
My Life in HP

A Harry Potter fanfic. Disclaimer: Whatever is not mine belongs to someone else. That someone might be J.KRowling.

jdr1696 · Phim ảnh
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7 Chs


The days went on with me experimenting with my magic on few things.

Those mainly include the different facets of mind magics, the summoning and banishing

This is the mind magic that I have come to understand as.

The occlumency, the internal type of mind magics, dedicated to protecting oneself along with bettering oneself.

The legilimency, the art of delving into the psyche of others to get a read on their thoughts, memories, emotions and once mastered to change to their will.

The obliviation is the part of mind art where the practitioner goes on to remove specific memories or events without the risk of delving into the psyche of the other party. 

The confundus charm is part of mind magics where the user proceeds to confuse and muffle the memories to an extent so that the target is not in control of its faculties.

The notice-me-not is a type of magic which tends to make the area it is cast in to be, well unnoticable. The brain is marvellous thing. It usually filters a large part of information we are receiving through various senses and sends us only a part of the relevant information we can handle while our body functions normally without any issues.

Those with high perception tend to be those able to handle greater amout of information and make connections with the already present information.

The notice-me-not uses this process to make it so that, the information others perceive of the object that is cast on is unintersting and make the brain believe it is not to be filtered either for the good of body or that it is irrelevent and therefore disposable.

This is a great proof that not all wizards are brain dead to logic and progression as it was thought to be.

Either they lucked out in to it or some one took time to study how brain interacts and used that knowledge to effectively make a low level magic that is one of the most basic and most used after the time of witch hunts.

Rather than using obliviation and risk getting found through the various ways the subtle tricks of notice-me-not are rather good to use to make majority of people ignore it.

Though this may also have a bit of cons to it.

Necessity is the mother of invention and conflict is essential for growth.

For those in the circumstances without great necessity they tend to go the easy way and use what is already there than to go to the trouble of finding alternatives.