
My Secretive Wife (Moved to a new link)

Athena is an agent in a private agency under the wing of the International Police. Her goal in joining the said agency is revenge. But, she had a change of heart and thought of retiring after realizing that her world seemed to revolve around hating and capturing the man responsible for the death of her parents. The supposed last mission became so chaotic that she escaped and met Marco along the way. They fell in love, but she decided to leave him so he won't be involved with the mess she was with without knowing that she was pregnant. Years later, Marco found her by chance. Marco is a man with a few words. He has a monotonous daily life - work and home. He seems arrogant because he doesn't speak much, but he is warm-hearted. This persona of his came out when they met. When she left him, he did not stop searching for her, and his patience was rewarded by meeting her again with their love child.

SingkoMars · Thành thị
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35 Chs


Athena has been busy coordinating with her team, ensuring everyone received new details about the event. She doesn't want any mishap that may attract the attention of other guests. She instructed her team that they needed to keep an eye on Benjamin Baltazar and CamZ.

She was in deep thought when Marco opened the ajar door of the study.

"Hello, babe," he said, grinning at her. Athena was startled when she heard his voice and immediately checked the time on the wall. 'What?! It's already six o'clock?' She asked herself.

"Baabe!" Athena rushed toward him and hugged him tightly. Changing her expression from surprise to a sweet smile. Marco hugged her back and kissed her head. "I missed you, babe," she cuddled into his arms, inhaling his scents.

"What keeps you busy, babe?" He asked. He has been curious about what she was doing in the study. She's always preoccupied and even forgets to eat. When they registered their marriage, she insisted on doing all the paperwork. Before they received their marriage license, she had already told him that she wanted to keep their marriage licenses. He hesitated at first but later agreed.

"Hmm... just something," she replied, dodging his eyes. She despises herself for keeping her secrets. But she had no choice. She had to keep him in the dark for now. Athena promised herself that she would tell him everything about her after this mission.

She removed her arms from his waist and cupped his face to give him a peck on his lips. She then bravely looked him in the eye and said in a low voice, "Babe," she paused, trying to gather all the courage she could get within her. "I'll tell you everything about me one day, and if I do, please understand why I can't tell you everything beforehand," she said nervously.

He gave her a deeper look. He can feel her sincerity, and he knows she has reasons why she can't tell him right now. At least, she plans to open up sooner or later, which is good enough for him.

"I will always understand you whatever the reason, I promise," he said affectionately. He then hugged Athena tight and rested his chin on her head.

"Thank you, babe," she was relieved to hear him promise her.

"I can do anything you want me to do, babe," he said tenderly. He is willing to sacrifice himself or anything for her, and she doesn't need to ask him to do that because he'll do it willingly.

Three days before the conference

"Babe, can we go somewhere this weekend?" She asked while they were cuddling on the bed.

"Mmm... where do you want to go, love?" He asked. It's the first time that she asked him to go somewhere. It is always him who is dragging her to go here and there.

"Hmm... I saw a beautiful hotel and resort on the island. I want to see it personally," she said with admiration in her eyes.

"MC's?" He knows what beach and resort she was referring to, but he wants to confirm it.

"Uh-huh," she replied, anxiously waiting for his answer.

"As you wish, my love." He was happy and satisfied to know that his wife admires the fruit of his labor. An idea popped into his head. He smiled at her and grabbed his phone on the nightstand to message Anthony.

He cupped her face and kissed her domineeringly.

"Umph," she groaned. "You will be late for work," she said incomprehensibly.

"I'm taking a day off today. We will go somewhere," he winked at her. She got excited and said happily, "okay!"

She hurriedly went to the bathroom to clean herself and change her nightgown to a simple yellow dress that she had just grabbed in the walk-in closet. Marco was amused while watching her quick movements. He shook his head and began his business.

Marco instructed Nana Maria to pack their clothes for a week's stay at MC's Hotel and Resort. She immediately complies with a broad smile on her face, which she quickly hides.

Athena ate her breakfast happily, knowing that Marco had taken a day off to be with her.

"Where are we going?" She asked innocently.

Marco glanced at her and wondered if he should keep it from her or let her know in advance.

"Any idea?" He asked with a mischievous smile.

"Mmm... MC's?" She said in a confident tone. 'She only mentions MC to him earlier so he thought of bringing her there?' She said to herself, confirming her doubt.

Marco chuckled when she guessed it right. His quick-witted wife did not even wait for him to say it. He can only smile at her to let her know she is right about it.

"Really?!" Honestly, she is overjoyed to know that he will bring her there, not because her mission will occur at the resort, but because she fell in love with the place when she googled it. And she imagined her and Marco spending their honeymoon there. Though their two-week honeymoon is already over, she is still looking forward to having him longer.

It's the first time since Marco knew her that he saw Athena so happy like that. She's not even like that when he asks her to marry him. He knew that Athena was hesitant to say 'yes' on that day and did not force her to answer him right away. But when she saw him frown, she gave him a peck on his lips and agreed.

It was an hour to reach the port, and she was thrilled to see the ferry boat. Her Dad always goes to the port to get fresh fish, squids, crabs, etc., from their supplier. She loves going with him every weekend. The ferry has MC's logo painted on it. The memory of her childhood flashed in her mind. Her parents have a seafood restaurant business all over City B and were about to branch out to City M, but an accident happened.

The ferry boat's captain is her father's best friend, so each time his boat docks, she is always free to go in and stay there until his father finishes his business.

Maro noticed the change on her face while she looked at the ferry. He caught her attention, and she gave him an ironic smile.

The ferry ride from the port to MC's Hotel and Resort is precisely thirty minutes. They got out of the car and walked up to the ferry's VIP lounge, where they could sit with comfort while enjoying the view. She looked around and noticed that it was just them in the room. She just shrugged it off and continued looking around.

"I'll go around," she said, getting up and walking to the door when Marco followed her out. She looked at him uncomfortably but decided to let it go. Athena has to be discreet while doing her little investigation about the ins and outs of the hotel, starting from the ferry ride. She wants to be sure that if plan A exit won't be feasible, a plan B will be ready for them. She went to the VIP lounge's balcony and looked back where the port was—studying the view intently.

Marco was carefully observing her while she was quiet beside him. She seemed immersed with something in her head. He wants to know what makes her brain work at this moment. He feels like having power by reading people's minds would benefit him in this situation.

She did not even realize that he went behind her back. That's how absorbed she is with what she is thinking.

Marco hugged Athena from behind and whispered in her ear, "a penny for your thoughts?" He asked, patiently waiting for her answer.

Athena was taken aback and smiled at him. She could not say anything to him at this moment, and she was guilty about it. She turned around and hugged him back.

"Hmm... I was just busy thinking about us," she said, dodging his eyes. But the truth is Athena has been busy with their mission that she forgot about their relationship, especially her plan after her mission. She will deal with their relationships after everything. It has been in her mind, but she put it aside and concentrated on her assignment for a moment.