
My life in the world of Invincible

MC got reincarnated in a cultivation world with some high quality perks +++++++++ Testing my skills in writing. Critic to your hearts content. I welcome it {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} ∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆ Disclaimer: So this is a thing I guess. Though I thought the designation 'FANFIC' says it all. I mean, It is a FANFIC. OH WELL ==The image used is not owned by me==

DaoistAwesome · Book&Literature
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13 Chs


The ground was shaking and within seconds came the border garrison army of the Luo tong kingdom.

Like in every world the authorities always come after the problem is solved.

They were about a thousand of them and when they arrived, they encircled Klaus and the rest. When they saw the mountain of corpses made of bandits and the townspeople. The expressions on their faces changed.

"General Qin, look. That one looks like the Martial Ning Family's Ning Fei; the Martial Ning Family Patriarch's brother." A Lieutenant General suddenly pointed at the Bandit Head's corpse while talking to General Qin Shi.

General Qin frowned when he saw this. Although Ning Fei has committed a lot of crimes in the border region, his death was not good outcome

"General Qin, with Ning Fei's death, this matter will be difficult to handle. Ning Wang would definitely pressure us through the Baolong Kingdom's King to make us handover the murderer." That Lieutenant General said, and he added: "You see?"

General qin nodded

"Who killed him?" Qin Shi pointed at the head bandit and snapped.

"I killed him" replied Huang Xiaolong

"Go capture him!"

"Yes, General!"

And several soldiers surrounded Huang Xiaolong.

"Stop! You dare?!" Chen Feirong snapped angrily, and came up with teachers from the Cosmic Star Academy, glaring with wrath at Qin Shi and the soldiers.

"ohh, there is going to be a show, what are you going to do now" said Klaus clapping.

"According to the kingdom's law, killing border bandits is a meritorious deed that will be awarded. So, I would like to ask, why would you not follow the kingdom's law and want to capture me instead?" said Huang Xiaolong

"Presumptuous! Little brat, you committed a cruel murder, yet you're still dreaming of meritorious award?" Qin Shi had yet to speak before the Lieutenant General next to him had already flared up: "Come, arrest that little brat!"

"Wait!" shouted Klaus

"Is it true, what he said about the law I mean?"

"Another impudent brat, seize them both" the lieutenant general barked another order.

"General, tell your men to retreat slowly or my judgement will be swift and merciless"

"Arrest them!" shouted the lieutenant general.

The solder continued then Klaus placed his hands on his sword, the next thing they saw was a blue blur then Klaus was behind the solders in front of General Qin, he slowly places his sword in its sheath then the bodies of the solders and the lieutenant general separated into pieces.

"I will ask again, is it the law?" Asked Klaus in front of General Qin. The General looked at Klaus then jumped down from his horse.

"Stop!" someone shouted among the student. A young man came forward, walking towards both of them. Seeing the young man, the general knelt down on one knee "Qin Shi greets His Highness Prince Lu Kai!".

His Royal Highness!

The solder got off their horses and knelt down "Saluting His Highness The Prince!"

'swish', Klaus blade was drawn out again, then General Qin's left hand fell to the ground. The general jumped backwards and took out his sword with his right hand. The solder all got up, wanting to attack Klaus.

General Qin:" Stay where you are"

Klaus: "I am a reasonable man, so I will ask again, is it the law"

General qin looked at his hands spewing blood, then again at Klaus. How can he answer the question of this boy simply because he asked.' But I couldn't even react till my hand was cut off. This boy must be of a higher rank than me' thought the general which made him even more apprehensive that a boy had reached such a level. The general is a tenth order huotian realm cultivator. For him to be at such a disadvantage would only mean the opposing party is a xiantian realm warrior however for him to answer would mean he has been beaten into submission.

"Yes, it is the law" said lu kai

Klaus: "Then the law has been implemented right, General?"

Qin shi:"…yes, but the situation is more complicated than that"

"No, No, No. It's not at all, is it Prince Lu Kai"

Lu Kai "No, they can't arrest him. My father won't allow it. Huang Xiaolong is just that valuable"

"He is that Huang Xiaolong?!"

Huang Xiaolong, top grade twelve martial spirit, the Primordial Divine Black Dragon! The Luo Tong Kingdom's first talent!

This message had spread far and wide throughout the Luo Tong Kingdom, from the commoners below to the Generals and nobles above– who did not know about him? Even some of the prominent forces in the neighboring kingdoms knew a talented monster of a youth had appeared in the Luo Tong Kingdom.

The general and his solders were now felling the pressure.

Klaus: "what makes him valuable?"

"He has a top grade twelve martial spirit, the Primordial Divine Black Dragon"

"Ooh, his martial spirit huh, show me" said Klaus looking at Huang xiaolong. He hesitated then Klaus added

"Your arrogance will be your undoing"

Huang xiaolong though pissed released one of his twin dragon spirit. Sometimes taking the easiest way is best. He was also getting the feeling that if he tried anything he would end up like the solders. The ethereal image of a primordial divine dragon floated above.

"Chen, are you seeing this, the black primordial divine dragon. To become a treasure of a kingdom you need one of these"

"At the end of the day, society favors talent over hard work I guess" replied Chen ling

"No, don't say that Chen. Its just that talent without hard work is doomed for failure and hard work without talent is bound to be mediocre. You need both talent and hard work to be exceptional, of course there are exceptions to the rule just like every rule in the universe"

Chen: "Really, like who"

"Me of course, haven't you witnessed my awesomeness already" replied Klaus with a surprised look "looks like I need to display more in the future"

"Are you done making fun" said Huang xiaolong displeased as he recalled he martial spirit

"ehm, sorry about that, for a grade twelve spirit it is magnificent, truly" said Klaus as if a grade twelve martial spirit was nothing.

"Prince lu kai was it, you see me and my friend are famished, we were hoping to get some food from this village but unfortunately the village is destroyed, could you point us at the direction to another village or city where we can get something to eat"

Chen feirong stepped in and answered "we are going to the villages in the area to eradicate the bandits, if you don't mind, after that I can take you to the best restaurant in the royal city when we go back as thanks for the help"

"How long will that take"

"Maybe a month or two" She replied. For cultivators like them two months is not considered a long time.

"That will take too long, my friend here will assist in your efforts" said Klaus pointing at Chen ling.

"thanks" replied Chen feirong. She had already seen Chen ling fight, so she knew that he would be a big help.

With the help of Chen ling the bandit eradication didn't take up to month. Chen ling fought using only his strength so no one figured out that he was already a xiantian realm expert but the instructors knew that he was. They were all tenth order huotian realms martial artists, but the strength difference between them and Chen ling was too big for him to be in the Huotian realm. Though most xiantian realm cultivators fight by using their martial spirit because it becomes a real entity in the xiantian realm, and they can even fuse with the martial spirit thereby doubling their power, the fact that Chen ling didn't use it didn't change their assessment of him.

On their way back from the border they came across another village that was ravaged by bandits. After killing the bandits, they found two survivors. They were covered by the corpse of a bandit that was pieced by a knife in the heart. After removing the bandit on top of them they found a girl about fifteen years old holding tightly to a ten-year-old boy. Being the sole survivors from the village it was decided they would be brought till they arrive the royal city before knowing what to do with them.

When chen ling came back he reported everything to Klaus. Klaus then went to see them and met Chen feirong.

"Are those the survivors from the village" he asked

"Yes, it seems that the bandit wanted to have his way with the girl but got pieced in the heart instead. The boy is her little brother."

"Is that so"

"Yes, most villages like these don't have people with battle spirits who could properly protect them, and it takes long for someone to be dispatched to handle them, this makes them the first victims to bandits who have depraved desires" said Chen feirong.

Klaus then walked to them; the girl held her brother more tightly

"What are your names?" Klaus said in the most calming voice he could.

"Ye, Ye xiaxue, my bother's name is Ye fangbo" said Ye xiaxue

"You two, I want to give you a chance right now, what I offer you is a place to belong, are you willing to follow me"

Looking into Klause's eyes, xiaxue felt they held no malice. Also, it wasn't like they had options which were better

"Yes master" replied xiaxue

"My name is Klaus, Just Klaus"

"Yes..k.. Klaus"

Klaus then took them. Chen feirong and the other saw nothing wrong with Klaus taking in a couple of commoners so they didn't bring up issues with it.

When they left them to slept. Chen ling asked

"Klaus, what do you intend to do with them?"

"I plan on making kingdom level treasures without martial spirits"

"You plan on training them, but without martial spirits that would be impossible, doing something otherwise, wouldn't that be going against the rules of the world"

"Speak about the rules to those that it applies to" replied Klaus