
My Protagonist Of The Story Is: BELIEF !

A story of belief of a girl, giving an interview about her story of success, being an influencer, a writer, and a motivational speaker. A story about two people's beliefs that lead them to a beautiful and successful destination in their lives and how serendipitously they cross each other's paths from time to time, with a slice of life...But do you think It's all that simple?

Shahida_Younas · Thành thị
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7 Chs


MCS, SOUTH, 04:01 P.M. FEBRUARY 10TH, 2021.

"And that's all you need to start. you have to believe in yourself and that is your power. Embrace It!" I ended the motivational speech with this last phrase. All the new batches of the military academy that passed this year including the chief guests stood up and filled the room with loud applause.

"Thank you, everyone, and Honorable Major Kim Doo-Ha and all the military staff of south base for your help and for inviting me here and investing your precious time here!"

Just then a military officer opened the auditorium door and came running toward Whitlock and whispered something in his right ear.

The tension was visible on his face. I could see the wave of fear and horror going through his body like he saw a gigantic black Kobra from the forest of Amazon wrapped around his body and cracking his bones and crushing them into ashes. He was horrified, terrified, and looked like it is his last day, "THE DAY". I smirked internally.

(Orchestral music starts playing)

Suddenly a force of military troops bang the great doors of the auditorium of this military base and everyone starts to panic and there is running and the rain of screams which after following a loud thud on the ground started to get dim and the orchestral music started to get higher.

The Lady is slowly moving to the music closing her eyes and enjoying the sound of this chaos happening in slow motion.

After a few minutes when the music was about to end this lady took her coat where it was while leaving the place and the orchestral music ended when the door was closed behind that lady.

( Me-haw's assistant POV)

I was supposed to tell madam that she should get ready for her motivational speech at the military base in the evening. just when I saw her sleeping soundly over her papers in her study. she might be working all night to get this speech done overnight, but it's still noon, I think I should wake her up and tell her to sleep in her room. she'll be better there. so I pulled out her ear pods from her ears and she woke up and looked at me weirdly and said...

( daven's POV ends)

"I'm here? what am I doing here? wasn't I at..."

"No ma'am I guess you overworked yourself working on the speech overnight, you should go and get some sleep in the bed or you'll stiffen your neck." she cutted me in between my stumbling words.

So that was just a dream, I thought. I then looked at the clock on the wall, she was right its just noon.

"No need !" I'll just go and see other work. "

And there was another voice in the room..., "Oh no darling you don't! "


"yes ! you are not going anywhere right now, except for your bed now!"

"But, I..."

"No buts here, but your butt in bed right now!"

"Su-ho I got t__"

He cut her in the middle and picked her up bridle style and take her to their bedroom and lay her on the bed.

she in her protest was about to say something when he kept his right index finger on her soft pouty lips and told her, " I'm here now, and with you from now on and by your side till my last. and I won't tolerate anything that makes my lovely cute but feisty wife overworked and if I had to make your speech day a week postpone I will, just to see you better and at your good. Are you getting what I'm saying Me-haw park?"

I mumbled something in my mouth and stopped when he narrowed his eyes zeroed in my direction and said,

"you said something Park Me-haw?"

I nod my head as a reply because MAN I don't wanna get scolded by him for nothing at all.

He pulled sheets over me and gave me a head massage, gosh his hands work no less than magic, his fingers and his scent tell magic.

And we don't know when she falls asleep so fast. Time passes...


I woke up smelling delicious mouth-watering food smell. I sit up in the bed rubbing my eyes, I saw Su-ho in an apron shirtless with low waist sweat pants, holding a bed tray full of yummy looking food in his hands coming in my direction.

"you just woke up at the right time cupcake," said Su-ho flashing me with his bright charming smile.

"or should I say that!" I looked at him smirking from tip to toe.

"hahaha! really?"

"Oh yeah! I'm overwhelmed by this view."

He laughed and put the food in front of me and took the fork and feed me the first bite of this yummy grilled chicken pasta he made.

And then after our short chitchat my eyes fall on the clock hanging on the wall in front of me, and I panicked to get ready in a hurry but Su-ho pulled me down back to the bed and pinned my both hands above my head and we were so close, at a distance of half an inch, our breath of mixed sweet and spicy flavor was mixing and were doing the tango in that half an inch space and their stage was our soft warm lips, my eyes were on Su-ho's lips, I gulped hard looking at his plumpy lips and when my eyes met his eyes who were looking at me hungrily, like they were starving from decades and now is their moment to attack their prey.

we had our moment, and time passes to the venue, at the pre-party. The pre-party went well and now its the time when I was done with my speech. My eyes met Su-ho's and then someone disturbed our eye to eye conversation, and just as I expected!

"General Saber Whitlock"

He came up upon the stage and with his ugly smirk he looked at me and handed me a bouquet of orange lilies, which symbolize "hatred, pride, and disdain", does he think that this is his pride moment, that he defeated me, that he believes that he can control me like that, well just wait and watch you scrumbag, I said in my head and replied with a fake smile and thanked him.

After returning to home I save the date to "THE DAY".