
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs


John knocked on the door but no one was opening it,maybe she has arleady fallen a sleep and he was just disturbing her,he thought..

He didn't want to disturb her, especially when she's asleep because he knows for pregnant women then It was arleady hard having a child inside her womb and disturbing her,he'll only worsen the condition..Thinking about that he decided he'll just come another day...he was about to turn leave when the door suddenly opened,.....

Tonight Dayana was having a peacefully night,it has been a while since she slept...sometimes in the middle of the night she'll found her self awake and she'll stay awake to the morning..but today was different..she just wanted to take a nap but she found her self in a deep sleep..she heard someone knowing the door and she thought she was dreaming but it knocked again and again..maybe it was real.

she woke up..stepped out of her room to the sitting room but she couldn't hear the knoking again...what is this huh"is someone praying prank on me huh"she thought as she opened the door..

she was still a little sleepy so she had a blurry vision...she opened the door and didn't saw anyone there so she looked at the left and right..and oooh there was someone there..wait isn't that my fiance..she looked at him and he looked at her and their gaze met.....

wait"I'm I hallucinating"?she thought..

John"she called.

Yes my love I'm here"he answered as he came forward to embrace her..

Omg,you came...really it's you huh and she also embraced him tight not wanting to let him go again and tears flows down her eyes.....

Let's go inside my love..it's cold out here"John said..

let's stay like this for a while please honey please?she begged.

His heart ached for her...it was so had to stay away from her... he'll surely needs to talk to his uncle Mr Anderson tommorow..And the world should now know That he does exist..Dayana still couldn't let him go so he decided to carry her to her room for it was cold outside..

Her belly was starting to grow now,After a few weeks she'll be on her second stage..He looked at her peacefully sleeping face..He didn't even get some time to talk to her for she fell asleep on his arms while crying and embraced him..She must've longed for him as much as he longed for her..and as they didn't stay together for long so they both felt the emptiness..but now that they are together they felt complete.....And while cuddling his fiancee he also in a deep slumber that he did not get for quite a while now..God how he missed this Having his body wrapped hers and held her protectively it was like a dream to him..The dream that came true even if it's just for tonight.

The next morning:

Dayana woke up alone in the bed,was I dreaming about him again huh..she thought but she heard water and sounds in the bathroom and she looked around and saw his phone and clothes there..and she was relaxed a little..and she decided to prepare a breakfast for him.

Getting out of the bathroom..He was arleady dressed in his bodyguard uniform,he was surprised not to find Dayana on her bedroom...And he went to look at her.

Dayana was bust preparing for breakfast while humming a song..he watched at her from a far..and she looked Soo adorable that he couldn't take his eyes off her..

why are you tiering yourself line this huh?he asked her.

She stopped and looked at him,her eyes full of love..You know it's dangerous to see me but you came,and I did the honor to cook for you and..I was adviced by my doctor's to do some exercise so here I am..this is nothing really...?she explained.

I was thinking about to take you to stay at the Mansion..My uncle is there and he'll surely take good care of you..They know about you but I haven't talked to them about ur pregnancy but I'm sure they could've arleady taken you there..While I'm still cleaning my name I think it we'll be safe to stay there..he explained.

I understand but can you give me sometime to think about that?she asked.

yes but not for long..And Now I need to go to protect my Alexander for I'm responsible for his enemies...They are following him because they needs me but with this uniform they surely doesn't know that's it's me?he said.

At least have some breakfast before you go to your so called boss".

yeah my boss,and later I'll be his boss how interesting..he thought.

After breakfast,he went directly to the Anderson's Fashion company.leaving Dayana alone again..


The Anderson's Fashion company.

This was the last week for the preparations of their "countryside fashion event"that was how it was named.

Everyone was busy on the preparations,Aryan was busy working hand in hand with Noel and Oliver was beyond happy to work on this project with Alexander.

While working she'll look at him every there and then and as attractive as she was..she was finding the perfect opportunity to distract him.As a model as she was she was wearing a mini jeans skirt with a white crop top with a pair of sneakers..revealing her flat stomach before him..

Oliver has an attractive body just as a model should be,perfect skin and Just beautiful but Aryan was far away from him..,she was beyond beautiful..she had an attractive face,she has hips and buttocks and when wearing clothes she'll look like a Goddes..she has a charming face that can charm any man...In fact they were comparable.

Alexander was Annoyed by Oliver's behavior of revealing herself like this but he thought if he'll confront her about this then she'll think that he was interested about her because back then at their relationship he used to confront her whenever she does anything wrong..

Aryan on the other side has buried herself into working mode,she was working really hard but whenever she got some time alone she'll think About Alexander's words"I like you"still echoed in her mind.Thinking About Alexander she haven't met him today..but he is with his Assistant anyway and it'll be better to stay away from him..And finally Tommorow is the weekend I'll have to visit my Dayana since I haven't seen her for a while..

She have became too close with Noel for the past few days she had worked with him" since Oliver became the Assistant she works more with Noel since the guy doesn't have a secretary yet and now she was indeed comfortable around him and working with him is great..she thought.

Aryan can you bring these files to the CEO's office please?he asked her

ooh sure?she took the papers and started walking to the direction of the CEO's office since both were on the same roof..As always John was sitting there at the bench Just outside the CEO's office..

This guy is really the royal one..?she thought I've never met someone as loyal as him.she went close to him and Greated him..You seem in a good mood today John?she teased.

yah,I just came from seeing my fiance but don't tell to anyone I'm telling you because I trust you?he answered.

Huh..?you have a fiance ...?she asked curious

yes and she's pregnant"since you are a good person I'll introduce her to you one day?he answered.

wow..? I'd love they you know..Anyway we can talk about that later..is the CEO busy....and a thought came to her mind.How about you'll give him these files later? she asked.

Aahm,miss Aryan the CEO has said that..if it's you you should just enter without even knocking And if I'll be the one to bring the files to him well surely be punished you know?he explained

oooh yes thinking about punishment..since he loves punishing he'll surely punish them?she thought.

okay then I'll go?She said as she opened the door and her eyes went wide at the scene she encountered inside....?

Alexander has asked Oliver to explain for him about the project..but he was too busy to notice that Oliver was standing so close to him and as she explained the paper she was holding fell on the floor and as she was about to gather the paper when she unexpected missed her step.. Alexander reacted fast to catch her before she fell as he held her waist and it was so fast that he didn't notice that he made her sit on her lap.

Even Oliver was surprised by the sudden turn of event..she looked at him and their gazez met..,