
My Hero Academia : Lust Hero

Reborn into the world of My Hero Academia and being adopted by Midnight, Yugen pledges to avert tragedy from befalling both his cherished ones and beloved characters. Empowered by a unique lust system, rewarding him with superpowers, items, bloodlines, and so on... for each intimate relationship with a woman, Yugen becomes the lust hero who harnesses the force of lust to save the world. Yugen : "The power of lust is unstoppable!" ---- Patreon : (add the point between N and C) patreoncom/saikikusu or just search: saikikusu in patreon search bar

SaikiKusu · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
45 Chs

Chapter 18 : Midnight's Solution

Saitama City, Kanemochi quarter, Midnight's Villa, at 8.30 PM.

Yugen and Nemuri sat around the dinner round table opposite to each other. The aroma of a home-cooked meal wafted through the air, creating an atmosphere of comfort.

Yugen in his seat, wearing casual comfortable clothes, was eating his dinner. after that verification episode with Nemuri, his mood was beyond simply being good, he feel as if he can fly from happiness, but at the same time, his mind was wandering about his tonight plan, his debut as a vigilante, where to find criminals? how to avoid meeting his sister during her patrols? will he really be able to kill a vicious villain if he meet them? is he ready to experience death so he can evolve resistance abilities? are three bookmarks enough? what to do if I meet a cute villain? should I bang her as a punishment? etc....

opposite of him, Nemuri was wrapped in a purple long, wide cotton sleeves sweater. The garment enveloped her like a protective cocoon, its soft fabric reaching down to the middle of her naked thighs. The loose sleeves hinted at a sense of coziness, this style of clothing gave her a motherly feeling, as if she was a housewife, it's 180 degree different from the vibes she emits wearing her hero custom.

Nemuri noticed that Yugen was eating absent mind, she thought he must be analyzing his new quirk.

'yugen's second quirk is surely something extraordinary, but that cooldown is really troublesome, if there is a way to bypass it, then his strength's improvement speed will be doubled, the question is, how to solve this problem?'

Nemuri sat across from Yugen, her mind racing as she tried to come up with a solution for his Love Empowerment quirk's 24-hour cool down period. 

"darling..." thinking of something, Nemuri suddenly asked yugen, pulling his focus back to her.

Hearing his sister calling him Darling in her sexy alluring tone, Yugen felt himself fluttering, he also wants to use such a lovely way to call her! so with a smile, he asked : "what's there Amm...my sweetheart" the last word was said in an embarrassed and shy tone, this is his first time calling his sister in an affectionate way, no, he must stop addressing her as his sister, from now she is his lover, his wife, his sweetheart, his queen! 

Hearing the affectionate tone of Yugen, Nemuri blushed and felt a rush of happiness washing over her heart.

"How cute of you! let me hear it again!" 

"M-my sweetheart..." Yugen helplessly fulfilled her desire, but seeing her big smile, he understood that this word meant a lot in his lover's heart.

"Ha? I didn't hear it, say it aloud!" Nemuri got excited, especially from seeing the shy look on Yugen's face, she wants to tease him more.

"please stop it...it's embarrassing to keep saying that thing, don't tease me anymore as if i'm a kid. after all, I'll be your Husband, give your future husband some face." Yugen this time didn't hesitate to reject, being treated as a kid by his woman made him feels that his dignity as a Man is in danger.

Nemuri couldn't resist pinching her little brother Yugen's cheeks, her fingers gently squeezing the soft flesh. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she teased him in a joking tone, "Oh, my little Yugen has grown up, and he doesn't want to be teased by his big sister anymore. I'm truly heartbroken." She accompanied her words with a pout.

seeing that Yugen was looking at her with a blank expression, she took her hands back and switched back to serious mode.

"Well, Yugen." she began, tapping her fingers on the table. "does your second quirk's 24 hours cool down apply on all females or only the ones you had 'love' with?"

Hearing this question, although he was surprised she will ask something like this, he didn't think much and replied according to the information he read in the system manual.

it should be mentioned that after acquiring the infinity bookmarking ability, he asked the system will the lust energy cool down be rested if he returned to a point in time before he had sex with Midnight? the system answered him through a message saying that the system is beyond time and space, so this loophole won't work on him, and the cool down is counted according to it's own time.

"I think the cool down only apply to the female partner I had made 'love' with, why are you asking this all of sudden?"Yugen thought that she was only interested in his quirk so he replied.

Nemuri nodded, put her right hand below her chin, she said something that made Yugen caught off guard.

"I think I have an idea that could help bypass the limitation of your quirk."

"huh?" Yugen's eyes widened, did she just said that she had an idea on how to bypass the 24 hours cooldown limit of his quirk? that's impossible, lust empowerment is a function of the system, it's rules are made by the system and basically set on stone, there is no way to cheat or bypass it.

the only thing he can think of to serve as a solution is having more than one woman, for example if he had two women, he can indulge in sexual activities with one in Monday, the second one in Tuesday, and keep alternating between them for the whole week, so whenever one is on cooldown, another one will fill in the blank.

if he had four he can have sex with two women each day, and so on...that's the only solution he had in mind.

Yugen was curious, what method Nemuri will come up to bypass this restriction? did she thinks of sometime he overlooked? he is sure she won't suggest him finding another woman, after all, if he was in her place, out of his selfish human nature, he will want to keep her for himself alone, no human in his right mind will want to share his lover with others...Right?

Yugen looked at her, without hesitation he asked full of anticipation and curiosity. "Really? What is it?"

Nemuri took a deep breath before answering, what she is about to say is something may really end up their relation that had just begin.

"What if...What if we opened up our relationship... and you had...Mmm...multiple love.. interests? I think That way, you could generate love energy more frequently. you won't be restricted by me, of course this is just an idea, you have every right to refuse!"