

The CEO that night kept drinking and drinking in his office

he looked so miserable and kept thinking of mica words saying disappear you

selfish boss, this word kept ringing in his ear many times.

His assistance jack come and saw him in such miserable look

and asked him that he will drive him to his house.

CEO "I do not have house"

Jack "what are you talking about you have at least seven

house just in this city beside you can go to your family house they kept asking

me to bring you home, also you have that apartment that you live near mica"

CEO "what… house, staying in that houses alone is scary and my family will just nag at me if I go home and

that house am not allowed to go she said…. she did not want to see me ,she h..ate...

me jack she said that am selfish and went me to disappear from her life."

Jack "well, that natural thing to say after what happened to

her you changed her life up down"

CEO "I just want her to love me back but she just hate me now,

she will leave me jack"

Jack "come on, you look so miserable I am here I will help

you "

CEO "really?"

Jack "yes, after all I am your only friend I cannot leave you

alone in such condition, just trust me, and now you will stay in my house since

you are homeless."

CEO "jack, I want sushi hurry up am hungry"

Jack "you still boss even through you are drank"

Mica closed herself in her room and did not talk with her

family, her mom was worried and asked her to open but she refused and told them

that she is fine; mica dad did not say a word and waited for her to say something

regardless of what happened.

The next day her dad told her that he went to talk to her.

Mica (dad) "can you explain what is happening the news is all

about you and your boyfriend"

Mica "dad things are quite complicated to explain to you, but

trust me I will not do anything to worry you"

Mica (dad) "did not you did enough to worry me, you bring a

man to the house and you suddenly say he is your boyfriend and then that you will

get married but suddenly saying you do not want and he declare saying you are

getting married in front of media, cannot you tell your dad what is going on

like you used to tell me everything happen with you when you come back from

school, what happened now what are you hiding from your dad"

Mica "sorry dad I cannot tell you, but believe me am not weak

I know how to protect myself so do not worry"

Three days has passed the news about them become the talk of

the town the CEO continued his work in the company the atmosphere was gloomy

and heavy no one dared to say a word, mica did come to work for three and the CEO

was not shouting or getting angry to employees which was more scarier to employees,

then manager Rebecca asked the CEO what about she should do about mica, if she

should fire her for taking three absence from work without permission.

The CEO told her to call her to come back to work, manager

Rebecca called mica in front of the CEO and told her that she will be fired if

she did not come back to work tomorrow, manager Rebecca putted the phone on

speaker on purpose mica said she will

come tomorrow to register by herself and

she does not want to do anything with the company or the CEO anymore.

The CEO hoped she might come but when he heard she went to

register his expression changed and asked manager Rebecca

to leave him alone.

Manger Rebecca "with all my respect CEO Alex do not you think what you are doing

is quite childish, you become the talk of the town because of this girl ,do not

you think you must give up on her she does not like you and forcing her like

this will not change anything"

CEO " manager Rebeca I do not care what people are saying, and

please leave your thoughts to yourself I do not like any one to interfere in my

decisions, so just do your work as manager"

Manager Rebeca "am talking like that as your manager because

you keep getting in such scandal you are bringing down the company with you, do

not forget we are wedding company and our image are getting destroyed because

of your love problems so I hope you be more carefully in the future, that all I

had to say. Excuse me now I have work to do"

Jack showed up after manager Rebeca left and asked the CEO

to go with him to a place the CEO refused said he does not want but when jack

mentioned mica to him while whispering. He went and followed jack and went to

old building once they arrived there was person wearing black hat was waiting while

covering his face.

The CEO asked jack what is going on then and why they are in

such place and who is the person standing there then that covered person in mask

answered him.

Mica "am disappointed in you Alex, you said you love me but

you were not able to know just because I wearied a mask"

CEO "...mica what are you doing her"

Mica "it looks like you did not miss me at all"

Jack "look at your face, you are dying from happiness"

CEO "you two explain what is going on"

Mica "we will tell you "

Jack "the thing is that mica noticed that something strange

going within the company, some important files were missing from time to time

after they get copied to the computer and being found after it disappearance

next day and the incident of the edited video being played also ability of the

reporters getting information about you two and the pictures that were taken of

you two was work of the same person"

CEO "so did you found out about that person already"

Mica "yes, we just wanted to obtain some evidence to show you


Jack "thanks to mica acting at the office that day after the

reporters went. She acted that you are really in fight so that traitor thought

it was over between you"

CEO "so you two you are saying you already knew the traitor

but since you did not had evidence you used me. Mica you said all that harsh words to me to

make the traitor to believe that everything between us is finished"

Jack "when you put it in like that it sounds like we are the

evil people"

Mica "Alex we did that just for the sake of the company"

CEO "why did not you discuss it with me first"

Mica "everything happened suddenly and I did not get a chance

to explain to you..."

CEO "…but mica you are really heartless to do such thing even

though I know it is for me"

Mica "…sorry…"

The CEO hugged mica and said that he missed her and do not

want her to do such thing without telling him next time, mica smiled and said she will not idiot.

The CEO lowered his

head and putted his left hand around mica

waist and his right hand in her face and kissed her gently ,mica did not push

him or either rejected his kiss ,with the sun that was about to set and the

windy light weather the view of the two of them was like piece of art.

Jack "uhum, uhm, you two if you are finished there is work we

have to do"

CEO "do not you see am busy now"

Mica "that is enough move back, jack is right we have to

expose the traitor"

CEO "then we can continue from what we left right mica"

Jack "he is back to his normal self"

Mica "ya pervert"

CEO "I have perfect plan for exposing this traitor, just wait

and see I will make him regret what he did up to know"