
Glimpse Of Evil And Primal Rage...

Chapter 6 - Glimpse Of Evil And Primal Rage...

- If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. -

"Thirteen and Eraser Head, huh? The teacher's schedule we received the other day said that All Might was also supposed to be here." Kurogiri, Villain made of purple mist pointed out as he and the rest of the Villains wondered where the Symbol of Peace could be as they were expecting him to be here.

Aizawa tched, "The trespassing the other day was the work of these scumbags after all, huh?"

"Where is he? I went through the trouble of bringing this whole crowd, too… All Might… The Symbol of Peace… I can't believe he's not here. I wonder if he'll come if we kill some kids?" Tomura Shigaraki, the man with the fake hands all around his body, said with absolute malice in his tone as he was annoyed All Might wasn't present. And it wouldn't beyond him if he were to kill innocent students to bait the Symbol of Peace as he barely had regard for human life.

Hearing this, Izuku tightened his fists hard as his knuckles turned white, 'What did he say? He would kill innocent students just to make Toshinori-Sensei come here? How dare you?! So this is what a rotten Villain looks like! You won't get away with this!' Izuku thought in anger as the thought of his fellow classmates dying at the hands of these scumbags enraged him to the core. He wasn't about to sit back and just let them do as they please.

The scent of ozone filled the air as Izuku subconsciously activated One For All: Full Cowl. Furious green lightning cackled around him as a sharp green aura enveloped Izuku signalling that he was ready for battle.

Aizawa's hair floated up as he undid his scarf showing its long length, "Midoriya stand down! I'll handle the Villains, while you stay with the others." Aizawa ordered as he too prepared for a fight.

"Wait a second! Villains? There's no way they could get into a Hero school!" Kirishima exclaimed as he couldn't believe that a whole gang of Villains just suddenly showed up out of nowhere talking about they're going to kill a couple of kids.

"Sensei! What about the trespasser sensors?" Momo asked Thirteen as she thought that the security alarms should've been went off.

"We have them, of course, but… " Thirteen trailed off as he too question why the alarms hadn't gone off yet.

"Did they only appear here, or around the whole school? Either way, if the sensors are not responding, that means they have someone with a Quirk that can do that. An isolated area separated from the main campus during a time when a class is supposed to be here. They might be fools, but they're not dumb. This surprise attack was carefully planned with some sort of goal in mind." Shoto Todoroki, the son of the Number Two Hero Endeavor, said as he intellectually deduced the situation using various obvious clues.

Izuku nodded his head, "Yeah, you're right. When the press managed to trespass, one of the Villains must have used that as a distraction to slip in unnoticed and steal a copy of today's class schedule." Izuku said as he couldn't believed they were able to easily catch them off guard. They should have seen this coming from a mile away. It just made him all the more angry.

"Thirteen, start the evacuation. Try calling the school. Make sure that they are safe. These Villains even had something to counteract the sensors. It's possible someone with radio-wave-type powers is interfering." Aizawa said as he turned his head towards Denki.

"Kaminari. You try contacting the school with your Quirk, too."

"Yes, sir!" the blond boy replied as he placed his hand on a device located near his right ear.

"Wait a minute Mr. Aizawa, what about you?! You're actually going to go and try to fight them all by your lonesome?! With that many, even if you can erase their Quirks… Eraser Head's fighting style is capturing after erasing the enemy's Quirk. A frontal battle would be putting you at a disadvantage!" Izuku said worriedly as he knew that Aizawa's domain is more a one on one fight style but trying to push and fight all of those enemies at once seems kind of crazy if you have a Quirk like Aizawa.

"You can't be a Pro by being a one trick pony, Midoriya." Aizawa said simply.

Izuku grit his teeth, 'That's not the point. I know you can handle most of these goons by yourself judging by their Power Levels, but those three at the end, especially the Bird Brain, will give you trouble if they all gang up on you. You better be careful.' Izuku said mentally as he knew that Aizawa would have a hard time if all of the Villains decided to just gang up on him.

"I'm leaving it to you Thirteen!" Aizawa said as Thirteen nodded his head.

He then jumped down the stairs and thrust himself towards the mob of Villains.

"Shooting squad, let's go." One Villain with holes in his fingertips said as they observed Aizawa descending towards them.

"Didn't our intel say it would just be Thirteen and All Might? Who's that?" A female Villain with long grey hair floating upwards stated as she and the rest of the goons underestimated Eraserhead.

"I don't know! But if he thinks he can come at us from the font by himself… then he's a huge idiot!" Another Villain stated as they got ready to kill Eraserhead.

Eraserhead responded by activating his Quirk as his eyes turned blood red and stared at all the Villains in his line of sight.

One of the Villains tried to shoot from his fingertips but was confused as to why his Quirk wasn't working, "Huh? My Quirk… The bullets won't come out?!"

The other two Villains experienced the same as their Quirks weren't responding either.

Eraserhead used this opportunity to grab all three of them with his scarf and throw them against each other, effectively knocking them out cold.

"Idiot, he's Eraserhead! He can erase Quirks just by looking at them!"

"Erase? Are you gonna erase the Quirks of heteromorphic-type Villains like us, too?" A large Villain with multiple arms around his body said as he charged Eraserhead.

"No, I can't." Eraserhead said as he dodged his strike and punched him square in the face.

"But the skills of guys like you... "

Eraserhead wrapped his scarf around the Villain's leg as he dodged another punch from another Villain and countered it with a kick.

"... are statistically more likely to manifest in close combat… "

Eraserhead threw the Villain that he wrapped around his scarf to a crowd of goons and made him collapse on them, which took all of them out swiftly.

"... so I've taken measures against that." Eraserhead said confidently as he easily manhandled the cannon fodder minions.

"He's also strong in hand-to-hand combat, and since he's hiding his eyes with goggles, you can't tell whose Quirk he's erasing. When he fights against a group, that makes it harder for them to work together." Tomura stated as he observed Eraserhead manhandling his goons. He understood that a Pro at his level completely outclassed these low tier Villains that he brought along.

"I see. I hate Pro Heroes. The masses don't stand a chance against them." Tomura said annoyingly as he scratched his neck.

"Wow! Mr. Aizawa's actually good at fighting by himself against a lot of people, huh?" Izuku said in amazement as he watched his homeroom teacher handle the mob of Villains. It made him excited as he too wanted to get a crack at fighting some Villains.

"This is no time for analysis! Hurry up and come back to the group!" Tenya yelled towards Izuku who nodded and ran back to where the rest of the students were heading.

As they neared the exit, a purple mist appeared in front of them as it grew in size.

"I won't let you lot get away." Kurogiri said as he blocked their path.

'Damn it! I just blinked once and the guy who looks like the most trouble got away… ' Aizawa thought as he got surrounded by the mob of Villains preventing him to go anywhere else.

"Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves in to the home of Heroes, U.A. High School, in order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath." Kurogiri said revealing to them their motives for being here.

Izuku narrowed his eyebrows, "So you want to kill All Might huh? Hmph, good luck with that."

"I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change? Well, that is neither here nor there. This is the part I am to play." Kurogiri sated as he prepared to take out Thirteen and the students.

Thirteen was about to use his Black Whole Quirk but stopped as out of nowhere, both Kirishima and Bakugo were in front of him as they charged Kurogiri head on. Bakugo blasted him in the face with a loud explosion.

"What in the hell are those two idiots doing?!" Izuku said as he wiped the smoke away from his face.

"Did you consider that you'd got beaten by us before you did it?" Kirishima yelled as he taunted Kurogiri.

"Oh dear, that's dangerous… "

When the smoke completely cleared, Kurogiri was shown to not have a single scratch on him

"That's right. Even if you are students , you are excellent golden eggs." Kurogiri said as he praised the young and talented students.

"No! Move away, you two!" Thirteen said as he tried to warn Kirishima and Bakugo.

"My job is to scatter you all and torture you to death!" Kurogiri yelled as he enveloped the entire class with his purple mist. It created a big circular shield around them made of smoke.

"What's going on?! Damn it, I can't move!" Izuku yelled as he tried to fly aways and take the others with him to safety, but the mist was just too much. The purple smoke created a portal which forced Izuku to go through whether he wanted to or not and completely separated him from the group…

Shipwreck Zone….

Izuku came out of the purple portal as he descended towards the water. When he opened his eyes, he realized that he was underwater. He deduced that he landed in the Shipwreck Zone.

'A warp? Is that his Quirk? They want to kill All Might? What in the world is going on? What the hell?' Izuku thought as he began to swim back up to the surface. However he noticed an energy signature with ill intent coming towards him.

He saw that it was a Villain with shark like features which was probably due to a fish mutant type Quirk.

He was heading straight for Izuku at high speeds, not slowing down at all, "Here I come! I don't have anything against you, but see ya!"

'Is that so?' Izuku thought as a yellow Ki blast formed at his fingertip as he prepared to fire it at the shark Villain.

But right before either could deal their blow, Tsuyu came at the last second and kicked the Shark Villain away as she held Mineta in her arms.

"Midoriya! Ribbit!" Tsuyu said as she wrapped Izuku with her long tongue and dragged him out of the water.

Tsuyu placed Izuku on the boat carefully as Mineta said groggily, "For a frog, your boobs are pretty big."

This caused the frog like girl to blush in embarrassment as she threw Mineta on top of the boat roughly as he landed on the floor hard, very much unlike she did with Izuku.

As Tsuyu was climbing up the boat, Izuku said, "Thanks for getting us on the boat, Asui."

"I told you to call me Tsu." She replied as she made it on the boat.

"Oh, sorry again. Thanks, Tsu." Izuku said as he smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head.

"This has turned into a bad situation tho," Tsuyu said referring to the fact that the entire class was split up in groups.

"Yeah, they planned this right from the start. They split us up and separated us from the teachers so it would be easier to get rid of us. They were waiting to pounce, just as Todoroki said." Izuku told them as he assessed their current predicament and had to admit that it was a pretty clever plan.

"But, but- It's not like they can actually kill All Might right? Once All Might comes, he'll pound those guys to the ground!" Mineta said confidently as he tried to lighten the mood.

"Mineta. Don't you think they are trying so hard because they have a way to kill him? Guys that strong just told us they are going to torture us to death, you know. I wonder if we'll be able to even survive until All Might arrives… Even if All Might comes, I wonder if we will all make it out in one piece… " Tsuyu said as she herself didn't know if they were going to even to stay alive through all of this.

Mineta began to sweat as he absorbed Tsuyu's words, "M-M-Midoriya! What the heck is that?" Mineta pointed towards the water.


"You bastard! I'll kill you!" The same Shark Villain from earlier shouted as this time he brought a couple of his friends along with him.

Mineta screamed in horror, "There's a ton of them!"

'Those guys have a way to defeat All Might. She's probably right about that. If I were a betting man, than I bet that the key to defeating All Might has something to do with that huge Bird Brain who has the highest Power Level out of all of these Villains. They most likely want to kill him because he's the the Symbol of Peace who keeps this Superhuman society in balance and control. If he were to be killed, Villains would be motivated to go out and commit crimes with no fear. I cannot allow that to happen!' Izuku said mentally as he tightened his fists.

"If these Villains have a way to defeat All Might, then right now, we MUST put a stop to whatever they're planning! By fighting and winning!" Izuku said with courage and determination as he finally put on and tightened his red headband. His emerald green eyes lit up as his Milky white Ki aura flared up, showing that he was ready to fight.

"What do you mean, fight? Are you stupid?! These guys might be able to kill All Might, the Number One Hero for crying out loud, and you expect us to be able to fight them? You're contradicting yourself, Midoriya! The best plan would be to sit tight and wait for the U.A. Heroes to come save us, of course!" Mineta cried out as he feared for his life and didn't want to fight when he knew that these Villains could possibly kill All Might.

"We don't have time to be sitting around and doing nothing. As we speak, our classmates are fighting for their lives against these Villains. Now is not the time to be a coward, Mineta. Man up and face your fears or else it could cost you your life. We can't allow them to win and get away with it. We have to put our lives on the line and do the best we can so that we can live to see tomorrow and put a stop to their evil plans. That is part of what it means to be a Hero!" Izuku replied with absolute seriousness. As he was saying that, he sensed everybody's energy signature and came to the conclusion that most of these Villains are just low tier cannon fodder. Students like himself, Todoroki, and Bakugo should be able to handle all of them by themselves no problem, while the rest of the class can beat them as long as they have a partner or two that can help fend them off.

Mineta accepted the fact that they did indeed have to fight so he sucked it up and asked, "Okay, so what do you think we should? What's your plan?"

"Mineta, those guys down there are clearly assuming we'll fight in the water. They are just floating there doing nothing. They are waiting for us to make the first move." Izuku said as they observed the Villains below them in the water.

"Does that mean they knew what was in these facilities before they gathered people?" Tsuyu asked.

"Exactly. For people who gathered that much intel so meticulously, there's something strange. They sent you, Asu-"


"-I mean Tsu- to the Shipwreck Zone. This means, in other words, the Villains probably don't know what our Quirks are." Izuku finished.

"Ribbit. That's true. If they knew that I was a frog, then they probably would have thrown me into that fire zone over there."

Izuku nodded, "They probably separated us because they didn't know our Quirks so they planned to overpower us with numbers. We have inferior number and less experience. Our only hope lies in the fact that our opponents don't know what our Quirks are! The enemy isn't trying to climb the boat. That supports my hypothesis! But that probably means they aren't underestimating us, either." Izuku said as he analyzed the situation as much as possible in order to come up with a sufficient plan to get past these Villains.

"I'll tell you more about my Quirk. I can jump high, stick to walls, and stick my tongue out up to about 20 meters. I can also spit out my stomach and wash it, and secrete toxic mucus that actually just stings a little. The last two are practically useless, so you can probably forget about them." Tsuyu said as she finished explaining all of the abilities that her Quirk gives here.

"I already kind of knew, but you're really strong. My Quirk gives me the ability to use the energy within myself to gain super strength, flight, and energy blasts. I can control it pretty well to a certain extent, but if I use too much power at once, I will run out of stamina and the bones in my body would probably break due to the recoil of using too much power. It also gives me this brown monkey tail, but I have yet to figure out the uses of it. I also have the ability to sense other people's energy signatures." Izuku said as he produced a blue Ki ball on his right for a little demonstration.

"My Quirk creates balls on my head that grow as fast as I can pull them. They stick super tight. Depending on how I'm feeling, they can even stick for a whole day. But if I pull off too many balls, I'll start bleeding. They don't stick to me. They just bounce off."

"... "

Silence followed Mineta's explanation of his Quirk as both Izuku and Tsuyu just stared at him, not uttering a word.

Mineta's eyes began to water as he cried out, "That's why I said we should just wait quietly! My Quirk is totally unfit for battle!"

Izuku sweatdropped at Mineta's childish antics, "No, it's not like that! It is an amazing Quirk. We can actually do something with it. Please don't get discouraged." Izuku said calmly as he tried to calm down his grape haired classmate.

But right as he said that, one of the Villain used his Quirk to manipulate the water in such a way, so that it can become sharper than a sword, and used the water to slice through the ship the three students were on, cleanly in half.

"I'm getting impatient. Let's end this quickly!"

The ship rumbled as it began to slowly sink.

"What power… The ship's broken." Tsuyu said

In response to the attack, Mineta rand to the edge of the ship and began to rapidly throw his purple balls down to the water towards the Villains in absolute panic. It was a desperation move as he thought they were going to die anyways.

"Don't just give up like that! What are you doing? The enemy will figure out your Quir-" Izuku began to say but didn't finish his sentence as he saw that the Villains were being very cautious of Mineta's purple balls and tried to move away from them.

"What the heck are these?" One Villain said as he tried to shoo away the grape colored orbs.

'They're being cautious and not touching them?' Izuku thought as suddenly an idea popped into his head. 'Mineta said they can stick to anything besides himself… that means… '

"The boat will sink in less than a minute. Once they get into the water, we're sure to win" A Villain said as they prepared to end the three students' lives as soon as the ship sunk.

"Oh no, they're right!" Mineta said as tears were still present on his face.

"Mineta, did you really enter U.A. to become a Hero?" Tsuyu asked blatantly as his cowardly attitude was kind of pathetic in her opinion and not fitting of a student who wanted to be a Hero.

"Shut up! It's weirder to not be scared right now! We were only in junior high until a little while ago! Who would've thought that we would be almost killed right after starting school?! Oh, man I'm going to die before I could have at least touched Yaoyorozu's boobs first!" Mineta yelled as he cowardly accepted the fact that he was going to die before he even reached the age of 18.

"Oh, will you please shut up and listen?! Nobody is going to die! It's going to be fine, trust me, I've got an idea!" Izuku shouted as he formulated a plan in his head that he was sure would get them out of their current predicament safe and sound with minimal injuries.

He now had both of their attention as they waited to hear, what he had to say.

"When the enemy becomes certain of their victory, that will be our chance. All Might said so before on TV. They don't know what our Quirks are. So we'll use that to our advantage. I'm going to jump and get their attention and blast them away so they can become discombobulated. When that happens, you both jump out of the ship and Mineta will spam purple balls at them as much as he can. This will keep them immobilized. As they are distracted, I'll land the final blow in order to secure the victory. Got it? We don't have much time anyways." Izuku finished explaining the plan as both Tsuyu and Mineta nodded their heads, signalling that they understood.

"You really must be kids, with all of the chirping and screaming." One Villain said as he taunted the young first years.

"Hey, Shigaraki said to not let your guard down, remember? Don't judge them by their ages. Look at their Quirks. It's common sense, isn't it? Because our Quirks will definitely have an advantage in the water."

Izuku then flew in the air as he yelled out a loud battle cry that reverberated throughout the Shipwreck Zone, reminiscent of the roar of a beast.

His white milky aura enveloped him as he did so. On both of his hands, blue colored Ki balls formed. He then launched them repeatedly at the Villains, doing as much damage as he could but at the same time, not trying to kill them.


Izuku yelled out his technique as he kept launching the blue Ki blasts from his hands nonstop. Each one creating huge impacts in the water. The Villains didn't know how to react as they have never seen a Quirk like Izuku's before. The blasts pushed them away as some of them were hit directly and the energy blasts burned them like boiling hot water and caused devastating pain.

Seeing that now, they were distracted, Izuku yeleed, "Tsu! Mineta! Now!"


Tsuyu carried Mineta in her arms as she jumped out of the ship.

Mineta tightened his fists, 'Damn it! What the heck, Midoriya?! Why are you so brave? Even though we're probably in the worst situation possible… you still jump and act. You don't back down and you don't give up no matter what! How did you become so strong? I'm nothing but a coward… ' Mineta thought as he gripped a purple ball on his head.

"BUT NO MORE! I'm no longer going to be afraid! I want to be a Hero just like everybody else! I'm going to become strong and cool, just like you!" Mineta yelled as he found new motivation within himself as he kept throwing as many purple balls as fast as he possible he could towards where all of the Villains were.

"I'm getting dragged in!" Yelled a Villain as they were all getting sucked up towards the middle and were getting dangerously close to each other.

Mineta's purple orbs began to stick to each and everyone of them.

"What is this crap?! I can't get it off!"

Izuku floated above them as he observed the sight, "If a strong force is applied to the surface of the water, it'll spread… and then converge back in the middle!" Izuku yelled as he saw that all of the Villains were squashed up together smack in the middle, courtesy of Mineta's purple sticky balls that made them all stuck and unable to move and get away from each other.


"Get away from me!"

"I can't move!"

"We're too close!"

Numerous Villains said as they were helpless and pretty much stuck together.

"Now for the final blow… " Izuku said as green electricity gathered in his right thumb and index finger.


Izuku yelled out the name of one of his signature moves as he flicked his finger. The result was a huge typhoon of force that was sent directly to where all of the Villain's were grouped up. The Villains widened their eyes in fear as the smash completely blew them all away at once, knocking them out of commission as they were finally dealt with and knocked out unconscious.

Izuku smirked as he saw the beauty that fell before him, "PERFECT COMBO! Good job, Tsu and Mineta!" Izuku yelled out in victory as he flew towards where Tsuyu jumped in the air.

"Well looks like we cleared the Shipwreck Zone. You two are amazing!" Tsu said as she was grateful that she had classmates as strong and courageous as them.

Landslide Zone…

" 'Scatter you and kill you,' huh? I hate to say this, but you just look like guys with Quirks they didn't know what to do with." Shoto Todoroki said as he breathed out a breath of cold air. All around him were Villains that were frozen still. They were completely immobilized as the ice cold frost that trapped them didn't allow them to move a step as they were completely at Shoto's mercy.

"Th-This guy… The instant we warped here… we were destroyed! I-Is he really a kid?" One Villain as he shivered from the extremely low temperatures of Todoroki's ice.

'Killing All Might… At first glance, I thought they had gathered all their elite and would overpower him by numbers... '

One Villain tried to sneak up from behind Shoto, but he caught him right before he could get hit and freezed his entire body save for his head. Another Villain tried to move in on him while Shoto was distracted but he effortless freezed him as well.

'... but a closer look shows that the pawns they prepared for us were just a ratag bunch of thugs that even teenagesr could beat.' Shoto thought as he disarmed the thug that came up from behind him.

"From what I saw, there were only two or three truly dangerous people. If that's the case, then the next step I should take is... '

Shoto turned to the frozen Villain in front of him, "Hey, at this rate, your cells will slowly die. I want to be a Hero. I would like to avoid something so cruel if possible."

The Villain's eyes widened as small hints of tears could be seen forming as he feared that his life right now is at the hands of a 15 year old kid.

Shoto placed his right hand in front of the Villain's face as cold frost air came out of it, signalling that he could make the ice he needed at any moment he wanted, "I'm only going to say this once. Tell me how do you and the rest of your so called 'League of Villains' plan on killing All Might?" Shoto asked as he threatened the poor Villain.

Mountain Zone…


Kaminari screamed in fear as a huge bulky Villain thug aimed a punch at him. He narrowly dodged the devastating blow and began to run away from the thug.

"Scary! Seriously, did you see that just now? I saw the River Styx, seriously! What the heck is up with these guys? What's going on?!"

"Worry about that later." Jiro said as she and Momo fended off a couple of thugs."Right now, we need to figure out how we'll get away from all these people."

"Then give me a weapon, too!" Kaminari pleaded as they were surrounded by a mob of low tier Villains.

"You're the electric guy, aren't you? Hurry up and take care of them!" Jiro replied as Kamianri's Quirk should be more than enough to handle these cannon fodder.

"You saw during the combat training, didn't you? We were paired up! I can only cover myself with electricity! I can discharge electricity, but it's not like I can control it! I'll hit you two too! It's like, you know, the same as Todoroki! Even if we wanted to call for help, there's interference jamming' the signal. Listen, you two. Right now, you can't count on me. I'm counting on you!" Kaminari finished as he gave the two girls a thumbs up, encouraging them to their best as he thought he was completely helpless in their current situation.

Jiro just rolled her eyes, "You're a guy, aren't you ? Stop whining." Jiro kicked him in the back towards the thugs, "Then, I'll use you as a human stun gun!"

"Wait, what?!" Kaminari yelled as he landed in front of the big Villain who he was running away from earlier. On impulse, he activated his Quirk and yellow lightning enveloped the Villain as he was knocked out.

"Oh, snap! It's working! I'm strong! You two can count on me!"

"Hey, you're too happy-go-lucky." Jiro replied with a sweat drop.

"Stop messing around, kid!" A Villain in yellow spandex said as he charged towards Jiro with a large boulder above his head.

Jiro connected her earphone jack into the speakers in her legs as it created a large and loud sound wave that completely pushed the boulder back.

Kaminari electrocuted that same Villain as well. Another tried to ambushed him with knives aimed for his throat. Momo saw this and quickly threw a net over at the Villain and trapped him. This allowed the blond haired lightning user to electrocute him as well.

"It's done!" Momo shouted as from her back, came out a large sheet that covered both her and Jiro. "It's an insulation sheet 100 millimeters thick. Kaminari!"

Kaminari smirked as he understood, "I see. In that case, now I don't need to hold back anymore!" Kaminari proceeded to aim yellow lighting at the ground as it spread and electrocuted all of the Villains present. Momo and Jiro were unaffected due to the insulation sheet they were under.

"Now then, I am worried about the others. Let us join them quickly." Momo said but little did she know that Kaminari's blast was strong enough to tear apart a bit of her costume, leaving her chest exposed.

"Wait, your clothes got super punk!" Jiro said as she was quite jealous of Momo's rather developed bust as her body was mature for her age.

"Oh, it's fine. I can just make new clothes again." Momo replied.

Jiro heard footsteps as she immediately hugged Momo to cover her wardrobe malfunction, "Kaminari, don't you dare look!" But when she looked out, she saw that Kaminari had a stupid look on his face as he spoke incoherent words and walked around in a daze as he held both of his thumbs up.

This was the drawback of his Quirk. If he goes over his watt limit, then his brain short circuits, making him a literal retard for a bit.

As they left the sheet, with Momo having already repaired her costume, they were ready to head out and try to regroup with their other classmates.

But before they took another step, they heard something that completely stopped them in their tracks…


The power behind that demonic roar was so strong was that it created strong winds and pushed them back as they struggled to keep their balance.

"What in the world did that come from?!" Momo asked in shock.

A couple of minutes earlier…

"Hey, Midoriya, we're just here to see how things are going, right?" Mineta asked nervously as he, Tsu, and Izuku were came out of the Shipwreck Zone and into the main plaza where Aizawa was dealing with the huge mob of Villains. Earlier after dealing with the goons in the Shipwreck Zone, Izuku suggested that the three of them go check up on Aizawa. Mineta was hesitant at first as he didn't think it was a good idea. But Izuku was worried for his teacher as he believed that he may have taken up too big of a load. He decided that he was going to go help Aizawa. However, he reassured Mineta and Tsu, that if things got too dangerous or out of hand, then they would leave immediately.

"Yes, don't worry. We'll run away the instant it seems dangerous. I wouldn't intentionally put you guys in harm's way." Izuku replied as they hid away from the Villain's sights and observed the battle that was transpiring.

Multiple bodies laid across the floor as Eraserhead kept on effortless dealing with all of the cannon fodder thugs that stood in his way. After typing up two people with his scarf and knocking them out, he looked up to see Tomura Shigaraki charging straight for him with his right hand.

"23 seconds… " Tomura said as he ran towards Eraserhead.

"Final boss?!" Aizawa said as he threw his long scarf towards him in attempt to immobilize him.

"24 seconds… 20 seconds… 17 seconds… "

Aizawa attempted to elbow Shigaraki in the chest, was blocked at the last second as Shigaraki held Aizawa's elbow in a tight grip.

"Damn." Aizawa said as he realized his attack was stopped.

"It's hard to see because you keep moving around, but there's an instant where your hair falls." Shigaraki began to say as Aizawa widened his eyes, them being red and dry due to using his Quirk too much.

"That's when you have deactivated your Quirk. And the space in between has gotten shorter and shorter. Don't push yourself, Eraser Head." Tomura finished as the skin of Aizawa's elbow tore apart, revealing gory red blood bone as cracks appeared throughout the skin of his right arm.

Aizawa jumped away from Shigaraki as he felt the pain in his right elbow, "My elbow's crumbling!"

The fodder Villains took this as an opportunity to get the jump on Aizawa. He dodged all of their attacks as he panted feeling the fatigue for fighting a big group for a long period of time.

"That Quirk isn't suited for fighting long fights against a large group, is it? Isn't this too different from your usual job? What you're good at is a short fight after a surprise attack, right? Even so, you jumped right in to fight us from the front. Was that to put your students at ease?" Tomura said as he taunted Aizawa who was able to take care of the other Villains who tried to ambush him even with one arm. He readied his scarf as he stared at Shigaraki, ready to fight him head on.

"You're so cool… You're so cool…! By the way, Hero… I'm not the final boss."

Aizawa gasped as he turned his head to see the huge black colored Villain with an exposed brain right behind. He moved so fast that Aizawa never even heard him make a sound.

"His name is Nomu. And he's the one you really need to worry about. Not me." Shigaraki said as Nomu brought his claws down towards Aizawa.

He tried to erase Nomu's Quirk, but it didn't seem to have any effect as Nomu still brought his hand down and pushed the Erasure Hero to the ground and smashed his head. He broke Aizawa's arm as he scremed in pain. Nomu's level of strength is absurd. How could somebody have this much power?

"You can erase Quirks. That's wonderful, but it's nothing impressive in the face of overwhelming power. You might as well be Quirkless." Shigaraki said as he smiled in delight seeing the scene of his toy man handling the Erasure Hero.

Aizawa's eyes turned red as he activated his Quirk again and stared straight at Nomu, attempting to erase his Quirk again. But just like last time, Nomu was completely unaffected and snapped Aizawa's other arm as he grunted in pain.

'It's like he's breaking a stick… I'm sure I erased his Quirk. That means he is just that powerful naturally. He's as strong as All Might!' Aizawa thought in his mind as Nomu picked his head up and smashed it through the ground created cracks in the concrete, inflicting even more damage to the Erasure Hero as the battle was completely one sided.

Mineta grimaced as he tried to cover his face, "M.. M… Midoriya, I can't take it anymore. I can't watch, it's too much! We gotta get out of her before we get hurt!"

"Ribbit… " Tsu said as she too was having trouble watching the gory scene in front of her. There was just so much blood! She didn't expect a Villain to be so strong that, he was able to completely destroy their Homeroom Teacher, like it wasn't even a warm up.

Izuku grit his teeth hard as he clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles were turning pale. He looked on in absolute rage as his teacher was getting pummeled to the ground. It sickened him to no end. He restrained himself from jumping in and trying to save Aizawa because Tsu and Mineta were with him, and he didn't want to endanger their lives. However, his patience was running EXTREMELY thin. Any second now, he was about to snap and destroy the Villains that dared laid their hands on his sensei.

At that moment, Izuku widened his eyes as he felt a familiar energy signature enter the area.

A purple mist appeared as Kurogiri stepped out of a portal.

"Tomura Shigaraki." Kurogiri spoke getting said man's attention.

"Kurogiri, did you kill Thirteen?"

"I put Thirteen out of action, but there were students that I was unable to disperse, and one of them was able to run away." Kurogiri stated referring to Tenya who was able to escape the USJ and call for help from the Pros.

"Huh?" Tomura began to scratch his neck angrily, "Kurogiri… you… If you weren't a warp gate and our ride out of here, I would've crushed you to pieces!" Tomura said angrily as he realized that now that Pros were coming as backup, it just made their situation a whole lot more complicated.

Izuku was surprised at the reveal of the new situation, 'Somebody was able to escape and call for help? If I were to guess, then it must've been Iida since his Quirk makes him run really quick, so it would make the most sense for him to be the one to do it. This means that backup is on their way!' Izuku thought happily as now the situation was turned in their favor.

Tomura sighed as he stopped scratching his neck, "We can't win against dozens of Pros. It is game over. Man it's game over this time. Let's go home."

Mineta gained a hopeful look on his face, "They're going home? Did he just say they're going home?" Mineta asked shakily as he thought his ears were deceiving him.

"That's what I heard," Tsu said as she too now was getting hopeful at the fact that now the Villains would leave them alone and they wouldn't have to worry no longer.

However, Izuku was skeptical as he didn't believed them for a second. He kept his guard up, waiting for their next move, 'For them to simply retreat after doing all this… Don't they want to kill All Might? If they leave like this, U.A. will just beef up their security. Game over? No, I don't believe it for a second. What's going on? What are those guys planning?" Izuku said in his head as he anticipated whatever next move the Villains were about to make. He narrowed his eyes as he stared at them intently.

Shigaraki turned his head a little, "Oh, yeah. Before we leave, let's smash some of his pride… "

In the blink of an eye, Tomura ran at towards the three hiding students at transonic speeds, with his hand aimed straight for Tsuyu's face.

"... as the Symbol of Peace!"

But before he could land the killing blow on Tsuyu, he was immediately countered by a 5% Detroit Smash to the side of the head, courtesy of Izuku Midoriya as he was able to react in time with equal transonic speeds.

Tomura was blown back due to the force of the amazing smash as he was sent tumbling down back to where he was beside Kurogiri and Nomu. He got up and rubbed hi shead as the punch really did a number on him. It will hurt in the morning, that's for sure.

"Try to lay another finger on her again, and I'll give you a smash that will give you far worse than a bruised head!" Izuku yelled defiantly as he stood protectively in front of Mineta and Tsuyu.

Tomura stared at the green haired bearer of One For All in fascination and interest, "You move well. Your 'Smash'- Are you a follower of All Might's?" Tomura asked as Izuku's punches were quite similar to All Might's.

Izuku just ignored him as he looked towards Nomu who was still leering over Aizawa. His blood spreading across the ground every second.

Izuku sensed his life energy and gasped in horror, 'Mr. Aizawa is slowly dying! If he doesn't get medical treatment soon, it will be too late!'

Izuku looked Nomu dead in the eye with his most serious face as he shook in rage, "Get your hands off of my teacher, you damn Bird Brain! If you don't move this instant, I'm going to make you pay!"

Aizawa raised his head as blood trickled all over his face, he was so injured that it was difficult for him to even speak, "M-Midoriya! For-Forget about me… You and the others need to run now and save yourselves! You're too young! You have a long life ahead of you. Please go! It's too late for me!" Aizawa said as he was slowly dying by the second. He didn't want his students to have to die this early in their careers. He is alright in dying as long as his students are safe.

Izuku shook his head.

"No it's not too late! How can I call myself a Hero if I let one of my comrades die when I could've done something. I refuse to run!" Izuku said as he couldn't allow his teacher to die at the hands of these Villains.

Aizawa widened his eyes as he couldn't believe that his student was actually disobeying his orders just for the sake of saving him. He thought that was the height of irrationality. Izuku was just like All Might in his eyes. Always going out of their way to do what they believed was right and save others while at the same time, sacrificing themselves in the process. While, it was a truly noble act, nobody can deny that, it doesn't mean it is always the smartest thing to do. Especially, when you know you're outmatched. Izuku is smarter than he gives himself credit for, so Aizawa knows that he realizes that he is going to a battle that Izuku knows that he cannot win. But he will still rush in to battle anyways. Aizawa is pretty sure that Izuku will try to buy him and Class 1-A enough time until the Pros arrive. But who knows how long that will take? Aizawa, who is a Pro Hero, was taken down in mere seconds by Nomu. So how long will Izuku, a Freshman with no Hero experience, last against a monster that was just as strong as All Might?!

Izuku looked at Nomu again.


Nomu said nothing as he stared at Izuku, not moving an inch, remaining in the same position as he awaited Tomura's orders.

Izuku's patience ran out as he gripped his fists in absolute rage.


(Music: Gohan Fights Frieza Theme)

Izuku flew straight towards Nomu at a speed that easily surpasses sound. He landed a devastating kick to the head that actually made the black monster moved back as the kick was much stronger than expected.

"WHAT?!" Tomura yelled out in disbelief as he didn't expect the kid to actually attack Nomu head on with no hesitation at all.

Izuku proceeded to land of series of furious punches towards Nomu's mid section. Each punch had more than enough power to level a whole skyscraper with no problem at all. The punches made Nomu tumble as the blows were actually doing a considerable amount of damage to him.

Izuku then threw a huge uppercut that connected right at Nomu's jaw. Izuku kicked him away and launched a small yellow Ki blast at Nomu's face. Nomu blocked it with his two hands, but Izuku quickly appeared in front of the monster and blasted him right in the face with an even stronger Ki blast.

The blast sent the Anti-Symbol of Peace flying as Izuku threw a mega sized yellow Ki ball that connected with said monster and created a huge explosion of energy that was spread around the area.

The people present were in absolute shock at Izuku's strength. They had never seen anyone fight like that before. Tsuyu, Mineta, and Aizawa looked on in amazement of Izuku's raw power, while Shigaraki and Kurogiri could not believe that a 15 year old kid was powerful enough to actually push Nomu back.

Tomura began scratching his neck in nervousness, "Wh-Where is all that power coming from?! We didn't know that U.A. had a brat that was strong enough to fight Nomu! Not fair! Not fair! Not fair! He's using a cheat code!"

Izuku turned around and picked up Aizawa and carried him over to Tsu and Mineta, "You two take Mr. Aizawa and get out of here now! It's going to get too dangerous for you guys to be here. I can't allow you two to get hurt!"

"But Midoriya, what about you?! Don't tell me you plan on taking them on by yourself!" Mineta cried out as he was worried for his green haired classmate's safety.

"Do not worry. Backup will get here any minute! But I'm going to buy you and the rest of our class time and keep these Villains busy until the Pros get here. If I don't, then they will just go and kill as many as our peers as they can until help arrives. I can't let that happen! So please understand and JUST GO!" Izuku yelled with a lot more seriousness as he needed for the both of them to leave immediately.

Tsuyu nodded as she took Aizawa,"Okay, we're counting on you Midoriya! Please stay safe!"

Mineta wiped his tears as he and Tsu began to leave and regroup with the others, "You better not die, Midoriya. Survive this!"

Izuku smirked, "I promise I will!"

As they left, Tomura stepped up and said, "You must be foolish if you think I'm just going to allow them to get away!"

In a burst of supersonic speed, Izuku appeared right in front Tomura as he grabbed hold of his right wrist and squeezed it hard enough that he could hear the bones crunching.

"Don't. You. Dare."

Izuku then swung him by his arm and threw him towards Kurogiri as they both made hard impact to the ground.

Right as that happen, Izuku sensed Nomu's Power Level as he jumped straight back to where Izuku was in super high speeds. There was no scratch on his body at all as Izuku's series of attacks seemed to have no effect on him at all.

Izuku then put on his fighting stance, "Looks like you're a lot tougher than I thought. I'm going to have to go all out if I want to even stand a chance!"

In response, Deku powered up to 20% Full Cowl as the fierce electric green energy surrounded his aura.

"Here I come!"

Deku jumped into the air and fired a full powered Delaware Smash towards Nomu. Nomu shrugged it off with ease, as he ran at supersonic speeds ready to claw Deku.

Deku saw this coming from a mile away and dodged Nomu's attack. He powered up again and yelled…


Deku aimed a punched at Nomu's head and connected as it sent the beast flying. Deku followed him as he wasn't done with his attack. He kept on sending a flurry of One For All punches that created huge shockwaves that could be felt throughout the entire USJ.

When Nomu landed on the floor, Deku flew up and placed his hands over the other on his forehead as a yellow energy wave began to form.

"Masenko Ha!"

The yellow beam of energy came crashing down towards Nomu as it hit him head on. The resulting collateral damage were mini earthquakes and explosions that made the whole USJ rumble.

Smoke was all over the place as a result of Deku's Masenko. He waited as the smoke cleared, expecting to see a knocked out Nomu.

But what he saw shocked him.

Nomu was standing there, completely unfazed, acting as if nothing happened at all. It was like Deku's attacks were pebbles to him.

Izuku had his jaw hanging low as he couldn't believe it.

"Wh-What?! How in the hell did you not take damage from that?! What are you?!" Deku yelled in disbelief as all of his smashes and Ki attacks didn't do a damn thing to Nomu.

"His Quirk is Shock Absorption. He can take all of your punches and then some, and not be hurt at all. Heheh!"

Shigaraki said as he laughed evilly. He enjoyed the look on Deku's face when he told him that. There was nothing that the brat could do to even hurt Nomu, let alone defeat him.

Deku took a deep breath as he tried to recompose himself.

'It is fine. He has Shock Absorbtion. I can work with this. I have to buy as much time as possible! He can absorb attacks but that doesn't mean he negate them. There must be a limit to how much exactly he can absorb. And I'm going to find that out!'

"Alright, let's try this!" Deku yelled. His left arm was enveloped with One For All green electric energy while his right arm was enhanced by Ki energy. Deku then flew towards Nomu and began hail merring him with punches using Ki and One For All separately. Each punch was as strong as his current limit as he put 100% effort into each of them. He ended his barrage of attacks with a blue energy wave right to Nomu's dome.

But when the smoke cleared, Nomu was revealed to have taken absolutely no damage.

Deku sweatdropped as he couldn't believe that none of his blows did jack squat.

"Oh come on!"

Shigaraki made an evil smirk, "It's no use kid! There's nothing you can do that can even scratch him! Just give up and accept your death with grace!"

Deku narrowed his eyes as he prepared to fight again, "There's no such thing as 'give up' in my damn vocabulary!"

Tomura sighed, "So be it then. Nomu!"

Nomu then charged towards Deku as he completely pierced through his Saiyan armor and destroyed the top half, leaving Deku shirtless and his upper body exposed. Nomu grabbed Deku into a tight bear hug and proceeded to squeeze the life out of Deku.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Deku screamed in utter agony. The pain was just so unbearable. He can already feel his ribs were getting snapped effortlessly like twigs. He tried his best to escape the bear hug of death, but Nomu was just too strong. He could barely breathe as his lungs were getting squished.

"Those screams of pain are music to my ears! Yes, Nomu, squeeze him to death!" Shigaraki yelled in delight as he loved the fact that Nomu was torturing Deku to death.

'Damn it! He won't budge! I guess I'm going to have to use it. I was planning on saving this for later when I had better control over it, but desperate times call for desperate measures!' Deku thought as he took a deep breath and yelled with all of his might…


"Kaio-what?" Shigaraki said as he was confused by what Deku shouted out.

Deku's body was surrounded by a fierce and strong crimson aura of Ki. His muscles bulged as his body became even more muscular than before. It covered him from head to toe as Deku was able to forcefully break Nomu's bear hug hold on him and send him flying with a super enhanced punched than connected to Nomu's jawline.

Tomura began scratching his neck nervously again, "What?! How?! Where is that power coming from!? Explain you damn brat!"

Deku smirked as he began to answer his question, "Oh, it's Kaioken attack! It's like a massive upsurge of energy. Everything is heightened: power, speed, even hearing and vision improve dramatically. You sort of become a super-self. It is a really useful technique if you want to get the edge over your opponent! This is my trump card!"

'But the downside is that it puts a massive toll and strain on the body and makes you vulnerable to an enemy's attacks. And given that I haven't trained much with it or mastered it, it will be hard for me to keep it up for any longer. I'm going to have to finish this quickly!' Deku said in his mind as he analyzed his current predicament and powered up his crimson aura to prepare his attack on Nomu.

Shigaraki was livid. He couldn't believe that the kid had something up his sleeve that was this big. This boy… he's too strong… way too strong. He couldn't allow him to live or else he will be a huge pain in the rear for any of his future plans.

"Nomu, finish him quickly, now! We have to kill this brat or else he will be a problem for our future plans!"

Hearing his master's orders, Nomu charged Deku at full speed as he prepared to finish him in one strike.

Deku grinned as he dodged Nomu's attacks with ease. He countered his claw strikes quick but strong jabs at various places of his body. Deku fired a bunch of ki blasts as he used that as distraction to reappear behind Nomu and roundhouse kick him as the black beast was sent towards the air.

Shigaraki scratched his neck in irritation,"How is he easily toying with Nomu like that?!"

"The Kaioken doubles my strength, speed, power, agility, durability, and basically any other attribute that is related to fighting! I'm now twice as powerful as I was before! So don't think that you can kill me so easily now!" Deku replied as he saw Nomu get right back up and charge him again.

"You know, I'm having a lot of fun fighting you, but I think it's time to end this!"

Deku powered up as he charged up his crimson Ki. Along with it was the green electric energy of One For All. The two auras merged as Deku's power increased even more! He focused as he brought his hands in front of him and began combining the powers of his two Quirks.

'This next move will surely put me out of commission. So I can't hold back an ounce of my power. I have to put my all into it to make sure that Nomu gets taken out. He's the biggest threat and he's their plan to kill Toshinori-Sensei. If he's taken out, then the rest will be easy and Toshinori-Sensei won't have to worry about a thing!' Deku said in his mind as he finished gathering every ounce of energy that remained in his body. This is his last chance. It is all or nothing!

He put his hands together sideways in front of him as a yellow energy blast began to form in his hands. It finished powering up as Nomu got back up and began pacing to him.

Deku smirked as he yelled, "It's over! Let's see you absorb this Bird Brain! One For All 20%: FINAL FLASH!"

Deku fired the huge yellow energy wave with infused One For All power coursing through it and it was also enhanced by the Kaioken. The blast made direct contact with Nomu as he did his best to block it, but the Final Flash was very powerful. However, with some effort, Nomu began to walk and push the energy wave slowly as he began to overpower it.

Deku grit his teeth in frustration, "Are you on steroids or something!? Jesus Christ! How in the hell are you so ridiculously strong!?" Deku yelled out as he poured more power and effort into the blast. However it all proved for naught as Nomu kept on walking through the blast as if it were a plastic door.

"N-N-NOOOOO! I won't lose!" Deku cried as he strained his arms into putting in more power into the Final Flash. Nomu just kept on getting closer and closer to him with each passing second.

"I won't let you win! I REFUSE TO LOSE! You will not have your way!"

As Nomu came closer and closer, there was only one thing that Deku could say at the moment..


Deku's muscles bulged even more as his muscles became even larger and the extra energy pumped from his arms all the way to the Final Flash. That extra power made all of the difference as Nomu was pushed all the way back almost instantly. The yellow blast finally served its purpose as it created a huge explosion that almost blew the roof off the entire USJ, but Deku made sure to focus the attack on Nomu and Nomu alone. The recoil of the yellow Ki wave pushed Deku back as he collapsed on the ground.

Deku panted hard as he waited for the smoke to clear, "I-I-I did it! Finally, he should be taken care of. The main threat is gone. The rest should be easily cleaned up by the Pros when they arrive." Deku said as he gasped for breath. His arms were an ugly mix between red and purple as they were broken. Blood came was sen coming out as the strain of using the Final Flash, One For All, and Kaioken was just too much for his body as bits of his skin and flesh tore itself apart.

Tomura was now scratching his neck hard enough to draw blood, "No, this can't be possible! Nomu cannot be defeat by a single U.A. brat who's only a damn Freshman. Nomu is supposed to kill All Might, not get beat by a damn kid!"

But as the smoke cleared, Deku almost puked from the sight. Nomu could be seen as his entire right half was blown up. E was missing his arm and torso as blood was all over the place. It was a horrific sight.

"Oh no! I didn't mean to do that to him. I only wanted to just knock him out. Crap, I hope he doesn't die!" Deku said worriedly as he never meant to kill Nomu.

But what happened next, shocked Deku. The entire half of Nomu's body that was blown up began to regenerate slowly as he regrew an entire arm and torso. After a few seconds, Nomu looked good as new, with no signs of injuries ever happening to him.

"What?! N-N-N-No way! You said that his Quirk was Shock Absorbtion, not Regeneration!" Deku yelled as he wanted an explanation to what was happening in front of his eyes.

Shigaraki smirked, as he was relieved that Nomu still wasn't beaten, "I didn't say that was his only Quirk, boy! He has Shock Absorption, Regeneration, and numerous other types of Quirk fused into him. You see, Nomu is not a regular person. He was bioengineered and was made for one sole purpose! And that is to kill ALL MIGHT! He is the Anti-Symbol of Peace!"

Deku couldn't believe it. This guy, Nomu had multiple Quirks injected into him, and it was made so that he could kill the Number One Hero. Deku put absolutely everything he had into that Final Flash. But it wasn't enough. He wasn't strong enough. He was too weak. And now, both of his arms are broken and his stamina has completely drained. He could barely move. And now Nomu was back to full strength. How was he going to survive this?

"I think it's time we put this to an end. Don't you think? You put on a hell of a fight, but we've got more important matters to deal with. The main one being All Might. We can't allow you to live. You're just too powerful. You'll prove to be a pain the butt later on. I would invite you to join the League of Villains, but I already know you will decline. Such a shame. But such is life. Nomu! Finish him!" Shigaraki yelled as he gave his order to his puppet.

Nomu reacted by walking towards where Izuku was standing. He was completely defenseless so it would not be difficult at all to dispose of the green haired One For All user.

Deku grit his teeth as he tried to move but couldn't,'Damn it! I can't fight back? What should I do? The Pros are still not here yet and I told Mineta and Tsu to regroup with the others as I bought them some time. Damn it!' Deku said in his mind as Nomu kept walking closer and closer to where Deku was.

Tomura smirked, "Don't worry. As soon as we're through with you, we'll make sure to give the rest of your classmates a nice, painful, and torturous death. So when you die, you won't have to wait too long before you can see them again!" Tomura said as he laughed maniacally at the thought of killing all of the young First Years.

Deku's eyes widened as he heard Tomura's words, he grit in teeth in anger, "What did you say?"

"Did I stutter? I said that I'm going to kill all of your friends you damn brat!"

Deku gripped his fists tightly. He didn't care that his arms were broken or that he was in excruciating pain, this bastard just threatened the lives of his classmates. No! He refuses to let that happen. Not on his watch!

As Nomu kept on coming closer and closer, Deku closed his eyes as he tried to find something… anything inside him that will help. He just needs a little extra more power. In order to protect his comrades, he can't just die here. He has so many things that he still needs to do. All Might is counting on him. He can't leave his mom alone in this world. He still hasn't even met his own Father damn it!

'What would All Might do?' Izuku thought in desperation as he tried to think what his mentor and ido would do in a dire situation such as his with barely enough power left to even stand. Both of his arms were broken, his Ki was depleted due to using Kaioken X3, and his stamina was sapped to pretty much zero. But he will not give up. Knowing All Might, no matter the odds, he would still pull through and somehow find a way to win. Like how he always did. He promised to Mineta and Tsuyu that he would come back alive, and Izuku Midoriya doesn't break a promise no matter what! If he doesn't do something now then, Momo, Ochaco, Kacchan, EVERYONE IS GOING DIE!

Izuku kept on concentrating on the rage that he felt, the anger that he felt. All of the negative emotions he has felt in his life. He used that wrath to fuel him. He felt… something… something… hot inside of him.

As Nomu reached him and prepared to deliver the final blow to Izuku, little did they both know, inside of Izuku's subconscious, the golden door that had the mark of the Roman Numeral of 'I', was shaking violently. The locks on the door knob were loosening as portions of the energy and power that resided inside the sacred door was leaking…

Deku kept on thinking about the rage before his entire body was hot as the leaked energy of the sacred door enveloped him…


Nomu aimed his left hand straight for Deku's throat as that blow was meant to kill him in one shot…

But right before Nomu could connect and murder the boy on the sight, Izuku caught Nomu's hand.

Tomura was shocked as was Nomu who looked on curiously.

Izuku lifted up his head, his eyes remained close.

He opened his mouth and said something that will change everything and his life for good…