
My Sea, My Home ( BL )

An LGBTQ+ boys' love story revolving around Teo and Josh, who not only belong to different worlds, in addition they have to find their call in life to find out who they truly are. Teodoro Robbins, also known as Teo, a young man passionate about cooking joined his brother's crew to support him, in his new adventure on board of Victoria, Ramon's small cruise ship, where he even made friends he considers family. After a fortuitous incident he met a stunning man in uniform, Captain Joseph Johnson (Josh), who -to his luck- turned out to be the son of one of the toughest guests the embarkation have had ever since it sailed the first time. Fate brought them together so they could discover there is always hopes to find a brighter future even if the waters are turbulent. Survival is key, but could their hearts be strong enough to bear what's coming? Besides, some it contains some side stories within Get on board to find out more as a wonderful love story born deep in the sea anchors at home inland. Trigger warning: Male pregnancy. Use of harsh language in some parts. Adult scenes/Sexual tension, not the whole story just certain episodes. Disclaimer: It's a work of art portraying fictional characters created by the author, myself, so don't take them personal, if some words offend you they are part of the plot as certain scenes are taken from real life events the aithor has witnessed or experienced before, henceforth the use of certain expressions within the story. A/N: If you love messy boy love stories then give it a try, the ride will be fun at the end.

AdriLieben · Kỳ huyễn
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68 Chs

Epiisode 57: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so enjoy it.

Jack intervened as he noticed how Teo's quietness was eerily scary so he rushed up to the table holding some bottles he drew out of the fridge.

"Do you want some milk, juice or yogurt?"

Josh sat by the table at Teo's side just then Jack stood between the blondes.

Teo's line of sight got interrupted when Jack stood in front of the shorter blonde, serious gaze shifting to a surprised one.

Then focusing on the bottles the brunette put on the table, a thought hit him as he reminisced the chicken was spicy, shivering a bit, considering getting some milk would help to soften its heaviness.

He chuckled a bit when he spoke so it didn't seem obvious that he couldn't bear spicy, "I want milk, a lot of it."

Josh said to himself, stiffening a laugh, "Yeah, you do".

Jack stared at him confused, so did Teo who didn't get the meaning behind it, yet Jimeno bursted out into a laughing fit, almost falling off to the ground.

Teo growled, digging daggers to his friend's skull with his piercing icy ocean-like eyes, "What's so funny?"

Jack shrugged it off, filling a mug with the drink in question.

Jimeno straightened up, almost crawling up his stool, still chuckling as he spoke, not really softening the truth,, "Don't tell me you don't get it? Milk, alike to the thick cu-"

However, Josh chirped in, his booming loud voice drowning Jimeno's last words, "The food is tastier when it's warm, let's dig in."

He bowed in a display of respect, taking a bite a while later, at the same time Jack handed the mug to Teo who took it still lost.

"Sure…", hiis voice a bit unsure as he didn't like to be left in darkness with unanswered questions. Moreover, his friend couldn't stop laughing on his side, repeating the same word again and again as if it were the choir of a lively melody.

They enjoyed Joseph's hearty meal, some drank milk and other juice whilst Jack stuck by his yogurt bottle the whole breakfast.

A loud bang at Jack's door took their peace, startling them up.

"Who is that?"

Teo gasped, hand on chest, as his chicken ball slipped from his hand, his boyfriend wasn't far from it as he let go of his crispy bread, eyeing the door.

Jimeno spoke in a joking tone, "Did you forget to pay the rent?"

Jack was recovering from the shock yet Jimeno's lively voice made him crack a laugh, "hahaha…then get ready to defend me if the landlord kicks me out."

He stood up, whilst Josh reached for Teo's hand noticing how unsettling he acted.

"I'll get the door"

Jack bowed to them as he left his unfinished meal on the table so he could find out who his visitor was.

The dark-haired rubbed his beloved boyfriend's back to sooth him, "You alright?"

The golden haired shocked his head, his stomach flipping in fear as if his guts were telling him something was coming down.

Jimeno rolled his eyes as the lovey-dovey ignored him, "Third wheeling is fine when I'm not alone…"

The door banging didn't stop even though the intercom was on, so he fast took a look at the mini screen on the intercom just to get his heart jump up to his throat in fear of seeing who was on the other end.

"What is he doing here?"

He muttered to himself, deaf to the loud pounding against the door, turning pale.

Jimeno spotted him with his eyes stuck on the intercom, yet he pressed the button to unlock the door walking past him as the lound banging was causing him a migraine.

"Where is my brother?"

Ramon rushed inside the house after pushing out the door open with all his might, almost getting it off his hinges with the brutal strength he put in.

Jimeno soon stood in his way, arms open wide as if to prevent him from stepping any further into the apartment.

Jimeno spoke as loud and clear as he could so his best friend who was panicking in the kitchen got the hint, "You surely left your manners at the door. What's this way of behaving, Ramon", literally yelling his name.

Teo shivered when he heard his brother's name being yelp so he ran to the door to lock it, reflexively Josh ran after him. However, he stopped at a short distance from him as the younger one spoke.

"Please, hide. My brother is here"

Josh narrowed his eyes as he noticed how nervous Teo was, refraining himself from pulling him into his arms.

"No, the first time I did it because he didn't know me.. Now–"

"It's not different from the first time. Please, hide"

While Teo begged Josh to hide from his brother Jack turned around, still in shock at what he saw not long ago through the intercom, hoping it weren't true as he only saw Ramon stepping inside his department.

Shaking those thoughts he made his way over them as Jimeno refused to let Ramon in.

"Move. You can spend all day with my bestie. I just came to fetch my brother so he doesn't interfere with your affairs."

"You didn't have to stop by, we were going to drop him off at his door after breakfast."

As soon as those words left Jack's lips a lively voice chirped in as a young bunny-like male ran in followed by a cat-like man nipping at his heels walking fast.

"I want a brekky too!!"

The three of them whipped their head around, eyes landing on the cute boy who ran to Ramon's side, gripping his sleeve"

"Let's stay for breakfast–"


Jack and Jimeno replied in unison, although for different reasons. On one hand the latter wanted to keep Ramon at bay so he couldn't find Teo and who he was with, in contrast, Jack noticed the familiar boy standing by his best friend's side, Ramon's, asking to stay at his place.

Their scream alerted Ramon and Jake, whose eyes stuck on them.

Jake almost gasped out loud when he noticed who was there. He, surely, thought the building was familiar yet he couldn't put his finger on it.

Now realizing whose house he was in filled him with dread, his old crush and fling sharing air in the same room with his new crush, and hopeful future husband, was too much for him to bear, his blood pressure going low as he almost fainted if it weren't for Ramon's clumsy yet firm grip and Angello sniffing his back to prevent him from slipping down.

Jimeno jumped a bit noticing how the honeyed-haired was as white as paper in Ramon's and Angello's grip.

Jack cussed himself for being glad the boy couldn't say anything else or Jimeno would surely kick him down the curve.

"How about taking him to—"

Jimeno cut Jack off seeing it as a fortuitous yet unfortunate event, "To Jack's bedroom. I'll go for the aid kit."

Angello nodded carrying the boy with the help of Ramon as the boy was slender yet his body was filled with pure muscles.

Jack reached his hand around to catch himself as his strength left his body, whilst Jimeno walked in the kitchen to warn his best friend.

In the kitchen Josh had Teo caged negotiating with the younger who begged him to hide.

"Nope. I'm not a chicken. I can ask your brother to let me go out with you openly."

Teo wanted to say yes, yet he knew once his brother were to have known about them he might ask tag along as chaperone.

"No yet.. Let's make sure it's gonna last first. My brother might go overboard if you were to not make your words."

Josh tilted his head not budging an inch, he thought it would be great if at least one of them could be honest with their families so he spoke again.

"I'm not lying, and if you're scared about me abandoning you, that's not the case, love."

Teo looked down, those words hurt him but he held his thoughts to himself instead.

"We don't know–"

The kitchen door was knocked at, both of them separating from each other as the sound took them by surprise.

"Open the damn door, Teo"

Jimeno growled as he waited for them to unlock the door.

"I'm dead… why me?"

Josh held his hands between his, a kind steel gaze searching those bewildered ocean eyes to find the truth.

Yet another knock at their door annoyed them, hesitantly, Josh took a couple steps back.

The blonde young male let out a sigh of relief as he would have to face his demons later or maybe never, hearing his boyfriend, "We'll talk about this later."

However, it was short lived as Josh spun on his heels to walk over the door, panic washed over Teo who didn't think twice springing on his feet to charge at his boyfriend there.

The door flung open when Josh unlocked it, taking a step back so it wouldn't hit his handsome face.

Teo didn't get the chance to stop himself, as he tripped over his own feet, sending his best friend and himself to the floor.