
My Multiverse Adventure

what is my plan for multiverse traveling? get in, have fun, get out. F*ck canon! i couldnt care less about it! harem? does sex friends count as a harem? anime worlds?? i mean, yeah sure....but, there are more interesting ones.

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36 Chs

DoomSlayer Jr.?

the unholy screams of the demons could be heard trough the area, the buildings were in crumbles, blood decorated the ground!

and in the middle of all that was....


and seeing all this he had only one thing to say.

Sam: maybe jumping straight into such a hardcore world was a mistake...hey system you there?

the system right now is his only hope of surviving, without it he will become just another victim for hell to consume.


when he heard the robotic voice in his head he let out the air he didnt realize was holding and then asked the most important question in this situation...hey that rhymed!

Sam: good...how do i use you?

[host has 3 card slots. each of those slots can have a "card" inserted into them.]

said the robotic voice, like it was expecting Sam to understand what a "card" is...i mean, he had his suspicions but better safe then sorry, y'know what i mean?

Sam: what is a card?

[a card is the power of a fictional character. Right now you can choose 3 free cards, the rest needs to be unlocked by doing quests.]

Whoa, whoa, whoa! quest's? what do you mean quest's?! he wanted all the fictional characters unlocked from the start! THE FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT!

but wait...if he needs to unlock the fictional characters does that mean...

Sam: what about my items i wished for? do i also need to unlock them??

[no they are already all unlocked.]

oh thank god! he was honestly scared for a moment there! okay if he has all his items then its not that bad, he can work with this.

Sam: system i choose the {Batman card}, {Jetstream sam card}, and the {Aang card}.

the {batman card} was a no brainer. Bruce has mastered multiple martial art's and has lots of experience when it comes to fighting.

the {jetstream sam card} was chosen because Sam, channeled his inner metal gear fanboy and decided that getting made perfect sense. Well at least he knows how to use a katana now, and move like a samurai on steroids.

and finally the {Aang card}! many of you may wonder why was this card chosen. Well the answer is simple. Aang has mastered spirit/energy bending, which allows one to seal and unseal the bending abilities of another person.

Sam plan was to use Aang knowledge to bend his own spirit and making him a Firebender.

if you are questioning yourself why he only wanted the fire bending abilities without all the other's then you should re-watch the episode's of Avatar Korra, where the story of Wan the first avatar was showed.

in one scene Wan used all the elements before fussing with Raava, and his body was not able to handle the stress that holding all the elements at once. Only after merging a ancient spirit of light he was able to do it.

so yeah...since Sam doesnt have a ancient spirit around to merge with he will not take his chances.

or maybe his Perfect body that he wished for will be able to handle it? after all it is the "Perfect" body.

Sam: hey system do you know is my body would be able to handle having all the elements inside it? y'know the elements from the Avatar series.

[the element from the Avatar series reside in the soul, not the body. Since host has the soul of a normal human this would kill him.]

Sam: oh...well makes sense, after all it was said by the lionturtle that they bend the "Spirit" to give someone bending abilities.


Sam: duck? wher-

before Sam had the time to finish his question he picked up and YEETED into the distance by a random hellknight.

crashing into a building and completely destroying every single bone in his body, Sam landed on the ground not able to move.

Sam: Uughh! F*CK! how do i use my items?

[they are in the system inventory.]

wow system, not even sounding concerned for your host? thats cold of you.

Sam: put some healing potion in my mouth.

when he felt some liquid in his mouth he immediately swallowed it and got up.

Sam: system, give me the Muramasa from metal gear.

soon the red blade appeared in Sam hand, already unsheeted and with tiny red electricity sparks that danced around the blade for a second before they stopped.

[do you wish to equip your cards?]

whait they were not equipped already? welp good thing the system asked this, or otherwise he would be F*CKED!

Sam: yes!

a second after he said that his mind was flooded with information about many martial arts and all the information about bending techniques. and while this was happening The hellknight charged at Sam full speed.

seeing this Sam body automatically went into a battle stance, and just mere millimeters away from being bodyslamed by the demon, Sam did a side step while at the same time swinging his sword, successfully dodging the demon and Cutting HIS FUCKING ARM OFF!

okay there are 2 things he discovered when this happened.

first, apparently the cards also give the muscle memory of the character, and their battle instincts. Because this is what happened here, all of that was not planed at all, he just did what seemed right to do without even thinking about it.


he didnt even feel any resistance, the blade cut trough the demon arm like a hot knife trough butter!

as Sam was busy marveling the sword in his hands, the hellknight let out a roar of rage and then jumped into the air, with the intention to land on the Boy crushing him into a bloody pulp.

but once again Sam dodged by doing a sick backflip and threw a couple of batarangs that he took from the inventory at the hellknight.

but, since they were made from normal metal they just bounced off the demon.

Not that it matter, since all that Sam wanted to do by throwing those is to see how accurate his aim is.

Sam: y'ah done? if yes...then its my turn!

dashing forward he jumped at the hellknight and soon they were both in a dance of attacks and dodging.

of course Sam was just toying with the demon, and having fun, If he was serious then the demon would be already dead.

Sam: okay im bored.

and with a swift motion he decapitated the demon.

[tittle acquired. "doomslayer JR"]