
The Pursuit To Surpass One Another...!

Chapter 5 - The Pursuit To Surpass One Another...!

- For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief. -

The air was filled with silence for a second before Bakugo's brain registered All Might's words. Those three words that completely left him immobilized as a sudden dark realization hit him in the core like a brick wall…

"Deku… beat me… "

Three words that Katsuki Bakugo never ever dreamed of uttering. But reality had different plans. And the reality is that Deku- Izuku Midoriya has beaten Kacchan- Katsuki Bakugo in a mock battle on the second day of U.A. High School.

As the smoke cleared, Izuku could be seen visibly panting and out of breath. That last attack took a lot out of him. But he still had enough energy left to stand and remain conscious. He looked at the destruction he caused and winced. He didn't mean to to cause this much damage, since he only aimed for the ceiling and the upper floors. But it seems this was the result of a full powered Detroit Smash mixed in with a little Ki. He just hoped that All Might will not deduct too many points.

Izuku looked across from him and saw Katsuki staring blankly at him, shaking. Izuku shook his head. Knowing Katsuki Bakugo as well as he did, he should've known this was what was going to happen after he invitable won. It was just a matter of time. In all honesty, Izuku didn't want to have to humiliate Katsuki, but it was necessary. He had to learn the hard way that Izuku will not let him bully and boss him around anymore. Now he means business, and he won't let anybody get in the way of achieving his dream. Not even Kacchan.

After a few seconds of silence, Bakugo finally began to speak, "Y-You… You played me right from the start. You knew that I was gonna attack you head on first. You knew that me and my teammate were going to be separated. So you orchestrated this very plan from the very beginning! You sent that girl to go after the weapon and while you distracted me and once she was in position, you launched an attack towards the upper floor where the weapon was located and that allowed her to retrieve the weapon… you baited me."

It was hard for him to admit it, but yes, Katsuki Bakugo was played and fell right into Izuku Midoriya's plan. Contrary to what many would assume, Bakugo isn't dumb and actually has a very high IQ. His overall attitude just overshadows his intellect. But he knows when he's beat. You just couldn't slice it any other way, he lost fair and square.

Izuku sighed, "Yes, you are correct." Izuku then showed his right arm to Bakugo. It was bruised and had an ugly purple and pinkish color, "You asked why I wasn't going all out right from the get-go. No, it isn't because I was underestimating you or perceived you as below me. This broken arm shows you why. I can't fully control my power yet. I can only access small portions. If I go all out, I'll end up destroying my own body in the process. It is not safe to use against real power at all if I perform an attack like I just did right now. There's still a lot I need to learn Kacchan. We both got a long way to go."

Izuku began to walk past Bakugo as he made his way to the exit, "I just want you to know Kacchan that I still believe that you are an amazing person and you have great talent and potential. Don't let this loss today bring you down. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. That's just the reality and nature of life. But true Heroes pick themselves back up and from each and every failure, they learn from their mistakes and improve themselves so that next time, they are sure to succeed." And with that last sentiment, Izuku exited the building and headed towards the Nurse's Office.

As Izuku exited the building, he came across All Might who handed him a slip of paper, "Good job Young Midoriya, you did great! You injured yourself again huh? Oh well, it can't be helped. Take this and head to Recovery Girl and she'll patch you up real quick!"

Izuku took the slip and smiled, "Thanks Sensei. Well see you later, have fun teaching the rest of the class."

But right before Izuku left, All Might decided to say one last thing, "You know you could've ended the battle much sooner. It was pretty easy to see you were holding back a lot. So why did you let it drag on for that long?"

Izuku took a second before he responded, "I couldn't do that to him. It wouldn't have been fair. If I did that, he wouldn't learn anything. I want him to take away something from this experience." And with that, Izuku walked away headed straight for Recovery Girl's office.

Meanwhile, Bakugo was still inside the building as he had his right hand open shaking in anger.

'My right… Deku predicted it… On top of that… he found a way to win the exercise… '

"You're an amazing person, so that's why I want to beat you! I want to win and surpass you, you idiot!"

As Bakugo remembered Izuku's words, he began to sweat and breathe very hard and irregularly.

'Does that mean… even if we fought all-out… Deku would completely beat… ?'

But before Bakugo could finish that thought, he felt a big and strong hand grip his shoulder.

"Come back, Young Bakugo. It's time to review the results. Whether you win or lose, looking back and learning from your experiences is a part of life.

After saying that last bit, All Might, Bakugo, Iida, and Uraraka all went back to the Monitor Room as they prepared for the next mock battles.

When Izuku made it to Recovery Girl's office, the first thing she did was scold him for being so reckless again. He apologized and said he will be more careful next time.

However, as soon as Recovery Girl healed his broken arm, Izuku immediately collapsed to unconsciousness and fell into a slumber on the bed. This was due to using One For All and Ki at the same time and the huge stamina drawback that it brings and since Recovery Girl's Quirk uses the patient's stamina, it was too much for Izuku and he had to rest.

- Inner Mindscape/Dreamscape -

During Izuku's nap, he had another strange dream, although this was different than all of the others he has had before. He opened his eyes and found himself floating in space above the Earth's atmosphere. He looked down below and gawked at the sight as he could only stare at the beautiful bright blue sphere below him. It's not like he had never seen pictures of Earth, but seeing it with your own eyes is a completely different experience than just looking at a couple of photos.

It felt so real too. Izuku could control his body and his senses which is different from his other visions. It made him much more relax as he floated around the vast void of outer space.

"Why am I here? This is so weird, why the hell am I floating in space?" Izuku said out loud as he turned his vision from Earth. He used his Ki to try to see if he can sense out anybody else's Power Level if there was anybody else in the area. He then sensed something above him and gasped in shock as he looked up.

Floating above Izuku was a large green star that shined brightly above Earth. It was comparable to the Sun, only it was green in color and much hotter and denser. Izuku immediately felt the raw power and energy that the green star as emanating. It had a fierce but calm aura that radiated absolute justice Heroism.

Izuku decided to fly upwards closer and closer to the star until he was right in front it. Surprisingly he didn't burn to death. He place his hand on the surface and felt a rush of strength and adrenaline that he had never felt before. Green lightning surrounded him as as his green eyes shined with power.

Below the star was a digital progress meter that read, "20% complete until full mastery". The meter was ⅕ of the way filled up. He tried to move his hand across the star to overthe distance that read 20%, but stopped as soon as he went over 20%. The reason was because as soon as he did that, his hand got so hot that he felt like he just place it in a pot of boiling water. He felt the immense heat travel to his core as his body couldn't handle the unbelievable power that he was feeling. He immediately retracted his hand as blew it repeatedly as in an attempt to cool it down.

"HOT HOT HOT!" Izuku yelled as he blew his hand earnestly. Once it cooled down, he took another look at the magnificent green star in front of him.

"I get it now… This star… it represents One For All… " Izuku mumbled as he could the power of One For All just oozing from the star as green lightning surrounded it.

Just then, right beside the star, appeared multiple large doors that stood tall over Izuku as they floated in the endless void of space.

The first door was golden in color and it had the Roman numeral of 'I' marked in the middle. The door knob had a large lock that prevented anyone from entering. Izuku tried to pick the lock and also rip it off with brute force but no matter how hard he tried, it just wouldn't budge. It honestly made him frustrated.

"Damn it! I just want to see what's behind that door!" Izuku shouted in annoyance as he sighed and moved to the next one.

Now the second door was twice as big and dense as the first one. One key difference was that there active blue lightning speaking around the door, similar to the green lightning around the green star. It had two locks on the knob instead of one and right in the middle was the mark of the Roman Numeral of 'II'. Izuku tried to open it, but it was even harder than the first one.

He decided to just leave it alone and move on to the next door. Now this door was quadruple the size and thickness of the second one. It had lightning around it, but this time it was much more fierce and strong as it illuminated the Izuku's figure. There were three locks on the door knob and right in the middle of the door was a mark of the Roman Numeral of 'III'. Izuku tried to open it, but the locks were even heavier than his training weights.

And right next to that, was another door, but this one definitely took the cake in terms of size. It was so tall, that it reached the height of the green star. If Izuku had to estimate, he would say the fourth door was over hundreds time as big as the third one. This door was a mix of red and black in color as it had red lightning dancing around it. It four locks with the Roman Numeral OF 'IV' marked in the middle. Izuku contemplated on attempting to open this ridiculous door, but decided that it was no use since he was unsuccessful in trying to open the previous three ones, there was no way in Hell that he was gonna open this one.

Izuku felt an immense amount of Ki from all four doors as they contained power that he has never seen before. Izuku struggled to figure out what these door meant but he was in a dead end. And he had no idea of what he could do in order to open the doors. He was lost.

"Man, why do I always get these weird kind of dreams. If only I can get some sort of sign to figure this kind of stuff out."

As if on cue, Izuku was teleported to a completely different location. When Izuku opened his eyes again, he was shocked to see he was. He was in a rocky desert with no signs of life as a clam wind flew by. Izuku tried to figure out where he was until he heard a voice.

"You should be honored you know… a low-class warrior like you hardly ever gets the chance to play with an elite warrior like me….."

Izuku turned around as he widened his eyes. There were two men who were standing face to face against one another. As he laid eyes on them, he immediately recognized them.

One was taller than the other who had spiky black unkempt hair that looked exactly like Bardock. He wore an orange gi with a blue shirt underneath. He had blue boots and wore blue wristbands. This warrior went by the name of Son Goku.

The other warrior who spoke first had black spiky hair that stood all the way up. He had a huge widows peak and a large forehead. He was wearing a blue and white model of the Saiyan Armor with shoulder pads. He had his tail wrapped around his waist.

"We Saiyans are tested for combat aptitude soon after we are born. The pitiful babies with low Power Levels are shipped off to a planet with no serious opponents… just like you were… "

Izuku was confused, "Wait, Saiyans? What's that?" Izuku asked out loud but apparently the two men couldn't see or hear him.

"If that's how I got to Earth… I'm grateful. On this planet we know that even the lowest-born can outdo the Elite if they work hard enough." Goku responded.

"Heh… at least they have a sense of humor… Now I'll show you the wall that you can never scale with 'Hard Work' alone …. " Vegeta said as he couldn't wait to put Kakarot in his place.

The two Saiyans, an elite and a low-class, got into their battle stances. Seconds later they rushed towards each other at speeds Izuku couldn't even follow and began their legendary battle…

- Outer Mindscape/Dreamscape -

Izuku opened his eyes to find a white ceiling above him. He looked towards the clock in the room to find out that it was already late afternoon.

"Oh so you're awake."

Izuku turned his head to see Recovery Girl on her chair looking over him.

"You passed out from exhaustion, but everything else seems to be fine when I looked you over as you were sleeping. Try not to overdo yourself too much okay young man?" Recovery Girl sternly said.

"Yes ma'am," Izuku replied as he got off from the bed and walked back to his homeroom. As he was walking down the halls he sighed as he thought about the events that transpired today.

"I ended up skipping my afternoon classes… Mr. Aizawa's gonna wrap me in those bindings again... " Izuku mumbled.

Another thing that stayed on his mind was the dream that he just had. He tried to think what those four doors represented or what they meant. He knew that the green star was One For All but he didn't have a single clue about the four doors. And why were they locked? Did he have to find the keys?

And why did those two men always appear in his dreams? What were they talking about? What is a Saiyan?

So many question, yet with no answers…

Izuku made it to Class 1-A's homeroom and as soon as he slid the door open he was bombarded by his classmates.

"Oh, Midoriya's here! Good work! Man, I don't know what you were saying during the match, but you were fired up!" The boy with the red hair, Eijiro Kirishima said as he congratulated Izuku on his victory.

"It was so cool seeing the top 2 students of the Entrance Exams fighting evenly!" Hanta Sero said as Izuku and Bakugo's battle as definitely the highlight of the day.

"You did a good job dodging!" Mina Ashido said with high levels of energy.

"You guys did that in the first match, so the rest of us had to give it our all, too." Sato said a she pumped up his fists.

"You were far from elegant but-" Aoyama began to say but was cut off by Mina when she yelled out that Izuku did good in dodging again as she jumped up and down excitedly.

"H-Huh?" Izuku said as he was a little embarrassed by all of the attention he was garnering. Throughout all of his school life, he was perceived as a social outcast so he never really received much praise. So now when there are people who actually respected him and acknowledged for what he can do, he didn't know how to react. It was all new to him.

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima. We're all going over the training right now."

"I'm Hanta Sero."

"I'm Yuga Aoya-"

"I'm Mina Ashido! You did a good job dodging!" Mina yelled out as she cut off Aoyama again.

"I'm Tsuyu Asui. Call me Tsu."

"I'm Sato!"

"Um… Er... " Izuku said as he tried to form words in his mouth.

"I'm Mineta!" Mineta said as he popped out of nowhere and jumped up high in front of Izuku.

"-I am Yuga Aoyama. I am a man who never stops shining."

"-Where the heck did you pop out from? You did terrible in the training."

"You're too loud… " Tokoyami said as he sat on top of a desk annoyed at the fact that his fellow classmates were bing rather noisy.

"Tokoyami! That desk is not a chair. Get off immediately." Tenya said with his strict attitude.

"It's not that big of a deal, is it?" Jiro said bluntly.


"What's with those hands, anyway?" Ojiro asked referring to Tenya's hand motions that move in patterns almost mechanically.

"You people… I cannot condone actions that disrespect the desks the great men and women who are our upperclassmen onced used!" Tenya shouted with absolute seriousness in his voice.

'Iida never wavers, does he?' Izuku thought with a sweat drop.

As that as going on, Kaminari and Ochaco entered the classroom with stacks of books in their hands.

"Hey, Uraraka, wanna grab a bite to eat sometime? What do you like?" Kaminari asked as Ochaco was oblivious to the fact that he was basically asking her out on a date.

"Mochi-" Ochaco began to say but cut herself off as soon as she saw Izuku.

"Deku-kun! How are you feeling? Are you alright? Did Recovery Girl completely heal your injuries?" Ochaco asked as she ran right to Izuku's side.

"Oh, uh yea I'm good. I passed out because of how much stamina I have, and… " Izuku said but cut himself off as he saw that Bakugo's desk and chair was empty. At that point, he just realized that Bakugo wasn't in the classroom.

"Um, Uraraka, more importantly… Where's Kacchan?" Izuku asked as he wanted to know where his former best friend was.

"We all tried to stop him, but he went home just now without saying anything." Ochaco replied.

Izuku's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry but I have to go find him before it's too late!" Izuku said right before he ran out the door leaving his classmates standing there confused.

"Hey! You tricked me, didn't you?! Was it fun tricking me all this time?! You've got a pretty strong Quirk there don't you?!"

Izuku remembered Bakugo's words as he was running down the hallway. He shook his head and opened the front door. He saw Bakugo walking out dear the front gates ready to go home.

"Kacchan! Wait up! I have to tell you something!" Izuku said as he ran towards Bakugo.

"What is it? What do you want Deku?" Bakugo asked as he stopped in his tracks and turned around to make direct eye contact with the green haired inheritor of One For All.

"There's one thing that I must tell you." Izuku said as he took a deep breath.

"Remember when you asked if I have been tricking you for all of these years? Well the answer is no, I have not been doing that. I would never even think about doing that. I'm here to make a declaration."

Bakugo raised his eyebrow as he was actually now interested into what Izuku was saying, "What kind of declaration?"

Izuku looked straight in his eyes as his face gained a completely serious and determined look, "My declaration is that now I'm officially done trying to chase behind your shadow. I'm done seeing myself as inferior to you and putting you on a pedestal. When I told you that we are now equals, I meant it. From this day forth we are rivals! I know that you want to be the Number One Hero. But guess what? I too want to be the Greatest Hero. So we will be competing with each other. In order for me to achieve my dream and ambition, I will have to work 100 times harder than anybody else. That also includes you. I'll have to be better than you if I truly want to achieve that dream. And I have accepted that fact. But don't take it the wrong way. I don't want to become your enemy. But I do want to be your rival in this pursuit to surpass one another and to greatness. So do you accept me as your rival?" Izuku asked as he laid out his fist towards to Bakugo waiting for his answer.

Bakugo looked at Izuku for a couple of seconds before he smirked and walked towards Izuku and bumped fists with him.

"Yeah, I'll accept you as my rival Deku. But know this. You beat me today, but that's all you're going to get! You will never beat me ever again you hear me! I'll be the Number One Hero and I don't care who stands in my way. You better be ready to be the Number Two Hero, because that Number One spot is all mine!" Bakugo said as he and Izuku broke the fist bump.

Izuku gave his own smirk, "Yeah, we'll see about that Kacchan. Don't think I'm going to just let you have the Number One spot. Believe me, you're going to have to EARN it! And I'll be working harder than anybody else, so be ready!" Izuku said with a sense of pride. The prospect of having a rival and competing with him on a high level to become the Number One Hero. The whole thing just made him a lot more excited. He couldn't wait until the next time they fought.

Katsuki then turn around as he prepared to head home, "Be ready because I won't be pulling any punches from tomorrow onward!"

He then left as Izuku stood there by himself as he looked up towards the sunset smiling as he couldn't wait for what the future held.

Unbeknownst to him, All Might overheard their entire conversation as he smiled in relief.

'I was worried that you were going to tell Young Bakugo the secret of One For All. Here I thought that maybe you saw as having One For All gave you an unfair advantage given that you have an inferiority complex. But it seems that I was worried for nothing. You have gotten rid of that inferiority complex and instead gained the confidence necessary to continue pushing forward towards your dream. You even gained a rival, which is a good thing. You two will give each other motivation and drive to improve and push beyond your limits. Good job today Young Izuku. Keep it up!' All Might thought as he ran back inside the school building.

Other people were also watching the exchange between the two students through the window. Those people being Mina, Ochaco, Tsuyu, and Momo.

"What were they saying? I couldn't hear a word they said?" Mina asked

"The Fated Battle Between Rivals." Ochaco stated as she watched Izuku head back towards the school building.

"From the way they fist bumped each other, maybe they possibly made up or got along?" Tsu asked as she thought that could be what they were talking about.

"No, I think it is a little more complicated than that. After what happened today, they wouldn't just 'make up'. That fist bump must have symbolized some kind of consensus that they came to. Just expect more from those two in the future." Momo said as she put her two cents in using her observational skills.

"The Fated Battle Between Rivals!" Ochaco said again as she smiled.

'Kacchan's fuse has been lit. But that doesn't change what I have to do! This means I'll have to keep on getting better and better if I want to become the Greatest Hero in the World!' Izuku thought as he went back to the classroom to get back his stuff and prepare to head home.

But unbeknownst to him, a few days later he and the rest of Class 1-A would find out how terrifying the truly cunning Villains All Might warned them about were…

In an abandoned bar located deep within the city, a young man sat reading a newspaper headlined "All Might Becomes U.A. Teacher! Closes Agency Temporarily."

"Did you see this? It says he's a teacher… Hey. What do you think will happen… if the Symbol of Peace… is killed by Villains?"

"Hey, you! How are All Might's classes?" A female news reporter asked Izuku as she and the rest of the media came up to him with a bunch of cameras and microphones. Izuku was really uncomfortable since they were all up in his personal space. He thought about making an excuse of saying that he needed to go to the nurse's office but decided against seeing as the people did deserve a little info about All Might as a teacher.

"Well, he's a really good inspiration and motivator and he has taught me a lot in regards of how to become a Hero!" Izuku said as he praised his Predecessor. As soon as he said that, he used a small portion of his Ki to quickly run inside the school building faster than the average human eye can blink. Before they could even ask Izuku another question, he was already gone out of their sight.

"Woah, where did he go?" the news reporter asked but before she could question any further, she saw Ochaco walking up to the school's entrance.

The entire news report media immediately ran towards her to ask her a question, "Will you tell us about the Symbol of Peace is like as a teacher?"

Ochaco was a little taken aback by the question, "Wh-What he's like? Um… He's very muscular!" Ochaco exclaimed as she flexed both her arms doing her best imitation of All Might.

They then saw Tenya walking to the school's entrance and they immediately ran up to him to ask some questions.

"What do you think of All Might as a teacher?"

"He made me recognize anew that I attend an educational institution that is the best of the best. Of course his dignity and character go without saying, but we students are constantly able to see his humorous side. It is a unique opportunity to learn about being a top Hero directly from one!" Tenya said with his usual serious and dramatic fashion. Unfortunately it caused the reporters to get bored as they didn't expect a teenager to be so profesional about having All Might as a teacher. They thought he would be more typical about but they were dead wrong as there is nothing typical about Tenya Iida.

"Excuse me! Can you tell me about All Migh- Oh? You're the one who was caught by the Sludge Villain... " the reporter said when they recognized Bakugo.

Bakugo got visibly irritated and annoyed when she brought up the Sludge Villain. He would like to forget about that whole incident and whenever someone reminded him about it, it really struck a nerve.

Bakugo growled at the reporters, "Leave me alone you Extras!" Bakugo continued on to the school entrance.

"Um, about All Might… Wow, you're scruffy… What's your deal?" the female news reporter asked with a grimace as Aizawa stood in front of the media.

"He's not on duty today. You are disturbing the classes. Please leave." Aizawa said as he turned around and went through the front entrance.

"Wait! I would like to speak directly with All Might!"

Aizawa sighed and shook his head as he kept walking, "I can't believe All Might was able to work as a Hero with all this."

The news reporter began to get a little frustrated, "Hey! Just a little time is fine! Just let me see All Might!" she said before she began to attempt to walk past the front entrance but abruptly stopped when a buzzer went off and metal gates were activated as they came down to block the front entrance.

"Wh-What the…?!"

"It's the U.A. Barrier. If someone tries to get in without a Student ID or a pass to enter, the security system kicks in. Apparently there are sensors all over the school."

"What the heck? They think they're so high and mighty. They could at least give a brief comment."

"Seriously, we've been here for two days, and they still won't say anything!"

The news that All might had been hired as a teacher at U.A. surprised the nation, and the media descended on the school and caused a commotion for days. Everyone knew about it…

Far behind the media and news reporters, a mysterious figure could be seen standing ominously as the wind blew around him and illuminated his persona. It wasn't just some random bystander tho…. No it is somebody with…. Ill intent….

"Good work on yesterday's combat training. I saw the video and results." Aizawa stated as Class 1-A was seated and ready to begin class. He looked towards Katsuki and said, "Bakugo, you're talented, so don't act like a kid. Be mature and accept your losses and learn from them."

"I know." Bakugo responded with an annoyed grunt.

"And Midoriya."

Izuku looked up at Aizawa and paid close attention as he heard his name.

"You settled it by breaking your arm again, huh? You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your Quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over. As long as you can fix the control issue, there's a lot you'll be able to do. You have an astounding amount of potential, so you will have to find a way to control your Quirk so you can maximize your potential. Feel a sense of urgency, Midoriya."

Izuku smiled as he understood what his teacher was saying, "Yes, sir!"

Aizawa then turned his attention towards the whole class, "Now let's get down to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice, but today, I'll have you… "

The students began anticipating on what their teacher was about to say next…

'... take another special test?!' were the thoughts of numerous students of Class 1-A but what Aizawa said next was something that they were not expecting.

"...decide on a class representative."

'It's actually a normal school activity!' The class thought in relief.

"I want to be class rep! Pick me!" Kirishima yelled out

"Me too!" Kaminari followed suit by shouting his desire to also be class rep.

"I want to do it, too!" Jiro said as she raised her hand up.

"It's a job made for m-"

"I'll be the leader!" Mina shouted as she interrupted Aoyama once again. Poor Aoyama.

'In a normal class, students might feel like they're just taking on daily duties, and this wouldn't happen, but here in the Hero Course, it's a role that allows one to practice being a top Hero by leading a group.' Izuku thought in his head as he observed the chaos that ensued in his classroom.

A lot of students were shouting out weird stuff like Mineta who said that is manifesto is for all girls' skirts to be 30 centimeters above the knee! Even Bakugo wanted to be class rep as he yellled to let him do it.

Izuku didn't know what he wanted to do. While it sounded nice to be class rep, he also didn't know if he personally was cut out for the job. He wasn't sure if he was ready for that leadership role yet. But he understood that if he wanted to be the next Symbol of Peace, it might be necessary for him to get some practice in this form.

"Silence, please!"

Everybody immediately stopped what they were doing as soon as they heard Tenya yell so that he could have their attention.

"It's a job with the serious responsibility of leading others. It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it. It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you. If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader, then we should hold an election to choose one."

"YOUR HAND IS RAISED THE HIGHEST!" Class 1-A responded as Tenya stood there with his hand raised up high showing that he too wanted to be class rep.

"Why did you suggest that?" Kaminari asked in confusion.

"We have not known each other for that long, so how can we have trust or anything?" Tsuyu said with her finger placed on her chin.

"If that's the case, and everyone votes for themselves…" Kirishima began to say.

"Don't you think that is precisely why whoever receives multiple votes here can be truly considered the most suitable person? What do you think, Mr. Aizawa?" Tenya asked as he hoped the homeroom teacher would accept his proposal.

"I don't care, as long as you decide before homeroom is over. And don't make too much noise." Aizawa responded as he feel down to the floor in his yellow sleeping bag to prepare for a nap.

"Thank you very much!"

A couple of minutes later…

Election Results

Izuku Midoriya- 3 Votes

Momo Yaoyorozu- 2 votes

"WHAT?! I got three votes?! Where the hell did those come from?!" Izuku yelled out in shock. He didn't expect to get THREE votes. Much less win. Who voted for him?

"Why Deku?! Who voted for the damn nerd?!" Bakugo yelled in rage as he jumped out of his seat.

"Well, it's better than voting for you." Sero commented.


Meanwhile Ochaco and Momo were both whistling innocently and nonchalantly as they looked the other way trying to look as normal as possible, 'Yeah, it's best if I just keep my mouth shut,' they both said in their heads.

"I give up! I give up! Zero votes… I knew that would happen… That is only to be expected of a person's calling." Tenya said as he was filled with an aura of misery of not even getting a single vote.

"You voted for someone else, huh?" Momo said in a sympathetic tone.

"But you wanted to be class rep too. What are you trying to do, Iida?" Sato asked as he couldn't get why Iida wouldn't vote for himself if he truly wanted to be class rep.

Shoto just closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Then, the class rep is Midoriya, and the deputy class rep will be Yaoyorozu." Aizawa stated in his bored and monotone voice as the two stood in front of the class.

"Well, I didn't expect to win but hey, I'll do the best that I can." Izuku said as he smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. He was a little nervous but it might be a good learning experience for him. He does want to be the Number One Hero, so this could be a good step in the right direction.

"I'm sure you'll do fine Izuku-kun. You're more than cut out for the job!" Momo encouraged Izuku as she smiled and winked at him.

"Hey you know what, this might not be too bad." Tsuyu commented as she approved of the class rep and deputy class rep.

"After all's said and done, Midoriya can be pretty fired up, anyway. He's a guy I wouldn't mind being class rep. And Yaoyorozu was cool when we were going over the battle results!" Kirishima stated as he also liked the idea of having Izuku as their class rep.

As everyone discussed the outcome of the election, it was quiet for Tenya as he just sat there taking in the fact that he didn't get a single vote.

Lunch Time…

"Wow! There are a lot of people today too!" Ochaco said as the entire cafeteria was packed full with students as there was a lot of noise and activity going on.

"That's because everyone in the Hero Course, Support Course, and Management Course meets in the same place." Tenya replied.

Ochaco took a big bite from her white rice and smiled in pleasure, "The rice is so delicious!"

Izuku sighed, "Even though I've been chosen as Class Rep, I don't know if I'm qualified for it." Izuku said as he began to eat his food.

"You are." Ochaco said bluntly as she continued to chew her food.

"Don't worry about it, you are completely capable of the job." Momo said as well as she also ate her food with them.

"It'll be fine. Your courage and judgment at critical moments make you worth following. Out of all of us, you're the one who probably has the most Heroic spirit. That's why I voted for you." Tenya said before he took another spoonful of his food.

"It was you?" Izuku asked in shock. Didn't he want to be class rep?

"Me too." Ochaco stated.

"Me three." Momo said.

"Wait a second?! So you all voted for me!?" Izuku said in shock as his eyes grew big and wide and almost bulged out.

"But didn't you want to be class rep, too, Iida? I mean, you've got glasses and everything." Ochaco said bluntly and outright.

'Uraraka just talks without thinking… ' Izuku thought with a sweatdrop.

Tenya took a sip of his orange juice, "Wanting to do it and being suitable for it are different issues. I merely did what I judged to be correct."

" 'Merely'? You don't usually use that word… " Izuku said in confusion.

"Oh that's… " Tenya mumbled.

"I've been thinking… Are you a rich boy, Iida?" Ochaco asked in curiosity.

"Rich… I tried to change how I talk because I didn't want to be called that." Tenya said.

Izuku, Ochaco and Momo stared at him, urging and pleading for him to go on and explain.

Tenya sighed and decided why not?

"Yes, my family has been Heroes for generations. I'm the second son."

"What?! Wow!" Izuku, Momo and Ochaco exclaimed

"Do you know the Turbo Hero, Ingenium?" Iida asked.

"Of course! He's a really popular Hero who has 65 sidekicks working at his Tokyo agency!" Izuku stated going into fanboy mode. "Wait, don't tell me… !"

Tenya smirked as he stood and placed his hands on his heads, "He is my elder brother!" Tenya said with pride.

"He's telling us straight out!"

"That's amazing!"

"He is a likable Hero who honors the rules and leads people. I set my sights on being a Hero because I want to be like my brother. However, I think it is still too soon for me to lead others. Unlike me, Midoriya realized the point of the practical portion of the Entrance Exam, so he's more suitable for the job." Tenya said but he stopped as he saw that the three were staring at him with amazement.

"This might be the first time I've seen you smile, Iida. " Ochaco said.

"What, really? I smile!" Tenya said as he was surprised that Ochaco would even say something like that.

Izuku smiled and thought to himself, 'Ingenium is to Iida what All Might is to me. But, I should tell him… '

"About the Entrance Exam… I didn't know that there was any secret to it. I just did what I thought was right. I didn't care about the extra points that I could've gotten or that the Zero Pointer was only a decoy. I wasn't going to let an innocent person get hurt or worse when I knew I could've done something." Izuku finished but was confused when he saw that the three just stared at him.

"Ummmm, is there something wrong?" Izuku asked

"You do realize that makes it even better, right?" Momo told him as she smiled and giggled, but before Izuku could respond an alarm buzzer went off gaining the attention of all of the students in the cafeteria.

"An alarm?" Izuku said.

"-There has been a Level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly."

"What's a Level 3 security?" Tenya asked an upperclassman.

"It means someone is trespassing on school grounds! I've never seen anything like this in the three years I've been here! You should hurry, too!" he said before he ran out of his chair to evacuate.

What happened afterwards was pure havoc as everyone tried to evacuate at the same time in a rush in complete disorder. Everybody was squished up together and there was barely any breathing room. It was quite the uncomfortable predicament.

"Ow… " Ochaco and Momo both said as they pushed tightly against each other painful as there was a bunch of commotion going on.

"As expected of the best of the best. Everyone reacts quickly in a crisis!" Tenya shouted as he too was being squished.

"Th-They're so quick that its causing a panic!" Izuku said in a strained voice as he too was in an uncomfortable position.

"Enough of this already!" Izuku yelled as he flew up in the air to finally get some personal space and breathing room and get out of that painful squishing environment.

"Who in the world trespassed?" Izuku asked in curiosity as he thought that U.A. had an extremely tough security system. As he looked out the window though, he wasn't expecting what he saw.

"That's… the press!"

"Give us All Might!" the same female reporter from this morning demanded angrily. "He's here, isn't he?!"

"We told you, he's not here!" Present Mic said as he too was getting a little annoyed by the consistent questions of the press and media.

"If you just give us one brief comment, we'll leave!"

"If you guys get one comment, you'll want another. That's just how you are." Aizawa responded as he couldn't believed that these reporters actually managed to get passed the security system.

"They're illegal trespassers, you know. You could call them Villains. You think we can beat them up?" Present Mic whispered in Aizawa's ear.

"Don't do it, Mic. They'll write up a bunch of half-truths about you. Let's wait for the police." Aizawa replied.

Izuku saw the chaos that was happening and just shook his head at the thought that this was caused just because the media wanted an interview with All Might.

'I have to do something! I have to let everyone know that everything is okay.' Izuku thought to himself as he flew to where the exit was located so that everybody could see him.

'Okay, here goes nothing…. ' Izuku thought nervously.

He took a deep breath and made sure to make his voice louder and deeper by infusing it with a little bit of Ki energy.

"EVERYONE! Calm down! It is just the media and press! There is nothing to worry about. The teachers got the situation under control. There is nothing to fear! This is U.A. for crying out loud. Let's act like we have some sense and show why we are the best of the best!

Every student quieted down and sighed in relief. They heard police sirens which signified that the media would be gone any minute. Tenya, Ochaco and Momo smiled as they happy Izuku stepped up and did what he needed to do to get the situation under control.

Meanwhile, outside the police arrived.

"Goodbye, bad mass media! It's quiet for all of ya!" Present Mic said as the press finally left after the police arrived and ordered them to leave unless they wanted to get arrested.

Izuku looked at the scene and smile. The situation was resolved!

He looked at his reflection in the window and thought to himself, 'Hmmm, maybe I am cut out for this class rep job. Alright! No more doubting myself! I can do anything I put my mind to, all I have to do is believe in myself. That's why All Might chose me as his Successor!' Izuku said with a sense of pride as a new aura of confidence enveloped him which will help in his future endeavors in more ways than one.

Meanwhile at U.A.'s Front Entrance….

Four figures could be seen standing near the front entrance, one of them being Recovery Girl and 2 other teachers at U.A..

The one in front of the three of them resembled an anthropomorphic mouse/bear as he saw what was in front of him which confused him greatly.

"How were the ordinary members of the press able to do something like this? Someone instigated this. Did someone evil slip in, or was it intended to be a declaration of war?"

The reason that he said this was because the metal gate that once stood in front of the entrance as a form of security was completely broken down and reduced to dust. Only bits and pieces remained….

...who could have done this?...

"Listen Heroes, don't come after me. If you do, I'm gonna kill this rich family here." A giant pink Villain stated as he held three civilians as hostages. The Heroes he was referring to were Mt. Lady, Kamui Woods and one other Hero who were all on the ground panting as they were out of breath fighting the Villain before them.

"It's fine now, family! MISSOURI SMASH!"

All Might came down from the sky in his yellow suit and karate chopped the back of the Villain's neck effectively knocking him out and saving the three civilians in the process.

"Why? Because I am here on my way to work!"

"A hit-and-run!" another civilian shouted out loud.

"It'll be bad if I'm late, but… !" All Might jumped high in the air in pursuit of the car.

'I've gotten slower…? After I gave Young Midoriya One For All, my powers have been weakening. On top of that, after forcing myself that time, the time I can spend in this form has gotten shorter than before.' All Might thought as he caught the car that committed the hit-and-run and smashed the engine to prevent it from going anywhere else.

'Young Midoriya… please think carefully about what it means to have this power. If word gets out, it's clear that the world would be teeming with those trying to steal the power from you. This secret should be kept both to prevent chaos in society and for your sake.' All Might said in his head as he thought about the safety of his Successor and what dangers bearing One For All would bring to him.

Even if Izuku is a suitable vessel, he is still only a 15-year-old boy. He still has much left to learn if he wants to become the Greatest Hero.

"Someone's barricaded themselves in the neighboring town!"

As soon as he heard that, All Might blasted off once again to go resolve the issue.

"For today's Hero Basic Training, its turned into a class with three instructors, All Might and me, and one more person." Aizawa revealed to the class as they wondered who the third teacher could be.

' Turned into? I wonder if it is a special case?' Izuku thought.

"Excuse me! What will we be doing?" Sero asked.

Aizawa held out a card that the word 'RESCUE' in blue letters printed on it, "Disasters, shipwrecks, and everything in between. It's rescue training!"

"Rescue… Looks like it'll be a lot of work this time, too." Kaminari said.

"Right?" Mina agreed with him.

"Idiot, this is the duty of a Hero! My arms are ready to rumble!" Kirishima said as he was fired up.

"No one can beat me in water, ribbit." Tsuyu said as she too anticipated the rescue training.

"Hey, I'm not done. You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time. Because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities, too." Aizawa said as he used a remote to make the numbered boxes that contain the students'' costumes come out of the wall.

"The training will take place off-campus, so we're taking a bus. That is all. Start getting ready."

And with that, the students got up from their chairs and began to prepare to head to rescue training.

'Rescue training… What I've admired... ' Izuku thought as he remembered the video of All Might's debut. The one where he watched countless of times as a kid. He tightened his right fist.

'It's training to get another step closer to being the Greatest Hero. I'll do my best!'

Izuku went outside wearing his Saiyan Armor that he wore last time. The SUpport Course was able to repair the damage that was caused by Bakugo in their fight. Izuku got a new red headband that he held in his hand.

"Oh, Izuku-kun, the Support Course was able to fix your costume? It got pretty banged up when you and Bakugo fought." Momo asked as she wa surprised that they were able to fix it so quickly.

Izuku rubbed his head sheepishly, "Yeah I really liked this armor so I asked nicely if they could fix as soon as possible. And it turned out alright!" Izku turned his head the other way trying not to make eye contact as he tried to hide the blush on his face from seeing Momo's costume.

'Damn, what is it with these girls and their sexy costumes?!'

Iida blew a loud whistle which caught the attention of everyone present, "Class 1-A, gather round! Form two lines by your student numbers in order to make boarding the bus go smoothly!"

"Where did he get the whistle from? Iida is really going at full throttle." Izuku said with a sweat drop.

On the bus….

"Shoot. I didn't think it'd be this type of bus." Tenya said as he had his head down as the bus was more similar to a public transport where there was a lot of space to walk around.

"There was no point, huh?" Mina said as since there was so much space, they didn't need to make two lines to get in the bus smoothly.

"I say whatever comes to mind. Midoriya… " Tsuyu said

"Um, yes, Asui?"

"Call me Tsu."

"R-Right… my bad." Izuku apologized.

"Your Quirk is like All Might's." Tsuyu said bluntly.

"H-Huh? Y-Y-You think so? But I'm… uh… " Izuku stuttered nervously. Did she figure out his secret?

"Wait a sec, Tsu, All Might doesn't get hurt when he uses his. They just kind of look the same." Kirishima said.

"Phew…." Izuku whispered as he thought he almost got caught red handed.

"But it's nice to have a simple augmenting-type Quirk. You can do lots of flashy stuff! My Hardening's strong against others, but unfortunately, it doesn't look like much." Kirishima said as sharp edges appeared on his left arm.

"Don't say that! I think it's really cool. It gives you a defensive edge in battle. It's a Quirk that can definitely pass as a Pro's!" Izuku said honestly as he truly thought Kirishima's Quirk is pretty handy in battle.

"A Pro's, huh? But you have to think about popularity as a Hero, too, you know." Kirishima replied.

"My Navel Laser is Pro-Level in both flashiness and strength." Aoyama said confidently.

"But its not great that it gives you a stomachache." Mina said as she giggled at Aoyama's annoyed face.

"Well, if you're talking about flashy and strong, it's gotta be Todoroki and Bakugo, though, huh?" Kirishima said as he pointed towards where Bakugo was sitting.

"Bakugo is always mad, so he doesn't seem like he'll be popular, though." Tsuyu said which struck a nerve within Katsuki as it caused him to react.

"What the hell! You wanna fight!" Bakugo yelled as he stood up from his seat

"See?" Tsuyu said as she pointed at Bakugo who just proved her point.

"We have not known each other for that long, so it's amazing that everyone already knows his personality is crap steeped in sewage." Kaminari said.

"What's with that vocabulary, bastard?! I'll kill you!"

"Kacchan's being teased… I never thought I would see the day! Wow, I guess that's U.A. for you!" Izuku said as he started chuckling.

"What a vulgar conversation." Momo said as she cover her mouth with her hand.

"But I like stuff like this, too." Ochaco replied cheerily.

"We're here. Stop messing around." Aizawa stated as the bus stopped.

"Yes, sir!"

When the class got off the bus, they were greeted by an interesting sight.

"Everyone, I have been waiting for you."

Izuku smiled as he went into fanboy mode, "It's the Space Hero, Thirteen! The gentlemanly Hero who has rescued tons of people from disasters!"

"Oh, I loved Thirteen!" Ochaco said as she also was excited from seeing one of her favorite Pro Heroes.

Thirteen's costume consisted of a white space suit with a black helmet with white eyes. He wore a pair of yellow boots.(A/N: Thirteen's gender hasn't been revealed at the time this is being written so I'm going to just say he's a guy. If it is later revealed that he's actually a girl, then I'll come back and edit it.)

"Let's go inside without delay."

"Look forward to working with you!" The students of Class 1-A said as they made their way inside the facility.

When the students entered, they were amazed at what they say. There were many different areas where different activities of rescue training can be performed. For example, there was a section that as water themed and there was a fire themed section as well.

"Wow, it looks like USJ!"

"A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, ecteria. It is a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and disasters. It's called the 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint,' or 'USJ' for short!" Thirteen said.

'It really is USJ… ' Class 1-A thought.

"Thirteen, where is All Might. He was supposed to meet us here.?" Aizawa asked Thirteen.

"About that… It looks like he did too much Hero work on his way to U.A. and ran out of time, so he's resting in the lounge." Thirteen replied as he held up three fingers.

Aizawa sighed, "That's the height of irrationality. Well, we took precautions just in case… It can't be helped. Shall we begin?"

"Let's see… Before we begin, let me say one thing… er… or two, or three… or four… five… six… seven... "

The students sweatdropped, 'Why is the number increasing so much?'

"Everyone, I am sure you are aware of my Quirk, Black Hole. I can suck up anything and turn it to dust. " Thirteen said as he explained his Quirk.

"You've been able to use that Quirk to save people from all kinds of disasters, right?" Izuku asked.

"Yes but it is a power that can easily kill others. Some of you also have Quirks like that, right?"

Izuku looked at his hands as he knew what Thirteen is referring to.

"In a superhuman society, personal Quirks have been certified and stringently regulated, so that doesn't seem to be a problem at first glance. However, please do not forget that there are many Quirks that can easily kill with one wrong step. With Aizawa's physical fitness test, you found out about the possibility of your own hidden powers, and with All Might's person-to-person combat training, I think you have experienced the danger of using those powers against others. This class is a fresh start. You shall learn how to use your Quirks to save people's lives. You do not have powers so you can harm others. I hope you leave here with the understanding that you have powers in order to help others. That is all. Thank you for listening." Thirteen finished his speech with a bow.

'All of what he said is true. I have powers that can kill people if I'm not careful. That's why I have to learn and master these powers so I can use them to help those in need and become a true Hero!' Izuku said in his mind as he prepared for whatever he needed to do next.

It was now Aizawa's turn to speak, "All right then, first-"

But before he could finish his sentence, the various lights and electricity went off. And in the middle of the USJ, appeared a purple portal that was created by a being who made out of purple mist. Out of the portal came out a man with multiple hands around his body.

Aizawa widened his eyes at this, "Gather together and don't move! Thirteen, protect the students!"

Kirishima asked, "What's that?"

Out of the portal came more figures each looking unique thanks to their own personal Quirks.

"Is this like the Entrance Exam where the lesson has already started?" Kirishima said

"DON'T MOVE!" Aizawa commanded as he put on his yellow goggles.

Izuku looked at the many people who came out of the purple portal. He sensed their Power Levels and deciphered that most of them were not really that impressive as they were not on a Pro Hero's level like Aizawa. But what shocked him is when a huge person came out who had black skin has many scars. His brain was exposed on the top of his head with his large eyes around it. He had a mouth that resembled a bird's beak. Overall, he just looked like a monster that was created in a lab. It didn't look natural at all. Izuku sensed his Power Level and was taken aback of how high it was. He dare say it was comparable to All Might's. The other two people who were of noteworthy strength were the man with the fake hands all around his body and the purple mist like figure who created the portal. Those three were the strongest.

"Mr. Aizawa, what's going on? This doesn't seem right." Izuku said as he knew something was up. Where did all of these people come from?

"Those are Real Villains… " Aizawa replied.

Izuku's eyes widened in shock. Villains? What are they doing here. What do they want? What are they after. How were they able to find this place? So many questions, yet no answers.

Little did they know… The USJ invasion had already begun…