
My Sea, My Home ( BL )

An LGBTQ+ boys' love story revolving around Teo and Josh, who not only belong to different worlds, in addition they have to find their call in life to find out who they truly are. Teodoro Robbins, also known as Teo, a young man passionate about cooking joined his brother's crew to support him, in his new adventure on board of Victoria, Ramon's small cruise ship, where he even made friends he considers family. After a fortuitous incident he met a stunning man in uniform, Captain Joseph Johnson (Josh), who -to his luck- turned out to be the son of one of the toughest guests the embarkation have had ever since it sailed the first time. Fate brought them together so they could discover there is always hopes to find a brighter future even if the waters are turbulent. Survival is key, but could their hearts be strong enough to bear what's coming? Besides, some it contains some side stories within Get on board to find out more as a wonderful love story born deep in the sea anchors at home inland. Trigger warning: Male pregnancy. Use of harsh language in some parts. Adult scenes/Sexual tension, not the whole story just certain episodes. Disclaimer: It's a work of art portraying fictional characters created by the author, myself, so don't take them personal, if some words offend you they are part of the plot as certain scenes are taken from real life events the aithor has witnessed or experienced before, henceforth the use of certain expressions within the story. A/N: If you love messy boy love stories then give it a try, the ride will be fun at the end.

AdriLieben · Kỳ huyễn
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68 Chs

Episode 3: First Encounter.

On another corner of the ship, the galley, Angello stood next to the blonde who was showing a diverse variation of desserts in his hands, detailing the differences between each other by nth time.

"They are meant to be eaten, digested and expelled. So there is no need to make them look like colorful sweets" he sighed, staring at the fish rolls in his hands.

"You're unable to find the wonders of life. People are gonna see them and keep their image in their mind for years, not to say the flavour too, it'll last forever in their palate" defending him case.

"Why don't we serve both and let people choose? Like it's up to them if they want tuna or macarela rolls", rubbing his wrinkled forehead as if done with the pretty boy.

"Oh mai Gad! You're a genius, hyung! If I didn't have these in my hands I'd cover you in smoochies until your face is red" the grinning boy commented while putting the sushi rolls on the table.

"Ewww! Keep that filthy mouth of yours meters away from my face," the shorter male scrunched his face in disgust.

"Come here, pal!" The hyper boy opened his arms, wrapping them around his shoulders, pulling him closer, his lips trying to meet his chubby cheeks, keeping the shorter male trapped in a bear hug.

"Stop it! This is harassment" he squirmed into the boy's hold, scrunching his face yet not really pushing him away.

"C'mon, dude. Just a little peck, be a good kitten~," teasing the older was one of his ways to release stress.

"This is what you two do at work? We have guests out there and you two are cuddling in here?," the cruise director, Teo's brother, spoke sternly, crossing his arms standing by the doorframe.

They stopped their game, eyes meeting the taller broad man in suit by the entrance.

"Look, you've got it all wrong" the younger one spoke, a bit guilty but not enough as to regret his actions, trying to dissipate the heavy air gathering in the small space.

"We were talking about desserts we're gonna serve", he cleared up with a smile on his heart shaped lips.

"Your lips attached to a crew member are part of the appetizers now?" Ramon spoke coldly, avoiding to stare at the shorter male, focusing on his sibling, maybe a way to keep himself under control.

"NO! That's out of bonds! I mean these desserts" aiming, exaggeratedly, with both of his arms the colorful rolls on the table right behind himself as if to show off his creation.

"We were discussing which one would be the best to present to our guests as hors d'oeuvres. The kiss thingy was a joke, boss. We were just joking," as odd as it might be, he defended the young man who was close to having a panic attack trying to defend himself.

Ramon poked his inner cheek in thought, his eyes fixed on the shorter male now, who didn't waver under that harsh gaze of his.

"Yes, what he said. Besides a peck between bros ain't a sin." He knew he should have kept quiet, yet he couldn't control himself, out of nervousness, when he spoke again, "He's single, I'm single, so there's no problem if it were in any other way either, right? Like if I wanted to, I could kiss him and that's just fine"

That was the last straw that awoke the sleeping dragon within the burly male.

"Get back to work. You two would clean the whole deck alone after the event is over" he growled, fist balling as he spun around.

Not giving them a chance to speak as he disappeared out of the door.

"Did you hear that, bro? Why did he get so mad? I had a date planned after we were done here" the younger whined, grabbing his head dramatically as he was really looking forward to it.

"A date? Yet you have to go and drag me within your game putting us in a situation?," the cat-like dude facepalmed himself, not really understanding why his boss and friend got so mad.

Yet his curiosity to know who was the younger's target got him grinning in the span of seconds, "Spill the tea, kiddo. Who is the lucky dude? Do I know him? Is he in here?" he spoke whilst he put the hors d'oeuvres on a tray.

He went back to cut the rest of the rolls on the counter, looking down, trying to hide his pink coloured face, murmuring, "Answering your first question, yeah, you know him. He's in on board, likely performing at the moment, however he hasn't agreed just yet," because he hasn't asked him out, "But I was planning to convince him tonight over a small dinner after this pity party is over," a coy smile rosing upon his lips as he thought about it.

"Best of luck out there, pal. He's a tough bone to get. You're gon' need it. Just stay strong if he turns you down," he spoke out of experience, patting his back with his free hand after lifting the tray on his shoulder like a waiter usually does.

"Thank you, hyung. Also be careful as to not let them fall. I worked hard on them. Tell me the guests' reaction when you give them out" his cute squared smile popping in again, hoping his 'date' agrees to hang out with him or at least to dine with him, although, judging by the time they are done, it could as well be considered breakfast.

"I will" the younger's conviction was clear in his voice as his friend and co-worker walked out the door, leaving him all alone.

Not like he minded as there was tons of work left to do and he was the only chef on board.

The night moved ahead faster than expected as more guests boarded the cruise ship before it sailed from port.

They didn't really count on the possibility of getting 150 passengers on board that night, which clearly cost them a lot due the short-handed staff couldn't handle the massive reception all alone.

To help themselves out in the current situation the crew members had to help the staff members to attend to the guests on the lido deck.

Teo wasn't so fond of dealing with stiff people, indeed it irritated him more than he could tell, yet he acted politely towards each of them, even if they threw dirty glances at him, which suffocated him and drained him a lot faster.

A short break came in when the hosts of the event, Mr. & Mrs. Johnson went up stage to give a sort of speech to their guests for coming.

The blonde walked to the port on the middle deck, seeking some peace, moving to a more quiet area, with none but himself on sight, he leaned forward over the rails, staring up to the sky, a crescent moon surrounded by tiny millions stars shining on the dark purple sky, much alike to a paint reflected on the deep blue sea as it elongated the more he stared at it, enlightening his night.

"I miss home" he talked to himself, almost wishing his desire would come true just by spelling it out loud, a soft smile rising upon his lips.

"Same here" a soft low bass with an almost childlike tone answered his call, startling him up.

He almost jumped into the sea in the process, yet he gripped onto the veranda even tighter to prevent himself from doing so, whipping his head around his eyes and met a man walking up to him.

A kind smile painted the striking handsome male, his ethereal features stealing his words for a brief moment whilst the male looked up to the sky.

He didn't speak, if anything, he stared at him intrigued, his inquisitive almond eyes narrowing, trying to make out if he had seen him before as he didn't feel disturbed as he usually does with unknown people.

"The name is Josh, how about yours?", speaking softly whilst he kept his eyes on the shining moon up above them.

Tteo was astounded, it wasn't everyday a guest talked to him like an equal without scrunching his face in disgust for being a simple crew member, or in a creepy and sickening way due his beauty drew unwanted attention from people.

"Teo, I work as chef" his deep low voice almost imperceptible for not trained ears yet the man caught it, smiling as he replied.

"Chef? So you like cooking? So do I, but I'm not into too elaborate dishes, what's your specialty?", turning his face to the younger male as he spoke the smile never leaving his face, if anything it became softer.

Teo smiled back, reflexively, a genuine smile when the topic circled around something he was passionate about, feeling at ease.

"I like to try new recipes, but baking is my speciality. Their contrasts of sweet and saltiness really appeals to me, besides the soft yet chewy texture once it lands on one's tongue is indescribable. The immense combinations I can come up with are infinite. One could say it's like my playground where I get to enjoy first hand the delicatessen on my palate,"

He described it as if he were munching one of his many creations at the moment, eyes closed, mouth watering, ready to nibble into it, picturing one of his latest creations which combined all ingredients necessary to awaken his senses.

The male in uniform stared at him, amused, eying the boy's reaction, fascinated by his description, he wouldn't turn him down if the boy were to use him as his dummy to try all his new recipes, indeed he'd be a willing victim.