
My life in the world of Invincible

MC got reincarnated in a cultivation world with some high quality perks +++++++++ Testing my skills in writing. Critic to your hearts content. I welcome it {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} ∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆ Disclaimer: So this is a thing I guess. Though I thought the designation 'FANFIC' says it all. I mean, It is a FANFIC. OH WELL ==The image used is not owned by me==

DaoistAwesome · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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13 Chs

1st Encounter

When Chen ling broke into xiantian realm, Klaus asked to the black spirit to revise the sky destroyer immortal physique scripture to make it compatible with Chen ling's cultivation path. Klaus gave him three techniques.

The sky destroyer immortal physique scripture

Blood accumulation scripture

Shura slaughterer technique

The sky destroyer immortal physique will enable Chen ling to have infinite strength. With this Physique he can rip apart the earth barehanded, wrestle a real dragon and break any treasures and weapons with pure physical strength.

The blood accumulation scripture will allow Chen ling to increase his blood essence and blood qi. By accumulating his blood Energy, he can unleash its hidden potential, rising his battle power as if its cultivation go up. it is was a downgraded version of the Furious Immortal Tyrannical Physique, works the same way but much weaker.

The shura slaughterer technique will allow Chen ling to mark an attacker with his qi and it will last for as long as he had qi or he disperses the technique. When this is done, whenever Chen ling is attacked by the attacker, instead of damage he would recover his physical health but not his qi. The attacker will also receive the damage he dealt. The chance of this skill working however was just fifty percent. Chen ling might have to take multiple hits before it takes effect.

It took two weeks for them to get out of the forest. Klaus could have left the forest instantly and Chen ling knew this. He even asked why they had to walk instead of just teleporting there like last time.

"The beauty is in the journey" was the only reply he got from Klaus.

After leaving the forest they found a river.

Klaus: "let's wash up first"

They both took their baths then Klaus released the black spirit for the first since the awakening ceremony, but this time in its sixth form. Beside Klaus appeared a tall black humanoid entity with long curved horn that looked they were made of metal or stone, pristine white teeth, it dawned a beautiful black robe, had blood red eyes, and a floating orb made of stone above its hand all clouded in a dark aura. Its body had intricate carvings but it was not something Chen ling could appreciate at the moment. What he felt at the that moment was dread, despair, and fear.

Chen ling fell on his knees before Klaus said out loud



The black spirit laughed out loud like a real person while retracting its aura slightly. Klaus made it make them new clothes and weapons. With a movements of the black spirit's hands the items requested materialized and it was recalled .Klaus waited for Chen ling to calm down.

"What is that?" questioned Chen ling breathing heavily.

"This is one of my spirits, the black spirit" replied Klaus. He intentional wanted this scenario to happen. No matter how many miracles one performs, if you don't show people that you are also capable of much destruction as well then you might be one day betrayed. He knew Chen ling already sees him as an existence not to be messed with, but he wanted him to also have the fear of him at the back of his mind.

"The black spirit!? is it that black ball spirit from the awakening ceremony"



"Lets just say its constantly evolving"

"Constantly evolving, 'haaa', and can make things out of nothing, even for an immortal isn't this too much, wait, you said one of. How many do you have?"


"can I see it, no! wait, if its like that one don't show me"


When Chen ling regained his composure, they wore the clothes. Klaus tied his hair like Yasuo and wore a similar getup and sword. Chen ling's getup was more of the beginner berserker armor from the game black desert. A white shirt, brown trousers, a leader arm guard and leader boots.

"Hey Klaus, what is this?"

"Your new sword, it's time to upgrade"

Chen ling picked it up, 'as expected, its heavier'. Already used to the drill, he could only place it on his back. Klaus waved his hands and the old sword vanished. It was placed in the storage space.

"let's go"

And so, they continued their journey along the road.

Getting close to a village they could hear fighting sounds. Klaus and Chen entered the village and there were corpses everywhere. They walked in no hurry to the place where the fighting sound was coming from. When they arrived, they noticed from the identification talismans on some that they were students, the others from their appearance could only be bandits.

From the group Klaus spotted Huang Xiaolong, fighting. There were close to three hundred bandits.

"Chen, assist them"

No questions asked, Chen took his great sword from his back and entered the fight. He was like a hurricane, when he moved forward, any bandit unfortune enough to meet his great sword was divided in two. The scene was gruesome.

'Yes! yes! wonderful display Chen, absolutely wonderful'

Klaus felt that his efforts were not wasted. He slowly walked along path of blood left after chen ling's carnage.

The students and bandits who were fighting for a moment paused for a moment. Seeing a child, like themselves who is around ten years old splitting seventh and eight order warriors of the houtian realm in two warranted a pause.

'Who is this guy?' thought Huang xiaolong

'Who is that boy' thought Chen feirong, the instructor of the students. However, this was not a time to ponder on such things.

"Everyone, release your martial spirits! Spare no effort and hold on for another five minutes!"

The students all called out their martial spirits and soul transformed without delay.

However, the surrounding bandits followed their actions, calling out their martial spirits and soul transformed.

Chen Feirong was being attacked by ten or so Eighth Order bandits. A white coruscating light flashed and at the same time, something like pillows of cloud appeared, but its color was an icy transparent blue.

When the pillow of clouds emerged, the surrounding temperature dropped to freezing, akin to an arctic winter.

This was Chen Feirong's martial spirit, Ice Cloud!

It fell under martial spirits derived from nature.

Calling out her martial spirit, Chen Feirong's palms struck the void in four directions.

"Ice-Sealed World!"

Where the palm hit, the airflow actually froze and condensed into numerous icicles; the dozen Eighth Order bandits that were ganging up on her immediately retreated in haste.

She then went to protect Huang xiaolong. Among all the students there, Huang xiaolong was the one that should not encounter any harm.

Soon reinforcements came. They were notified by a distress signal released to the sky at the start of the battle. The one who was first to arrive was a tenth order cosmic star academy teacher but there wasn't much left to do. The bandits were already dealt with.

Chen feirong and the students were looking at chen ling like a rare species.

"Who are you?" asked chen feirong.

"I am chen ling" replied chen ling swigging his great sword to get rid of the blood before placing it on his back.

"what's you affiliation?"

"What do you mean?"

"Which school or sect are you part of?"

"Oh! that, none"

Before she could ask another question, she saw another boy coming from behind Chen ling.

Klaus: "nicely done"

Chen ling:"hehehe, if I struggled against guys like these that would mean all your efforts was for nothing"

Chen feirong:"And you.."

"Stay right there", before Chen feirong was going to ask another question she heard another instructor shout out. The Head bandit wanted to escape but was immediately caught

Chen Feirong slowly stepped towards the Bandit Head with her sword in her hand and an icy expression on her face.

"I am from the Baolong Kingdom's Martial Ning Family and my Big Brother is Martial Ning Family's Patriarch; little slut, you dare to kill me?" The Bandit Head howled when he saw Chen Feirong coming towards him with a sword in hand.

Martial Ning Family? Everyone present was startled.

Looking at their startled expressions Klaus could only sigh. 'This is the sickness in worlds like this one. At the mere mention of the name of a family, even shits like this one could control people'

Before anyone could react, the Blades of Asura in Huang Xiaolong's hands slashed across his throat, and the Bandit Head grasped at his own throat while looking at Huang Xiaolong with disbelief.

"I am Cosmic Star Academy's Huang Xiaolong." Huang Xiaolong 'introduced' himself.

'Baolong Kingdom's Martial Ning Family? So what?' thought huang xiaolong.

"hahaha, now I get it. this is why I liked you, hahaha" laughed Klaus. Since he wished to forget the story and only remember certain key people so that he could enjoy his life to the fullest here, he only knew that in this world, from the story, Huang Xiaolong was the main character. But reading a story from a single person perspective and living it were not the same. In an entire world how can only one man be important. So, he forgot about Huang xiaolong until this encounter.

Klaus:"but I have to say, isn't your decision very stupid?"

"What do you mean?" asked Huang xiaolong. The others just stood there saying nothing. No matter how you look at it. Klaus and Chen ling were not ordinary. Though the clothes they wore would be considered low quality by Klaus, they were made by the black spirit using resources from the storage. its primary skills are all related to forging and enhancing. So though not made to be exceptional, they were exceptional nonetheless. Coming to such a conclusion they stayed quiet.

Chen feirong was filling in the other instructors as to what happened before they came.

"Have you thought about your family, or those related to you. What makes you think that you could easily kill him, filth that he is, without any consequences, what if the head of the Ning family is a petty man and will do everything to avenge this good for nothing."

Huang Xiaolong sat quiet. He didn't think that far. 'But the asura gate will protect me. I'm their sovereign after all'.

"I thought about it."



'haa, seriously, all main characters are foolhardy' thought Klaus holding his forehead.

"How about you accept me as your master, you could learn a thing or two"

the group "HUH!"

Huang Xiaolong "I refuse"


"Well you look to be the same age as me, I don't know who you are but you are unworthy to be my master"

"Pffffffft,hahahahaha" laughed Chen ling so hard he had both his hands on his knees

"hahaha, oh, how stupid" said Chen ling while laughing

klaus: "Oh well, your loss"

Then the sound of galloping horses could be heard. It seems solders were coming