory and knowledge. 

Clairvoyance: The nine-tailed fox can know things from more than a thousand miles away.

Illusions: Foxes can create illusions that are almost indistinguishable from reality. 

Invisibility: Foxes can become invisible. 

Dream manifestation: Foxes can manifest themselves in the dreams of others.]

[Blood of the Four-Winged Angel gives the following:

Divinity: When someone prays in you're name you're body and powers grow stronger.

Light Manipulation: Can use Light from various sources to harness it and turn it into weapons such as: Beams, Swords, Hammers, Spears, Ect.

Ascension: When in a dire situation and on low health, this will automatically active and give the user a boost of 100x strength in Physical and Magical abilites.]

[Due to the immense strain these would put on the Host, the system will know induce an immediate sleep effect so Host will not be in pain throught the progress]

The only thought on Katerina's mind before she knocked out was, 'What the fuck!?'



Well I know this chapter wasn't the most action packed but that comes later as I have plans in this world that involves one of those bloods, I'm also thinking instead of just calling them Blood, I'll call them Bloodlines, thoughts?

By the way, of you to have a spot in the Justice league please you're hero name in the comments or comment on this and let me know so I can feature you before I write the next part!

Also if theres any Hero OR Villain you would like to see let me know!

Also thinking about the possibility of Harley Quinn being a love interest, thoughts?

Anyway have an amazing day and remember, EXCELSIOR!!!!