
The Princess's Death

It was like a gate of heaven was opened over this part of the world.

It was a gigantic pillar of light, could be seen from miles away like it was just next to you. The pillar appeared out of nowhere, lightening everything up and with it the entire world.

The light ascended from the ground to the depths of the sky. And with it a thundering explosion rumbled all over the forest, followed by a very intimidating deafening silence.

The life in this forest seemed to freeze as long as the light sustained itself in this world.

There wasn't any sounds; animal, insects, or any sound of any human being.

The bang illuminated the forest for miles. Those few seconds passed by different way for each character.

*Prince Noah*

He was sitting at the middle of the his camp, running an investigation. What was going on with this villager? How did she appear out of nowhere and created all that ruckus.

The guards and the servants sat in a long line to tell the prince their testimony about what happened.

"I want to know why we might have a chaos in my camp," the angry prince said it

"Sir, there was a food thief," one of the servants say.

"If we had a food thief as you say, you could have simply arrested her. Why would it take a chaos?" Noah said it and he pointed his sight at his sword, which he messed with in a way that called for tension.

For everyone around, they knew if they didn't give him the truth, then they would be punished by the sharp and merciless blade of that sword.

"In fact…" one of the guards tried to answer the prince's question before Noah interrupted him.

"In fact you were messing with the girl in my camp…that is the fact"

The man tried to talk again before Noah stopped him harshly with a cold glare from his eyes.

"You will lose your head for that," Noah said while walking to the man carrying his sword. The prince unsheathed his sword while feeling a storm of rage inside that was about to erupt.


The sky colored by white light for a minute.

'Leo..,' Noah turned sharply towards the direction of that giant pillar of white light before realizing this was the same direction his younger brother went on from earlier.

"Get my hoarse now," Noah roared, throwing away all the anger he held and instead… he only felt worry and fear over his little brother.

And for his attendants, they weren't any lesser happier to comply and evade the so close punishment of Leo.


*the Driver*

When the princess Emily left the cart, the poor cart driver-who accompanied Princess Emily on that illegal night adventure-was standing next to the cart napping his nails out of stress.

He let the young princess walk around alone at night in an abandoned place.

"What will happen to me if anyone out there figured out that I helped the princess to escape?

Is she coming back?

Is she going to get hurt?

Am I going to get killed as punishment?

What if she comes across monsters or thieves? "

The driver was mired in those ideas. He was hesitantly walked back and forth between the wagon and the edge of the forest. He wavered between running behind the princess and staying where he was.

As he was in such a horrifying state for him, a more terrifying thing happened.


All of sudden a rumbling sound of a mighty explosion landed upon him like fate. That unexpected explosion ended this conversation with himself. That sound was accompanied by a bright white light that suddenly appeared.

"Oh my God! What the hell!" The driver said it with panic. And he had all the right to feel so. That abnormally terrifying explosion and pillar of light just came from the direction his princess went towards.

"I'm surely dead," if not for the urgency of this matter it wouldn't be a surprise for him to spiss himself out of fear.

He ran towards the sound in the woods without hesitation, looking for the princess.

It took him a while before he found what he was looking for.

"Oh my… This is a miracle!"

He found Princess Emily on the ground near a well. The pillar of light was still there, racing towards the sky like milk fountains or thick tongues of white thunder.

Despite this seemed quite amazing and breathtaking, he couldn't stand there and marvel that scene for even a second.

He had a princess to take back as fast as he could to the castle, and a neck of him to save by doing that.

As he forced himself to ignore that pillar of light, he leaned over the princess' pale white face and tried to wake her up.

"OMG the princess died! My head is gonna be cut off." He mumbled to himself, while all hopes of his safety and surviving this ordeal were gone.

"Please forgive me," yet he had to make sure of that before planning for the worst. He put his head over her chest and for a long, a very long second he couldn't hear anything.

Then he heard a heart beat.

"Oh god, she is alive!"

Like a leader killing his foe and claiming the throne of the world, that poor driver yelled in triumph. He didn't wait as his simple mind provided him with the answer.

"You are just injured," he whispered to himself, "and you can be injured during sleeping in your bed."

He even laughed while carrying Emile's body on his back and started to run like maniac.

If anything he was sure of, then that pillar of light must have drawn the attention of anyone outside these woods.

"I need to hurry," he said to himself all the way to cart before placing Emile's body without any care inside.

And the next thing he did was to drive his cart in a speed he never imagined to achieve in his entire life.

And the funny thing was he didn't care about that at all. All he cared about was to get Emile's body back to her chamber safely and find a place to hide.