

When Mira and I returned home, Lagertha was waiting for us.

- Ulf, this priest says something all the time and I don't understand him.

- I will check it in a moment... On the way, we were attacked by Olafur and some five fools. but we're fine ... only Olafur broke his other arm.

Lagertha listened curiously to my story, and I told her that Frida and Arne would come visit us. Then I decided to check on the priest.

- Father, your behavior worries my wife, apparently your mouth does not close. So how can I help you?

- If your wife responds to my prayers in this way, it is a sign that her pagan soul is afraid of the words of the one true God.

- Father, can you see the knife at my belt? ... I can stick this knife into your body a thousand times and you will lose consciousness only after the last stab ... so be careful what you say, because your path to salvation will lead through suffering.

- What will you do with me?

- What I want, priest ... but now I want you to teach me the languages ​​you know, then you will be free.

- And should I believe you?

- As you want ... but if you refuse you will die, if you agree you will surely gain a few months of life.

I didn't have to persuade. Death or life the choice was obvious ... we started the lesson almost immediately ... Our new slave Itta was under the watchful eye of Lagertha, and I didn't mind ... sooner or later she would end up in my bed anyway.

Lagertha's parents visited us in the evening and her father was very impressed with Itta.

(Lagherta / Frida)

- What should I do? Ulf said he'd make Itta a bed slave?

- It is quite normal for men to have several wives or concubines or a bed slave. Arne had a bed slave, too, but when she was twenty-five, Arne decided we would sacrifice her.

- Mother, should I agree to Ulf having other women?

- It's your decision, but if you forbid a man something, the more they want it. If you love Ulf and he loves you, you have nothing to fear.

(End POV)

The following days I devoted only to learning the language, thanks to good memory and knowledge of many other languages, learning a new one was very easy for me ... during one of the lessons I talked to a priest about Europe and I came up with the idea of ​​making a map of Europe and Northern Africa. Certainly such something will be useful in the future ... Carving it in wood will not be a problem, and when someone asks where I got it from, I will say from a priest... perfect excuse, especially since he will already be dead.

During the night I was awakened by a strong tug on my arm, I jumped up from the bed and saw the Domownika waving his hand suggesting that I should follow him.

Without getting dressed, I ran downstairs and listened ... from outside the house I heard some male voices, four or five people.

I didn't know what they were planning, but decided to go outside, grabbed two hatchets and used the hidden exit in the floor. I crawled to the back of the house, then ran to the nearest bushes, then slowly made my way to the front where I heard male voices.

There were four of them and they had torches ... they tried to set fire to the house. I looked for a stone on the ground and when I found it, I threw it at the tree on the opposite side of the building to distract them. Two of them went, drew their swords and headed in that direction ... Swords... meaning someone more important, probably Jarl's people.

I came out of the bushes, creeping , I approached them from behind ... unfortunately, even though I was quiet, they both were holding torches and saw my shadow creeping. I managed to stab a knife in the back of one of them, but his companion pulled the ax out, and though I dodged, he hit me in the left cheek with the blade. I grabbed his hand and hit him in the face with the my ax ... all I could hear was the sound of a cracking jaw ... he fell unconscious to the ground.

At the same time, two men with swords came, they were those who had gone to check the noise earlier ... we were separated by a dozen meters. My hands were glowing gold ... I threw the ax with all my strength ... and hit him in the chest and back at the same time ... my hatchet went right through him.

There was only one left, I started towards him ... when the man suddenly let out a scream and fell to the ground ... and I saw Mira standing behind him. She looked cute, in a bright nightgown, with the expression "I can't get any sleep because of you" and a knife in her hand. I told her to go to sleep and I will clean the yard.

Three corpses and one unconscious ... I thought for a moment and decided that my situation with Jarl could not last longer, he must have misunderstood me, our conflict is simply a communication error ...

I deprived the bodies of their heads when their companion regained consciousness ... he wanted to say something, but with a broken jaw, it's hard to do it.

I walked over to him, put the blade to his neck, stroked his head ... his eyes were glazed ...

- But no, no tears please, fear and pain must accompany death ... that's the only way to appreciate life.

An hour later I was in front of Jarl's house and placed the heads of his men on the front door of his house ... I hope this message will be clearer.

Now I have to go back and get rid of the bodies ... and I completely forgot that I'm naked, covered in blood and running around.

Mira's dialogues are just simple emoticons, she is mute, she can't communicate otherwise ... and her sign language doesn't matter much.

The easiest way for me is to stop posting her dialogues.

MedTryglawcreators' thoughts