

The next day mica went back to the company to continue her

work as if nothing happened but this time she was hand in hand with the CEO and

everyone were whispering about what is going on.

And the CEO declared that everyone should respect mica since

she will be his wife and everyone who treat her badly or say anything will get

in trouble. Everyone was shocked upon hearing this news.

Later on while mica was working her friend Liza entered to

her office to congratulate her upon the news of marriage, but mica with sad

expression on her face said that it is just a lie and explained to Liza that

the CEO is doing all this just to cool down the scandals and that there will nothing between them not now

not in the future because he given up on her and that after every one forget

about the scandals she will leave.

When Liza heard this word she tried to cheer mica up and went

out of the office with such evil smile. And then she was called to the CEO

office, once she went in the CEO started praising for her good work and told

her that he will transfer her to other department branch with increase in her

salary because of her good work but Liza

refused and said that she is happy and do not want to transfer.

Liza "how about we have drink together if it is ok"

Coe "you want to have drink with me"

Liza "I mean if it is ok with you, I heard about your

relation between mica is not real from her even so you really like her so I

thought you may be you went to have someone to talk with.."

CEO "is that so? Ok why not"

Liza "really!"

CEO "yes, after all having drink with beautiful lady like you

is better than that mica, she thinks so high of herself"

Liza "you are right, she is really idiot for not liking

someone like you"

CEO "then sees you after work"

Later on they went to drink together and the CEO kept

drinking but Liza was pretending to be drinking and was pouring a lot to the CEO and asking him

to drink more ,the CEO passed out from drinking ,then while the CEO was unconscious

she take the phone from his front pocket and tried to access to his phone ,but

could not because of the password, but the password was nothing of problem of

Liza because she is professional hacker who can hack high level

of security codes with just blink of an eye, once she got access to the CEO

phone she copied all the passwords and coded that was stored in the CEO phone

that was including his bank account and secret information about the company,

after she get her hand on this passwords she called jack his assistance to tell

him that the CEO passed out from drinking.

Jack arrived to the place and thanked her for taking care of

the CEO and asked her to come with them to take her to home but she refused and

said there is other thing she should to do before going home.

Once they left Liza alone in the restaurant the CEO waked up

and said that she ate the bait all we have to do is just to wait. And jack

praised him for his good acting while laughing.

The next day the CEO did not go to the company and Liza

asked manager Rebeca about why did not the CEO come, then manager Rebeca told

her that he is sick and he will be back to work after three days , when Liza

heard that she thought it is the best time to go with the plan ,then she made a

call and told her boss that today is the

best day to continue with the plan ,Liza boss told her she can continue but if

she get caught she know what will happen to her with scary voice, Liza told him

she will do it with freight sound then she hang up.

That day at night after everyone left Liza was the only one

who stayed back claiming she have a lot of work to do. After she checked that

there is no one to disturb her plan she went to security office and gave a cup of coffee to the security

guards after they drink the coffee they fall asleep ,then Liza make sure that

every camera is off and went to CEO office and started searching for secret

files of the company and was able to access every file by the help of the

passwords that she got from the CEO phone last time and copied every file and

after finishing she went out of the office leaving no evidence at least that

what she thought.