
A Really Weird Palace.

The situation in the palace was no better than the village. Exactly the opposite. It was messy as if it wasn't a royal palace.

Since the King left in that battle, all the palace workers have gone mad. In fact, the royalty, too, is not good enough.

The sense of responsibility at the palace was associated with the king's presence. There was no sense in them that they should be responsible people.

That was so shameful.


The servants didn't get tired of talking bad about royalty. He made some jokes about them. And maybe also on nights of summer and evening talk the servants gather to make fun of royalty.

They exchange their strange actions and share their unending differences and problems.

For the Queen is preoccupied with that illusion and seeking control of governance at all costs.

Funny about it, ironically.

  The Queen did not yet know that Princess Emily is still alive. That her maid Yzma had fooled her.