
My out of the world mother

gouranga_ballt · Hiện thực
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2 Chs

My mother

It was winter break and the soothing light of the sun was penetrating through the window, landing just on Ethan's eyes which was enough to make him awake.


As he woke up the sunlight hilighted his muscular and aesthetic body, with facial features topping at 91 overall.

Not to mention who he got all the striking beauty from, his ever beautiful mother who was at the kitchen preparing breakfast.

Climbing off the bed Ethan looked at the clock, but his expression changed as soon as he looked. "MOOOOOMM!! Why didn't you woke me up?!!" *Panic*.

"Well I was not the one who's muttered '5 more minutes'! " A voice that was warm, motherly (M.I.L.F -y), charming , seductive, sweet mixed at the perfect raito; answerd from the kitchen.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!! I am cooked!" Ethan said as he ran to the bathroom.

"Hey don't run in the house! What will I do if you fall huh?!" The same voice answerd as Ethan passed by the kitchen.

"Mom I told you today I planned to go on hiking with my friends!" He said in a frustrated and annoyed voice as he entered the bathroom.

"You better don't put the blame on me now young man!" Ethan's mom Lakshmi said as she puts the empty and dirty pot in the dishwasher.

"Ok ok I know it's all my fault my dear mother please forgive me and don't get angry." Ethan said from the bathroom with a hint of sarcasm whilst brushing his teeth wildly fast.

Technically 40 years 6 months old but no one would ever be able to gusse the stunning or should we say 'out of the world' beauty's age as Lakshmi's biological age is 23 years.

Long smooth and silky black hair with a brownish hue. Almost perfect facial features, brow eyes, red lips, fair skin, Very big bossoms, perfectly sized big and thick ass paired with perfectly sized thick thighs, a slim waist that complements her body shape, that was hourglass, with long perfect legs and prefect hands topping of with 6 feet and 1 inch of height. Lakshmi gave of a mommy vibe so strong that whenever she went out to buy groceries it didn't took much time prying eyes were all over her thinking unholy things about the holy angel.

Fighting his lust Ethan felt like that he was trying to stop a tusnami with a just a piece of stick. Living at the same roof with this out of the world beauty was hard specially when you consider the beauty was none other then his mother. And that fact was stoping him from doing the unholy thing he has been imagining day and night.

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Getting out of the bathroom Ethan hurried to his room.

"Hey why are you always like this! Do you remember what I said to you. Anyways come here and eat you breakfast" Lakshmi said with her usually motherly voice.

"I know mom but I don't have much time left I will eat something on the way." Ethan said as he looked at the notification.


With a depressed expression Ethan went to kitchen and sat on the chair.

"What happened?" Lakshmi said with a worried expression.

"I missed the bus." Ethan let's out a frustrated sighed.

"Why are you so depressed then? Do you really want to left your mother alone at the house and go to hiking with your friends? What if a thief brokes into our house?"

" *cough* *cough* Do I look like a donkey?Do you think I will believe you as after I saw your childhood pictures? " Ethan was drinking some water but hearing the last line he choked. He spat out the water and coughed loudly.

"Are you talking back to me?" Lakshmi said with a smile.

"Ahhh forget it I am sorry." He said with annoyance, as he remembered a little girl who was his mother with a black belt.

"Today's kid are so rebellious." She said as she served a plate consisting of scrambled eggs and some rotis.

"Here let me feed you it's been a while." Lakshmi said with a smile as she sat on the chair beside him.

This will contain in_cest so if you are not comfortable I will recommend to read other of my novels.

Bye bye

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