
1): Tanner Crixus Black

(Five Chapters every Three Days!)


October 8, 1993

The Dementors took off, the body they left behind transformed back from into his original appearance with high cheekbones and a handsome face. The one thing people could say about him was that he was the most handsome boy they had ever seen, though at the moment his once bright eyes were now dull and there was nothing inside them.

The body of the boy was in the forbidden forest hidden from everyone else, only one person knew he was there, but at the moment he was watching through the wards as the body lay still. This was his plan after all, he wanted the boy dead, he didn't need him to keep living an potentially giving his father and mother support when the time came.

Switching back to the boy he lay soulless as he was covered by the night, the expression on his face blank as the light of the moon broke the clouds to shine on him. What no one could see was the bright ball off light that was inside the moon light heading straight for the boy, the next thing to happen was his eyes taking back their brightness.

The light purple color of his eyes shinning in confusion as he just sat there, his mind seemed to adjust as the memories of his predecessor took him on a long journey. When that journey ended though he sat there not knowing what to think, so lost in thought it wasn't until he looked up that he saw the screen in front of him, "Do I have a system?" he asked his silky voice echoing in the quiet forest.

"System? Hello? Are you there?" It only took him a moment to realize that the system wasn't what he thought, it couldn't speak to him and only was showing what he wanted to see. There also was no inventory on it.

[Name: Tanner Crixus Black

Age: 16

Special Magic: Metamorphmagus

Heir Status: Black House

Transfiguration- Intermediate

Potions- Master

Charms: Intermediate

DADA- Master

Herbology- Experienced

Ancient Runes-Intermediate

Arithmancy- Intermediate

Special Skills: Occlumency Master, Parseltongue Master]

This was all that was shown on the system, though it didn't talk it did give him the difference in the levels; Rookie, Amateur, Experienced, Intermediate, Advanced, Master, Expert.

He wasn't surprised by how good he was, seeing as he was a fifth year and also he was raised by Arcturus Black III, who was his Great-Grandfather, the man took him in after his mother went to Azkaban. That was the biggest shock so far though, his mother was none other then Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black, more surprising was how gentle she was.

That was right he wasn't kidding she was gentle, he only knew that because thanks to Arcturus he got to see her twice a year, once on his birthday which was September 14th and again on hers which was June 10th. Thanks to him talking to Amelia Bones he was set to meet her then, she had to take an oath to get it done but he was able to meet her.

His father though was something he didn't how how to feel about, it was none other then Tom Marvolo Riddle aka Lord Voldemort, which is something he honestly couldn't decided how to feel about. Though seeing who his mother was and when he was born he could tell that it was during his reign of terror, which is why his mother sent him to stay with Arcturus.

Sighing he leaned against the tree he just died against, he could still see the Dementors in his mind as they were sucking out his soul, something no one should experience. The worst thing is that he was lured here, he was put under The Imperius Curse to be drawn here, he just didn't know who did it, he has never heard the voice before.

Honestly he still remembered his past life, he was an aspiring singer who lost his life during a party, someone didn't like him stealing the spot light so he was pushed off the building. He let that be the past though, there was no reason to sit there and think about that when he had a new life.

From the memories he got he was in the middle of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius was already on the loose looking for Peter, he was happy though he wouldn't need to deal with that. Harry's life had nothing to do with him, sure he was technically going to be Lord of house Black after this year but that didn't mean it bothered him.

His Grandfather who wasn't really his grandfather Arcturus made him heir before he passed, he also stripped Sirius of being Lord Black since he was someone who was worthy to take the place. Also because of his parentage he was a pure-blood, with Tom's Half-Blood status and his mom being a Pure-Blood he was therefore a Pure-Blood.

Not that he cared, it was just a status in Wizarding Britain it didn't matter anywhere else.

"Well what am I going to do now?" Tanner thought while looking around, his wand was snapped something he was made to do when he was lured out here. Now being in a school for Wizards with no wand he would need to get a new one before the next class, thankfully it was Saturday and he could get one Tomorrow.

Getting to his feet and brushing off the dirt he started walking back towards the castle, while thinking about his future plans. He didn't want ultimate power or anything, he was already strong enough that he could take on most adult wizards, from his perspective only his father and Dumbledore were at Expert Level.

All he needed to do was train enough to make it to at least Master and then he wouldn't need to worry about anything anymore.

As he walked towards the castle his features changed, he went back to snow white hair instead of his black, while his eyes went from the light purple to icy blue. His facial features were just slightly different compared to what they really were but it was enough that no one could tell.

He only did this because this was the cover that was taught to him, being an Metamorphmagus helped with this, something Arcturus was proud that he was. Though he wasn't the first seeing as Nymphadora Tonks was the first in a long time, but since she was a half-blood thanks to her mother she wasn't in the Black family, something Arcturus made him promise to change when he was Lord.

The man was too proud to do it himself when he was still alive.

While lost in thought Tanner made it back to the castle he went straight to the Charms classroom to talk to his head of house, knocking on the door he waited as he heard someone moving on the other side. When the door opened the Half-Goblin was standing there with a cheery smile even if it was late in the night, "Mr. Tanner, what can I do for you at such a late hour." he asked.

Tanner sighed before telling him a half lie, "Professor Flitwick, I had an accident earlier tonight where it caused my wand to be snapped," He explained while holding it out, "I was wondering if you could take me to Diagon Alley to get a new one tomorrow."

The man frowned but smiled slightly, "I am sorry but there is a teacher meeting tomorrow, though I can get a house elf to take you if that is okay?"

Tanner nodded, "That is perfect Professor, can we do it after breakfast?"

"Splendid, I will have one meet you in front of the Castle after breakfast, make sure you are back before noon though, you can't spend to much time there." He said with a cheery smile again.

"Thank you Professor, have a good night." Tanner said nodding.

"You too Mr. Tanner." Flitwick said with a smile as the door closed.

Walking away he started heading back to the dormitory, he caught it the second time this time when he was called Mr. Tanner, every teacher was doing it this year. So that there was no confusion between him and Sirius, who was still believed to be at the school hunting Harry Potter, which wasn't true since he was only after the traitorous rat.

As Tanner got closer to the Ravenclaw Tower he heard some soft whimpers, coming in front of it he saw a blonde head of hair sitting in front of the door, it was a little girl. Her legs were tucked in as she put her head into her legs, her feet were bare and against the cold stone floor as she sat there crying into her legs.

"Are you okay?" He asked standing in front of her looking down at her.

The crying stopped as she looked up at him, she had red puffy eyes as she looked him over, "Tanner? I am fine, but why are you out so late? Did the Nargles keep you out too?"

He looked her over knowing exactly who this was, Luna Lovegood, the bullied girl of Ravenclaw, which no one did anything about since she was so weird. Though from some fan fiction he read about her and theories she was like this thanks to her mothers death or it was just her real personality, either way he didn't care.

Seeing as they both didn't have friends then it looked like they both were going to gain one, "No I wasn't locked out by Nargles, though let me help you out."