
My out of the world mother

gouranga_ballt · Realistic
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2 Chs

Dangerous charm

"Don't throw tantrums okay, You couldn't even learn how to eat properly until you were 10 I had fed you with my two hands and now you are refusing?" Lakshmi said as she forced fed Ethan.


"I am 16 years old now." Ethan says as he ate.

"No matter how old you grow you are always going to be a mechivous child in my eyes."

Lakshmi said, smiling wildly.

" *chewing* when will father return? " Ethan questioned.

"Hmm I guess he said that he will return in a week."

:: :: :: ::

:: :: :: ::

"Where are you going?" Lakshmi says as she raises an eyebrow.

"Going to the field to see anyone has arrived to play or not." Ethan said.

"You are not going anywhere in this heat. Specially not to play football." Lakshmi said with a angry voice.

"Whyyy? It's not even that ho-"

"No it's every hot today and you are not going anywhere. Stay at home, anyways your father told you to take care of the house and me!" Lakshmi pause for a second and then continues with a smirk. "If you go to play now I am gonna tell your father."

"Okay !! okay!! don't need to tell father." Ethan quickly says shivering slightly at the thought of his father, Anthony.

"HAHAHAHAH!!" Lakshmi bursts into laughter.

"You are such a scaredy cat just like your father!" Lakshmi says bettwen giggles.

:: :: :: ::

:: :: :: ::

"Can't you go a bit more easy on me?!" Ethan exclaims. "You are so older the-"

Lakshmi pounces at Ethan.

"Did you just called me old?" She says as she lock Ethans head with her right hand.

"No !! I- I meant you are so experienced at chess. You should have gone more easy on me." Ethan said quickly as he found himself unable breath because his face was buried between his mother's breasts.

"Ohh- but you should really work on how you talk to women. You shouldn't call any women old." Lakshmi says as she lets go of Ethan.

'Uhhhgg!! Why now clam downnnn!!' Ethan says to himself as he tries to control his erection.

The feel of his mothers unbelievablly soft breasts against his face was still lingering on his face. Thankfully Lakshmi didn't noticed Ethan's half erect member beneath his pants.

Ethan say at the sofa uncomfortably playing chess with his mother, all while fighting against his erection.

"Why are you so tensed huh?" Lakshmi asked.

"It's just a chess game and if you tense up like that your winning chances will only decrease." She says as she plays her next move.

"Ugh it's just.. umm I don't want to lose." Ethan says trying to make up a sentence.

"Well relax it's not that you will die or something." Lakshmi smiled.

"Mom I am going to drink some water." Ethans excused and hurried away to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen he drank some water and sat down on the chair.

Taking deep breaths he tried to clam his erection.

"Ughhh.... Why isn't it going down!"

*Few minutes later.*

"Please go down!!! Please!" Ethan was almost at the verge of crying.

"What's taking you so long honey??" Lakshmi asked from the living room.

"Yeah mom I am coming!!" Ethan said with despair written all over his face.