
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Business trip

Alexander went to took a shower again,so that he can cool his body for he was feeling hot all over,her warm delicious lips..and her little moans inside his mouth..Aww he shut those feelings down and continue bathing...

Dressed in his working suit and his cold Aura was back again he went out of his private room,but this time it was far away from his usual cold face,he wasn't surprised to see John there for he arleady sensed his presence long ago and knowing him,he'll surely talk to Noel about this...

Aryan got out of his room and found John sitting there looking at her as if he didn't expect to see her there,he looked at her with worried expression and one glance at her and he knew something was off.

And he decided not to ignore it "Are you okay miss Aryan?he asked worried.

Yes John why?she asked still red.

oooh I noticed your face is red are you sick,should I call the doctor..he asked still not believing her

oooh I'm good it's just it's hot there inside?now her face was burning red.

He decided not to tease her"is the boss inside there"he asked curious.

Yes"he'll be here in a minute?she answered

oooh"now he was waiting for the perfect time to inform Noel about the gossips..he just entered the boss office and he thought the boss was resting in his private room but now seeing Aryan coming out of the room and she was blushing red...oooh my they'll surely have something to talk with John later..

Alexander walked to them and John stood up,I'll just be outside he said..

No I wan't to talk to the both of you.he said and they went to seat facing each other in front of his table.

Aryan,In my schedule I think this is not added yet..,but I have a business trip right after the event night..At the night of the event I'll participate but the next day I won't be here and I'll be travelling with oliver since she is my Assistant..but as my secretary you should be the one accompanying me...

You mean we'll both accompany you?Aryan asked.

No..?Instead of following me you'll stay here and do my work on my behalf then After I came back,Oliver will be the co-vice president and you'll remain as both my assistant and secretary but it'll depend on your performance at the next meeting..you may have gain another position..and when I left John would stay here with you..

what"boss you know I won't leave you alone right,..?John said..

I understand but Noel would be quite busy and aside from Noel you are the only one that I trust so I want you to stay close with Aryan and you'll be the one guiding her.

There is no need to worry about my safety since I'll be going to country V..There is something I need to take care there for my sister since I'll be back with her..and you two should know that things might change when I came back..because I might retire here and continue working in the main branch since my sister is the one Interested in fashion I was only helping her for the mean time..

This is bad?Aryan though...so this means I'll be working as his sister's secretary huh..since are getting very confused at her side..

And John I'm also doing this as a favour to you,from now on you should stay with your wife you know..and when I came back you won't be my bodyguard anymore you'll have to work on your company now..and everyone should now know about your existence...

These two are really confusing me?Aryan thought..

Okay John I think you should wait for me outside for I need to speak with Aryan for a while.. Alexander said.

Hearing him...?Aryans heart went wild again...what does he want to talk to me now huh..She thought.

John left the two alone,and the silence regained upon the whole place..the atmosphere was too quiet as if the world was stopped..Alexander broke the silence

I know you are uncomfortable around me?he started...but I would like to tell you that We won't interfere work with personal matters..I won't force you to like me if you don't feel the same way I feel but I want you to know that when I say I like you I mean it..

Aryan knew she was beautiful,and any man could desire her..Back then at school men always desired her but the bad thing was they didn't love her..and if he liked her why would he leave with Oliver..things were confusing her.she thought.

I'm telling you all this now because I know that starting from tommorow I'll be very busy with the event and after the event I'll be leaving so maybe I won't have the time to talk to you in the next week's that's why I'm telling you all this now..

And you can just go home and rest early since in the next few days we'll be having busy days ahead..

Yes Thank you sir and she left without realizing the word sir made him cold again..


After a while,Noel entered...Hey dude I think he you have to watch this"he said

what is it Alexander asked"

well Look at this drawing man..and he showed him Aryan's drawing..and his reaction was..

wow this is what we needed Noel.."you could've showed this to me earlier so that we could show this to the shareholders..I like it and there is no need to draw another one well just use this one..?she said.

Guess whose drawing is that"he asked.

Isn't it from the designings agency?he asked curious..

No my friend"from the designings agency the drawings were the ones you have..This is actually the different one and you won't believe it.

Now he was dying with curiosity?tell me then

Okay it Aryan..and don't show her that I told you because she said no one should know about this and I think it'll be good if you cooperate with me.

Aryan...?which Aryan are you talking about huh Noel...?

Huh this guy..I'm talking about your Aryan...or should I say your secretary..

what she did draw this? he couldn't believe what he was seeing right before his eyes.,Aryan did told him once that she had dreams and she loved designing on her very first day in this office..that day on her interview she did say it..

But After she started working she never mentioned that to him at all, didn't she trust him...his heart ached for her...why didn't she show him first and now she was saying that she didn't want him to know..was she that naive to hide anything from him..

Fine then,there is no need for other drawing well just use that one and There is no need for the meeting also well just tell them that we arleady have a drawing and we'll send it to the our industry so that they can create the dress with diamond materials on it.

Right now we'll only focus on getting a model to wear the Dress,As for Aryan leave her to Alexander said

Now let's go home and rest we'll continue working tommorow?Alexander said

And After a while they went home together with John and parted because John has to see his pregnant Fiance.

Thinking about his pregnant Fiance,he haven't seen her for a while..she might be thinking that he abandoned her or maybe he didn't love her but no..He was just protecting her he cannot stay with her just untill his hidden Identity get revealed..

Just a little more,my dear fiance and Everything would be alright?he thought..

My poor Dayana,she must be so lonely?he thought after thinking about her for a while...She just got pregnant after she finished university...he got engaged with her but he wasn't even staying close with her just because of his enemies..he have to finish them all as fast as he could so that before his child would be born he'll have his name cleared..

He must reveal his Identify so that he can be with his fiance and finally he can marry her....He'll surely be the happiest man in the universe to marry the woman he loves..

Thinking about that,he had arleady reached to her home,he got out of the car and went to her door to knock..


Don't forget to watch out my other book

*from hell to heaven:my midnight hero

The story is about a girl who thought she went through hell but in the middle of the night..came her hero and brought her back to heaven...

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