
My Horror System {I reincarnated OP with a Horror System}

In a world where technology and all humanity had built dilapidated by a mysterious abyss. Supernatural forces reign as humans awaken with incredible powers and face off against mutated creatures. Eri discovers he's a Vampire with a Horror System, thrusting him into a dangerous new reality. As Eri navigates this treacherous world, he must master his abilities and confront dark forces threatening humanity's very existence. Join Eri on an epic adventure filled with magic, mystery, and redemption in a world where the line between reality and fantasy is blurred. Get ready for a thrilling journey where the impossible becomes possible.

AuthorEriElegbede · Kỳ huyễn
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145 Chs

Chapter 61: Massacre

Chapter 61: Massacre

At first the soldiers hesitated to attack Eri because he was in their midst and a bullet could easily go astray do they keot a long stare for some while before....

One of them shot his gun at Eri regardless of hitting his fellow colleague and to all their surprise the bullet went right through Eri as a mirage that instantly blurred out.

The bulky planted itself square on the man's forehead killing him in an instant.

The man who shot first had his hands trembling to the fact he missed. Wasting human life with no reason to was a law still holding this character down.

Not just him but the entire room was shocked and frozen knowing what that single soldier did was purely illogical.

'What have I done?' The soldier recited in his mind as he narrowed his sights on his gun and felt the subtle vibrations from the fired bullet, or probably, it was his hands shaking ad crazy as hell. 'No! Don't be ashamed!'