
My Protagonist Of The Story Is: BELIEF !

A story of belief of a girl, giving an interview about her story of success, being an influencer, a writer, and a motivational speaker. A story about two people's beliefs that lead them to a beautiful and successful destination in their lives and how serendipitously they cross each other's paths from time to time, with a slice of life...But do you think It's all that simple?

Shahida_Younas · Urban
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7 Chs


I had only one friend...

On my first day at the kinder garden, I saw a boy crying and hiccuping so bad I was watching him from a far corner of my class. It was his first day as mine. And I wanted to sussh him down and tell him, don't cry. well, that's what papa used to say to me when I cried, or maybe it was mama who always try to stop papa to make me stop crying forever. ( there was a quiet long space in me-haws memories_ flashback ~Author's POV)

I don't think that I like him crying so, I tried to go up to him and tried to ask him why he was crying but then Miss pecans told me to go back to my seat and not to talk with him and told everyone to stay away from that boy.

At break time I was eating my strawberries which mum packed as I requested for my first day to be perfect, which I actually was planning since I came to my senses and watch my elder brothers going to school and high school. I was all alone sitting on the stairs outside the gallery...

And I then saw a boy with an empty lunch box and saw that he was about to tear up so I went up to him and tried to cheer him up I waved my hand in front of him and jumped in front of him and with all my positive energy offered him a handshake and told him my name and asked his name he at first was feeling shy but when I sit with him and asked him to be my friend he looked up and stare at me like I asked a really big thing then he just smiled out of blue and hugged me telling me his name his smile was so beautiful I thought from that day that he is my best friend and I shared my lunch with him which was full of strawberries and told him that I love to share food and mum packed a lot for me so will you eat with me since I only know you. And that's it he smiled again in that bright daylight and my heart felt the happiest that day. I am so happy that I had a great friend who was just so brave and cute...(and I smiled heartily remembering this memory, and who knows that I might see him again...) she smiled and looked at the sky inhaling the scented fresh air from her balcony.

Present moment~

(Me-haw's POV)

I was looking at the sky and having my coffee which was still hot and you could watch its steam dancing in the cold breeze which was now scented with the scent of roses from my garden on the balcony and the intoxicating fragrance of coffee, just then under this beautiful morning sunshine, a familiar figure hugged me from the back and just like the morning sunshine hugged his round arms around this world, his presence makes me happy like the presence of the sun is essential to make the plants and these beautiful roses grow in the garden and without this sunshine, these beautiful flowers would wilt and won't even exist.

I closed my eyes and felt the touch of the sun with was so peaceful yet could burn me down, I felt the hot breath of the sun that could melt me down, and what sin did it cause, I heard the sun's heart beating against my back that could end me with its one beat, his grip getting tighter around my waist and burned my skin, I- I can't... I tried to get out of his grip and to turn around and watch his face, or I think I would burn away... and I am sorry my heart, I did sin again. I heard his voice and he spoke in the most heavenly way or should I say he ordered me to stay still and gets burned until I am no more, I think this is my punishment for doing sin after sin, but why I do feel like haven and hell at the same time, why my heart is fluttering and tearing up at the same moment and why I want to be more sinful and craving for to be punished for a lifetime. why?

I asked this familiar figure, "why?"

and in confusion, he asked me "what?" snuggling his bright face in the nape of my neck and inhaling my scent, again.

my heart started to beat faster than usual and I closed my eyes tightly, just then his lips burned my skin and a soft moan left my mouth, indicating that I felt heaven and opposed my thoughts who thought it was hell. I turned around swiftly and put my hands on his broad shoulders and saw his heart beating in his eyes which was just for me. "I can watch it beating just for me said i".

he smiled brightly, I can see wrinkles of happiness around his eyes.

"it is!" he claimed. " just for you...my cupcake."

he took a few steps to take to an edge saying, "and...let me see if yours beat for me hmm!" smiling as brightly as he could.

I shifted my eyes from his smile back to his eyes and today my heart really wanted to tell Su-Ho that even if I didn't find my best friend the one back from school, but, "I FOUND YOU!"