
My Italian Criminal

"You're one knockout, Sweetheart." She didn't want to love him, but he kept giving her hope.

Kerene_Masuta19 · Hiện thực
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10 Chs

chapter 4

Mr Alessandro Esposito P.O.V











5: Tell me pretty lies, look me in the face. Tell me that you love me, even if it's fake. Cause I don't fucking care, at all.

"I see you've been taking good care of my daughter, Esposito."

"Does it look like I had a choice?" I muttered, not interested in small talks.

Gabrielle glares at me, gripping my thigh under the table. "Behave." She whispers to my ears, leaning too close for my own likings.

Mr Capitalia seemed to not hear anything I just muttered or he was just too good at acting then I thought. He smiled, scathing his bear that's now white because of old age. "I'm glad you're the man she picks to marry. You'll do great things in the business."

"Yes, daddy. Andro here is way more of a good man." His daughter battered her fake lashes at him, he smiled, fucking pleased.

My hands fisted my glass of water, and I glared at the table. Forcing down anything that I wanted to throw at them.

"I haven't seen Gabrielle this happy, son. Seems like you're doing more then a good job." Mrs Capitalia spoke up as well, her warm smile directed at me. "I just want to thank you for picking my daughter, you've not only made her happy but us too."

"No need, Mrs Capitalia." I grinned forcefully. "After all, I love your daughter." I said bitterly, turning my eyes and landing them on Gabrielle. She stiffened, but faked her own smile as well.

It has only been an hour and I already wanted to fucking get out of here. Francesco made me come here just to impress Mr Capitalia.

After all, he was the only one providing us with enough cocaine. He did all the damn shares for us. Not like we couldn't do that on our own, it's just that the Capitalia are really good at their jobs and could sell or get us a million in just a day.

Even if we over powered them with each and every damn thing. They took the lead in selling drugs better then us. Our famigilia don't really take drug use seriously, but fucking Valentino, our older brother, decides it's time we get in the business.

I thought he'd be less wild after marriage, but still... he dies what the fuck he wants. Still sleeps around.

Guess it's because he's only been married for a month.

"So, about the wedding, honey." Mrs Capitalia pipped up about one thing I wasn't waiting for.

Gabrielle squeaked. "It's freaking next week, mama. I'm so excited."

"Shush, now. Tell me, have you gotten a dress fitted yet?"

I looked anyway, picking up my spoon and eating my food. Trying to ignore their useless talks.

Fuck, I want to get the hell out of here.

Francesco is so gonna get it. Why didn't he get stuck with a bitch like Gabrielle? Who was the manwhore out of all us. The one with a different slut the next day.

That's because you decided to fuck Gabrielle when drunk, thinking it's Bianca. My subconscious mocked me.

Grunting, I stiffened my jaw. Any you happened to do it when you were still with Bianca. Shit.  I'm going to loose my fucking mind.

Gabrielle grabbed on my thigh again, nearly making me snap the shit out of her. She's been touchy lately. I glared at her, snatching her hand off me. "What?"

"Mama asked you a question." She tensed, sending me a warning through her eyes.

With a heavy sigh, I smiled the fakest I've done today. Turn to look in the eyes of Mrs Capitalia. "Excuse me. I didn't here you there."

"It's okay, son. Work must be giving you a lot of stress, especially with the wedding coming up." She dismissed with a wave, smiling at her husband. "Nick and I here were wondering if you'd like to take up half of the business once you both get married?"

I frowned. What the fuck will I need with them. I wasn't with Gabrielle for anything but the drugs trade. We had enough money to live us a million years. "Can I ask why me exactly? Not to be rude or anything."

"Well, my husband is getting old and soon we plan to retire and move to Canada permanently." She informed me on their plans. "The other half goes Gabrielle. We don't really have a son, but you are like one now."

I looked at everyone before looking back at Gabrielle. She was beaming so much I nearly gringed. Her black hair framed her face perfectly, not a hair out of place. She smiled at me widely, flashing me her white teeth. "Come on, Andro." Gabrielle pouted.

Groaning mentally, I sighed. Coming up with the best thing for now. "I'll think about it."

The dinner went well, better then I expected. Soon enough, I was saying my goodbyes to them, with Gabrielle next to me.

Still very shocked Mr Capitalia hadn't mentioned what just went on between me and Gabrielle. The whole 'leaving her on our date' bullshit this morning.

"Bye mama. We'll talk tomorrow, okay?" She said, hugging her mother.

"Leaving too soon." Mrs Capitalia whined playfully, kissing her forehead.

Mr Capitalia then walked out carrying his wine glass. He smiled at his wife and daughter, then gazed at me.

I was leaned on my car, watching my fiancé and her mother. He nodded to me as he approached. "Esposito."

"Mr Capitalia?" He grinned at me, standing next to me.

He said nothing and we both watched the women talk for a while. I sighed, getting annoyed at this waiting shit.

"Take her seriously, son." My head dropped to look at him. He nodded to Gabrielle. "She's my only child, Esposito. She means the world to me so make sure you're not on my bad books."

"Noted." I spat with clenched teeth. Probably was in his bad books already. Old fucker.

He patted me on the shoulder. His green eyes twinkling up at me. "Good to have you not only as a business partner, but a family as well."

"Same." My fucking ass.

"Keep my little piccola happy, hear me boy?"

Mrs Capitalia moved forward with Gabrielle. "Yes, son, please take care of our little princess here."

"You don't have to worry, mrs Capitalia. I don't plan on hurting her." Yet.

"Good." She then hugged her once more, walking to give me a hug too. "Off you both go then."

"By mama, see you daddy."

"Goodbye Mr and Mrs Capitalia."

As soon as I opened Gabrielle the door like a gentleman I am in front of her parents. I jogged to my seat, buckled up and immediately got put of that freaking place.

We drove down the streets over the speed limits. I just wanted to get the my bed already. Not in the mood for any of Gabrielles' drama.

Parking the car, I slammed the door shut behind me. Not waiting for her as I handed Mike the keys to park it inside.

I walked up the grand stairs and in my living room. Hearing the clicking of Gabrielles' heels behind me.

She followed me all the way up the stairs and into our shared bedroom. Thank the heaves she didn't follow me in the bathroom too.

Brushing my teeth, I hoped in the shower and sighed. Letting the warm water cool me down.

My head throbbing furiously. When my eyes shut, a face popped up. The face of that same woman I can't fucking forget. It's been fucking three years but I still can't get over her.

It doesn't help that I've been stalking her all this while, either.

After washing myself clean, I felt arms wrap around me from behind. My body stiffened at the unwelcoming person.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Taking a shower with my fiancé. Is that a problem?" Gabrielle said, pressing her breasts on my back.

I hissed in anger. "Get out." She didn't move, whining, she starts to massage my shoulders.

"Baby. Come on. Don't be rud-"

"I said to fucking get out." I snapped.

"Andro. What's fucking wrong with yo-"

Turning around. I slammed her on the shower wall. She smirked and I glared. "If u fucking tell you you something, you fucking do it. Got it?"


"Good. Leave."

Gabrielle folds her arms. "If want to take a shower."

"Fine then." I stepped out. "I'll leave."

"You can't be serious!" She shouted.

I only shrugged, walking out the bathroom and into my walk-in closet. After picking up a plain black shirt and blue jeans. I combed my wet hair with my fingers.

Walking out. Gabrielle was on the fucking bed. Naked.

"Why don't we do something fun?" She went on all fours, smiling seductively at me.

"Not in the mood." I passed by and grabbed my shoes on. "I'm leaving. Going for a drink."

"Wait.. what?" Her jaw dropped. "You can't just leave me like-"

"Don't wait up for me. I won't be returning tonight."


I jogged to Mike and grabbed my keys from him.

Jumping in, I was off.



I said a bar but ended up in a fucking club. An hour ago I was drinking in a bar, when the thought of getting in a club just popped up. So, because I'd rather go anywhere but back to that slut. I came here.

The lights were dimmed, and the music was to its fullest. I'm not really a fan of thus kinda fast music, so I didn't know what was playing. I preferred classic music or just a simple piano tune.

I've been here for a straight thirty minutes and have already turned down five woman. I don't fucking understand what I'm here for exactly.

I took a sip of my beer and bobbed my head to the music. Letting my body relax and mind free.

It felt like years since I've been this calm. Fuck, it actually has been years.

The blue and red lights blinded me, making me squint my eyes here and there. At some point, I thought fuck it and stood up.

Walking to the dance floor, I looked for a woman whose dancing on her own or with her girlfriends.

As got in the middle. I found a very curvy brunette dancing on her own in the middle of the dance floor.

Her wavey brown long hair reminded me of someone who had the exact same hair colour. And yeah yeah, I was a little obsessed with dark heads. Brunettes' specifically.

I walked to her and watched how she swayed with the music. Her body moving fucking good it made me stare hard. It didn't help that she was dressed in that skin tight black mid-thigh dress, long sleeved but very short.

Even from all the way here,  I just knew she wasn't wearing any underwear.

I smirked and walked up to her, standing behind her. The heat of her body moved to mine and I groaned when she excidently grinds her ass on my now hard on.

Fuck. Already hard? That was quick...

My arms wrapped around her waist and she stopped dancing for a few seconds. Turning, my world stopped.


"Oh hey there sexy." Shit. She's drunk.

My chest moved heavily. The room now suffocatingly hot. She pressed herself on me and smiled, flashing me that smile that could make me go on my knees and fucking make her mine again.

Locking eyes, my mouth opened but nothing came out if it. I just stared wide-eyed with an open mouth. She giggled at my reaction, clearly drunk as fuck.

I pulled her closer, my mind taking advantage of her at her state already. My cock only got harder knowing it was her. Calling to her pussy and reminding me of how tight she was.

Not only that, my heart reminded me of the beautiful times we had.

My mind re-played all the memories we shared.

"Aless! Stop, it tickles!"

I chased after her. Grinning widely. "You shouldn't have turned me on then walked off like that, then. That shits fucked up."  I growled playfully.

She screamed, laughing when my fingers grabbed her waist and I picked her up. "Well-well, you teased me last night too!"

"I don't care, tesoro. Time for punishment."

"No-fuck!  Stop! Stop tickling me-ah-Ales-" She laughed, loudly filled with joy. And it warmed my heart watching her.

I bite down on my lip. "Do I know you?" Bianca asked, pouting.

I smiled when I remembered how much I loved when she did that. It made her pink plump lips even the more inviting.

"No." I lied, forcing te words out. "But we can get to know each other."

"I don't know." She said hesitatly. "How can I trust you?" She blinked up at me, wrapping her arm's around my shoulders.

A grin broke out of my face. "Trust me, tesoro."

Bianca shivers, running her hands down my chest. "Okay." She whispers.

"Fuck." I hate what I'm about to do. Taking fucking advantage of her. Shit...

I was that fucking desperate to hold her.

With a tug, she wrapped her thighs around my waist.

Grabbing her face in my hand, I smashed my lips on hers. Kissing her like it'll be my last.

It is your last kiss, you moron.

With that said, my hands gripped her hips and I was out that club, in my car, with her still in my lap, straddling me.

She kissed and nibbled on my chest and neck as I started driving us to one of my private penthouse.

Trying not to get us killed.

I drove like a mad bitch in heat.

